Centering / Indenting a paragraph?

2012-11-23 Thread Bric
Hi, I'm new to this list and to lilypond I just learned that I can do this: \markup { \fill-line { \hspace #1 \column { \line { This is my first verse } \line { For Column 1 as a supplemental } \line { Text blurb below the score } \line { This is when I don't

Re: Centering / Indenting a paragraph?

2012-11-23 Thread Bric
On November 23, 2012 at 3:29 PM SoundsFromSound wrote: > Bric wrote > > Hi, I'm new to this list and to lilypond > > > > How do I shift the paragraph? > > > > Also, while we're on this topic: > > > > (2) How do I add an empty line (forced

Re: Centering / Indenting a paragraph?

2012-11-23 Thread Bric
On November 23, 2012 at 4:08 PM Thomas Morley wrote: > 2012/11/23 Bric : > > Hi, I'm new to this list and to lilypond > > > > I just learned that I can do this: > > > > > > \markup { > > \fill-line { > > \hspace #1 &g

Re: Centering / Indenting a paragraph?

2012-11-24 Thread Bric
On November 23, 2012 at 6:17 PM Trevor Daniels wrote: > > Bric, you wrote Friday, November 23, 2012 10:57 PM > > > Nope. Removed all the "\hspace"s. The third paragraph (set of \line's) is > > still rammed all the way to the left, crossing the gutter. >

2.17.7 won't compile

2012-11-27 Thread Bric
I'm getting this error on "make": --- begin quote - ! I can't find file `mfplain'. l.27 input mfplain --- end quote --- What is "mfplain" ? Online searching fails to explain. I'm on Ubuntu Maverick (10.10). Thanks. _

output to a single, unwrapped, one-"line" PNG ?

2012-12-16 Thread Bric
Hi, all Is there a way to have lilypond output to a very long, skinny PNG image with a one-"line" score? In other words, no wrapping or line breaking — bar after bar laid out horizontally, to the very end (and, of course, only one instance of Clefs, Time Signature, Key — at the very beginning) T

Re: output to a single, unwrapped, one-"line" PNG ?

2012-12-16 Thread Bric
On December 16, 2012 at 7:11 AM David Kastrup wrote: > Bric writes: > > > Hi, all > > > > Is there a way to have lilypond output to a very long, skinny PNG > > image with a > > one-"line" score? > > > > In other words, no wrapping or l

Re: output to a single, unwrapped, one-"line" PNG ?

2012-12-16 Thread Bric
ious reply, about my bug. I am getting the extra blank space, below the score — about an 800-pixel excess for the image height (the actual score line is just below the top border. Auto-cropping in gimp seems to fix that quickly. > > Richard Shann > > On Sun, 2012-12-16 at 13:11 +0100, D

Re: svg output

2013-03-18 Thread Bric
> On December 16, 2012 at 4:52 PM Gerard McConnell wrote: > > Apparently Microsoft has created the problem: > > «Known issues with this security update > > We are aware of issues related to OpenType Font (OTF) rendering in > applications such as PowerPoint on affected versions of Windows

Re: svg output

2013-04-14 Thread Bric
> On March 18, 2013 at 1:38 PM Eluze wrote: > > > Bric wrote > > > > lilypond -o outfile.svg -fsvg > > please note that lilypond adds the extension automatically so probably you > want to write > > lilypond -o outfile -dbackend=svg infile.

chord symbol styling

2015-10-26 Thread Bric
none of the threads discussing this lead to any solution, in my research How do you change font-family, font-style, font-size of the chord fonts? I have tried things like... \override ChordName #'font-name = "DejaVu Serif" \override ChordName #'font-size = #2 \override ChordName #'f

Re: chord symbol styling

2015-10-27 Thread Bric
On 10/27/2015 12:05 AM, tisimst wrote: \override ChordName #'font-size = #2 \override ChordName #'font-family = #'roman \override ChordName #'font-series = #'bold wonderful! it works. Including ChordName.color For some reason, font-size seems to have a minimum. Value "1" seems to

what is the object associated with extraNatural ?

