Re: chords

2024-01-18 Thread Charlie Ma
I'd use Single Staff Polyphony : << { 2} \\ { c4,, s1 } >> | [image: image.png] On Thu, Jan 18, 2024 at 7:33 AM wrote: > Send lilypond-user mailing list submissions to > lilypond-user@g

Re: Ties across voices; tried two methods

2024-01-24 Thread Charlie Ma
I just joined this group and have learned so much already. First time answering. Hope this is right (works for me anyway.) Butter Cream: for the first tie put the first b-flat in the same "voice." for the 2nd tie use \repeatTie. \repeat volta 2 { 4 8 ~ r8 << { bes4~ } \\ { s4 } >> |

Re: cadenza puzzle

2024-01-26 Thread Charlie Ma
not sure what you wanted to achieve with "global." But is this what you are looking for? See \version "2.24.2" \pointAndClickOff global = \relative { \time 4/4 s1*8 \bar "|." } cadenzaMeasure = { \

Re: Assembling individual scores into a book

2024-02-12 Thread Charlie Ma
I had the same challenge recently. See the attached. The individual parts are in a "/parts" directory. The "" file assembles the parts into a book with TOC. I've also attached a simple script (assemble_book) to generate the file (unix bash). I am a newb with lilypond, so I'm sure t

Re: Assembling individual scores into a book

2024-02-12 Thread Charlie Ma
I should add that one issue with this method is with optimizing page turns. E.g., if you were relying on a piece to start on an odd page but the prior piece in the book ended on an odd page, you'd end up having to insert a blank page in order to preserve your intended page turn. For large books thi