I just joined this group and have learned so much already. First time
answering. Hope this is right (works for me anyway.)

Butter Cream:
for the first tie put the first b-flat in the same "voice."
for the 2nd tie use \repeatTie.

\repeat volta 2 {
        <d g,>4 <e' g,>8 <c g>~ <c g> r8  << { bes4~ } \\ { s4 } >> |
        \alternative {
            { << { bes8 g4 g8~ g2 } \\ { <d f>2 <c e>2 } >> | <g d'>4 r r2
| }
            { << { bes'8\repeatTie g4 g8~ g2 } \\ { <d f>2 <c e>2 } >> | <b
d>4 r r2 | }

[image: image.png]

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