2016-01-02 Thread Bric
The extraNatural property is a boolean, for key signature change, which switches off/on the appearance of cancellation naturals. But what is the name of the actual engraving object for the set of naturals that appear? (Such that one may change its visual properties (like color, size, and what

Re: what is the object associated with extraNatural ?

2016-01-02 Thread Bric
On 01/02/2016 02:19 PM, Noeck wrote: Hi, I am not sure whether you talk about key signatures or accidentals. In case of key signatures it is KeyCancellation (as Kieren said), in case of accidentals (which seems more likely as you refer to extraNatural), it is Accidental. For this graphical o

how to produce this symbol?

2016-01-09 Thread Bric
attaching a png of some sort of glissando or downward run. Does anyone know how to produce it in lilypond ? thanks ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: how to produce this symbol?

2016-01-09 Thread Bric
On 01/09/2016 10:48 AM, Pierre Perol-Schneider wrote: Hi Bric, How about : \version "2.18.2" \transpose c c'' { s2. r4 | dis8 ^\markup { \translate #'(-5 . 0) \rotate #-45 \pattern #4 #X #0 \musicglyph #"scripts.trill_element" } e g

Re: nuancing and customizing midi rendering

2014-01-20 Thread Bric
On 01/15/2014 02:37 PM, Peter Bjuhr wrote: On 01/15/2014 08:28 PM, Bric wrote: Please forgive me if this has been discussed and/or documented; I haven't found specifics yet. Are there lilypond controls for things like staccato, accents, and other articulations/dynamics, with respect to

rolled (arpeggiated) chord

2014-02-05 Thread Bric
there is a recent thread with the subject "rolled chords" but I couldn't see the answer to my quest(ion) there. What is the lilypond code for expressing a rolled chord? A vertical squiggly line to the left of a chord? I tried \arpeggio, but it doesn't seem to work. do I have the right code

Re: rolled (arpeggiated) chord

2014-02-05 Thread Bric
On 02/05/2014 06:04 AM, Bric wrote: there is a recent thread with the subject "rolled chords" but I couldn't see the answer to my quest(ion) there. What is the lilypond code for expressing a rolled chord? A vertical squiggly line to the left of a chord? I tried \arpeggio,

help with recompile

2014-02-19 Thread Bric
I need to recompile. I upgraded to bleeding-edge, pre-release ubuntu Trusty 14.04. (Yeah. I know. Probably dumb.) Got a bunch of packages with build-depend ("sudo apt-get build-dep lilypond") ./configure is now giving me: ERROR: Please install required programs: FlexLexer.h (flex package)

Re: help with recompile

2014-02-19 Thread Bric
On 02/19/2014 03:28 PM, Bric wrote: I need to recompile. I upgraded to bleeding-edge, pre-release ubuntu Trusty 14.04. (Yeah. I know. Probably dumb.) Got a bunch of packages with build-depend ("sudo apt-get build-dep lilypond") ./configure is now giving me: ERROR: Please instal

Re: help with recompile

2014-02-23 Thread Bric
On 02/19/2014 06:01 PM, Bric wrote: On 02/19/2014 03:28 PM, Bric wrote: I need to recompile. I upgraded to bleeding-edge, pre-release ubuntu Trusty 14.04. (Yeah. I know. Probably dumb.) Got a bunch of packages with build-depend ("sudo apt-get build-dep lilypond") ./configure is

Re: help with recompile

2014-02-23 Thread Bric
On 02/23/2014 04:58 AM, Federico Bruni wrote: 2014-02-20 0:01 GMT+01:00 Bric>>: On 02/19/2014 03:28 PM, Bric wrote: I need to recompile. I upgraded to bleeding-edge, pre-release ubuntu Trusty 14.04. (Yeah. I know. Probably dumb.) Got a

Re: help with recompile - solved

2014-02-25 Thread Bric
On 02/23/2014 06:58 AM, Federico Bruni wrote: 2014-02-23 12:26 GMT+01:00 Bric>>: On 02/23/2014 04:58 AM, Federico Bruni wrote: My experience says "python" can be a mess, in terms of versions (backwards incompatibility

how to force shortened staff lines?

2014-09-16 Thread Bric
i want to generate a landscape score, but one where the staff lines extend some percentage of the printable area - let's say, 70%. Leaving 30% width blank, on the right, for hand-written annotations (upon printout). I've tried: line-width = 70% , line-width = 7.0\in , and

Re: how to force shortened staff lines?

2014-09-16 Thread Bric
had overlooked the offending directive earlier; it was: line-width = 13.5\in so sorry. I have a different though related question; postingas a separate thread. thank you! Can you post a short example that shows us the problem? Knute Snortum (via Gmail) On Tue, Sep 16, 2014 at

a column of text to the right of the score

2014-09-16 Thread Bric
earlier today I asked about creating blank margins for HAND-WRITTEN annotations (and got help - thanks). I would also like to know how one can include typed text in the same space, as a column of text to the right of the score, spanning the full height of the printable area - for comments, v

Re: Unicode Font Issues

2014-11-01 Thread Bric
On 10/31/2014 07:29 AM, Jay Vara wrote: I tried to use unicode fonts for the lyrics. While the fonts show perfectly well in the input file, the output is not correct. Is there a workaround? %% \version "2.18.2" \score { \new Staff \relative c' { << {c2 d

Re: Unicode Font Issues

2014-11-03 Thread Bric
On 11/02/2014 05:22 AM, Jay Vara wrote: Yes, you are right. The unicode fonts failed on 2.19.5. I even tried the new windows 10 and it failed. Now that I know it works on linux (thanks to Bric), I will try to get access to linux using virtual box and try it out. Just my two cents about

Re: Unicode Font Issues

2014-11-03 Thread Bric
On 11/03/2014 08:09 AM, Martin Tarenskeen wrote: On Mon, 3 Nov 2014, Bric wrote: One particular, however: I would stay away from "Unity", and opt for "GNOME" during installation. Someone could still correct me and persuade me about the glory of Unity, but I have instin

Chord Symbol fonts

2014-11-07 Thread Bric
how does one change the fonts for the chord symbols? (I am finding lots of info on the general font setting, but not this, in particular) ___ lilypond-user mailing list

insert an arbitrary SVG ?

2013-09-21 Thread Bric
Is there a way to insert an arbitrary SVG shape? If there is not, I presume a "work-around" would be inserting a glyph from some special font. (The latter method would not allow for multiple colors, of course, inside the SVG shape). TIA ___ lilypond-u

7-year-old question

2013-10-19 Thread Bric
In 2005 someone asked this - Can one generate/access a list of coordinates for each rendered note/chord (per staff)? (I don't think it should matter that a lot of scaling happens; one could probably reverse the scaling thr

Re: 7-year-old question

2013-10-21 Thread Bric
On 10/20/2013 12:25 AM, Jay Anderson wrote: On Sat, Oct 19, 2013 at 7:12 PM, Bric wrote: In 2005 someone asked this - Can one generate/access a list of coordinates for each rendered note/chord (per staff)? Check out

midi (and ONLY! midi) transposing

2013-10-23 Thread Bric
For scores with multiple instruments of various tunings, how do you tell lilypond to to render midi with "normalized" pitch (everything adjusted to concert pitch, appropriately) — WITHOUT transposing the visual, written notes. E.g., a trumpet part is written a whole tone higher, and you wan

Re: midi (and ONLY! midi) transposing

2013-10-24 Thread Bric
On 10/23/2013 05:07 AM, Rutger Hofman wrote: On 10/23/2013 10:55 AM, Bric wrote: For scores with multiple instruments of various tunings, how do you tell lilypond to to render midi with "normalized" pitch (everything adjusted to concert pitch, appropriately) — WITHOUT transposing

id's for svg elements

2013-10-26 Thread Bric
can someone help scope out the task of adding semantically sound unique identifiers to the svg elements? Such that the id bears info on, at least, the staff, (maybe bar), and note/chord index (consecutive integer index, for instance) the "output-svg.scm" script has various routines to build t

Re: id's for svg elements

2013-10-26 Thread Bric
On 10/26/2013 04:15 AM, Mike Solomon wrote: On Oct 26, 2013, at 10:51 AM, Bric wrote: can someone help scope out the task of adding semantically sound unique identifiers to the svg elements? Such that the id bears info on, at least, the staff, (maybe bar), and note/chord index (consecutive

Re: id's for svg elements

2013-10-27 Thread Bric
On 10/27/2013 03:29 AM, David Kastrup wrote: Mike Solomon writes: On Oct 27, 2013, at 12:57 AM, Bric wrote: Hi! I see it. And I can see that you're doing some sort of awesome magic here, but it remains a total mystery... looking at the code, and looking at the result, alike. (wha

latest source (was Re: id's for svg elements)

2013-10-27 Thread Bric
On 10/27/2013 03:07 AM, Mike Solomon wrote: (PS: how is it that you have 2.17.30, when the latest version is 2.17.29 ? ) I build LilyPond from source, and the current version in current master is 2.17.30. uuuh... so did /I/, from 2.17.2

modular "markup" and arguments

2013-11-05 Thread Bric
Hi, all I was pleasantly astounded that lilypond allows for things like boo = { \once { \override NoteHead.color = #red } } and then "mark up" notes sporadically, with \boo cis' \boo d But here's what I want (give me an inch, I'll want a lightyear!) I want the ability to distribu

Re: modular "markup" and arguments

2013-11-05 Thread Bric
On 11/05/2013 03:08 PM, David Kastrup wrote: Paul Morris writes: But I think what you really want is a music function: \version "2.17.29" boo = #(define-music-function (parser location the-music) (ly:music?) #{ \override NoteHead.color = #red #the-music \re

Re: modular "markup" and arguments

2013-11-06 Thread Bric
On 11/05/2013 07:51 PM, David Kastrup wrote: Bric writes: On 11/05/2013 03:08 PM, David Kastrup wrote: Paul Morris writes: But I think what you really want is a music function: \version "2.17.29" boo = #(define-music-function (parser location the-music)

Re: modular "markup" and arguments

2013-11-07 Thread Bric
On 11/07/2013 12:31 AM, Paul Morris wrote: Bric wrote So, can one throw in conditionals? (1) Can one, for instance, check/manifest the pitch and duration of '#the-music' ? And based on those values are, write something or not? (2) And how DOES one write something extra? For exam

Re: modular "markup" and arguments

2013-11-07 Thread Bric
On 11/07/2013 05:57 AM, David Kastrup wrote: Bric writes: So, obviously, just to add a "^markup" to the music function is not trivial. I'm gathering that (text) markup belongs to an "event function", rather than a "music function", and the two can't

chart alignment

2013-12-27 Thread Bric
How can I avoid the following glitch: (the final fret chart is misaligned, rising above the adjacent one, instead of vertically aligning with the one on its left.) also struggling with labelling the chords with the chord letters (A, C#m, etc.), but

Re: chart alignment

2013-12-28 Thread Bric
On 12/28/2013 09:58 AM, Alex Loomis wrote: The documentation for chords is here: I had read these docs. They don't quite explain everything. Without a tiny example of the offending code it's difficult to be sure, but I

midiInstrument not rendered for some values

2014-01-10 Thread Bric
trying random instruments from the list of instruments on this page: here are the values for which my timidity (version 2.13.2) creates an audible track (a few picked at random): cello xylophone pan flute

Re: midiInstrument not rendered for some values

2014-01-13 Thread Bric
On 01/11/2014 09:51 AM, Martin Tarenskeen wrote: On Sat, 11 Jan 2014, Noeck wrote: But you can do better than default timidity: timidity/timidity++ has no default soundfont. In fact it doesn't have a soundfont at all. It's the distributions that provide a soundfont or patchset and use thi

nuancing and customizing midi rendering

2014-01-15 Thread Bric
Please forgive me if this has been discussed and/or documented; I haven't found specifics yet. Are there lilypond controls for things like staccato, accents, and other articulations/dynamics, with respect to midi output? I noticed that the midi output is sensitive to the "\staccato" directiv

compiling 2.19.83 needs guile-config < 1.9.0

2020-01-16 Thread Bric
I think this was discussed before, but i'm not sure how to downgrade guile on Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS I tried building guile-1.8.0, guile-1.8.4, guile-1.8.5, but the build fails for all three. lilypond ./configure error: ERROR:

Re: compiling 2.19.83 needs guile-config < 1.9.0

2020-01-17 Thread Bric
On January 16, 2020 at 4:47 PM Thomas Morley <> wrote: Am Do., 16. Jan. 2020 um 21:29 Uhr schrieb Bric <>: > I think this was discussed befo

Re: compiling 2.19.83 needs guile-config < 1.9.0

2020-01-18 Thread Bric
On January 18, 2020 at 6:05 PM David Kastrup <> wrote: Michael Käppler <> writes: Am 18.01.2020 um 09:36 schrieb David Kastrup:

building v2.19.83 - can't find

2020-01-24 Thread Bric
i am building lilypond-2.19.83 on Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS had to build guile-1.8.8, after which lilypond ./configure was happy, and finished (posted about my guile struggles a few days ago) But "make" errors out with: cat D

Re: building v2.19.83 - can't find

2020-01-24 Thread Bric
On January 24, 2020 at 4:50 PM David Kastrup <> wrote: Bric <> writes: i am building lilypond-2.19.83 on Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS had to

Re: building v2.19.83 - can't find

2020-01-26 Thread Bric
On January 25, 2020 at 4:21 AM David Kastrup <> wrote: Jonas Hahnfeld <> writes: Am Freitag, den 24.01.2020, 16:45 -0500 schrieb Bric:

Re: building v2.19.83 - can't find

2020-01-26 Thread Bric
On January 26, 2020 at 10:02 AM Bric wrote: On January 25, 2020 at 4:21 AM David Kastrup <> wrote: Jonas Hahnfeld < hah...@hahnjo.d

Re: Stop the resonance of the open hihat in the Midi rendering

2020-01-28 Thread Bric
> On January 27, 2020 at 8:45 PM Aaron Hill wrote: > > > On 2020-01-27 12:27 pm, Denis Bitouzé wrote: > > Hello, > > > > the following drum partition has (semi-)opening hihat. In the Midi > > output, the resonance of this hihat is not stopped, even if followed by > > an explicitly closed hiha

Re: Stop the resonance of the open hihat in the Midi rendering

2020-01-29 Thread Bric
> On January 29, 2020 at 8:19 AM Denis Bitouzé wrote: > > > Le 28/01/20 à 15h06, Aaron Hill a écrit : > > > In fact, I would love to see something like that > > humanizes the performance more so by adding in natural imperfections. > > So do I, for as well :) 10 ditto'

\override multiple properties?

2020-02-01 Thread Bric
The documentation examples are showing single property overrides, like so: \override Voice.Stem.thickness = #3.0 Is it possible to override multiple with just one "\override" directive? something like this (wrong syntax): \override { Voice.Stem.thickness = #3.0 Voice.Stem.color = #(

Re: \override multiple properties?

2020-02-01 Thread Bric
> On February 1, 2020 at 7:06 PM Aaron Hill wrote: > related \overrides into their own music variable or function, if there > needs to be some parameterization: > > > \version "2.18" > > emphasizeStem = { >\override Stem.thickness = #3.0 >\override Stem.color = #'(0.5 0.3 0.2) >

svg output - note/rest grouping

2020-02-16 Thread Bric
Hello There's been discussion about this over the last few years; however, i'm not sure if this particular feature has been requested before How easy would it be to modify the generated SVG document, such that every note and rest be encapsulated in its own markup group: and

markup(List) text color

2020-02-23 Thread Bric
Greetings. For my life I can't (find|figure out) the code for changing text color in \markupList. The "font-size" line does work - the font size change is applied to the entire paragraph. The "\override #'(font-color . red)" line does not cause an error, but has no effect on the color. Using

multiple chords for one note's duration

2020-03-01 Thread Bric
Is there any way to typeset two or more chords over, say, a whole note (the note spans a whole 4/4 measure, but one chord is positioned at the beginning of the measure, and another, say, half-way) illustrating attached

Re: Corrected: Beaming in LilyPond

2018-04-06 Thread Bric
On April 5, 2018 at 7:46 PM Andrew Bernard wrote: I guess it's a bit like LilyJazz. Jazz people seem to want engraved scores to look like handwritten sheets done with a biro. But this always looks terribly 'faux' to me. Ha!  I've always felt like jazz fonts (in general) where a strange and