Does somebody where to find the Cantique de Jean Racine in Ly?
Mutopia, cpdl, imslp and so far google say no. :-(
In https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/lilypond-user/2005-01/msg00295.html
Sir Michiel Lange was asking about a solution for manual changes, so
maybe he can help?
Thanks in adv
Lastly got this help from Marc Hohl:
Hope this helps
2015-01-24 11:41 GMT-05:00, Mark Stephen Mrotek :
> Peter,
> A rest can be positioned by using a pitch name, duration, \rest, e.g.,
> c8\rest puts an eighth rest where "c" would be (depending
4 me works best,
2015-01-24 16:55 GMT-05:00, Kieren MacMillan :
> Hi all,
>> Lastly got this help from Marc Hohl:
>> http://lsr.di.unimi.it/LSR/Item?id=336
> The linked issue (https://code.google.com/p/lilypond/issues/detail?id=1228)
> currently has a status of “abandoned” — well, at least
and is automagic!
2015-01-24 17:25 GMT-05:00, Ali Cuota :
> 4 me works best,
> F
> 2015-01-24 16:55 GMT-05:00, Kieren MacMillan
> :
>> Hi all,
>>> Lastly got this help from Marc Hohl:
>>> http://lsr.di.unimi.it/LSR/Item?id=336
I wonder how to codify correctly this minimal example:
\relative c' {
\partial 8
\repeat volta 2 { d8 d4 d8 d }
\alternative { { d4. s8 } { d2 } }
d8 d8 d8 d8 d2
the s8 is here to fullfill the bar, but take some space and should
not. Is there a better way?
Thanks in advance!
I use these settings now, since this fits in the whole book (using
\include's and a mix of gregorian and western-traditional-notation).
But the size of Keys, accidentals and stems doesnt fit, and I dont
find how to override these...
(also #(layout-set-staff-size xx) doesnt have any effect
I want to see exactly what shows this minimal example, except that the
"space" is not desired.
This is from an hymn melody and I do the SATB setting. So I would like
to have the original "optic". And with so short repeats, it doesnt
make sense to enlarge the alternative.
Now, without the s8
downbeat and is repeated, then again Señor
Generally the composers write the repeats, but in this case I have to
write it with \repeat volta 2
Anyway this is solved,
2015-01-26 7:11 GMT-05:00, Mats Bengtsson :
> Ali Cuota gmail.com> writes:
>> Hello,
Here it is, although this is a little longer. The attachment is what I get.
I need bigger gregorian scores to fit in the rest of the book (common
western notation).
\version "2.18.0"
\include "gregorian.ly"
\score {
\new VaticanaVoice = "cantus" {
\override Staff.StaffSymbo
> \override StaffSymbol.color = #black
> \override LedgerLineSpanner.color = #black
> \override StaffSymbol.staff-space = #2 %(magstep 5)
> \override VaticanaLigature.thickness = #1.3
> }
> \context {
> \Lyrics
> \
Hello again,
version "2.18.0"
I have a western-notation piece that finishes with a dotted-note a4.
(very last note)
then a gregorian piece.
both comes in a book.ly with include "..."
Compiling the sole gregorian is ok
Compiling the book makes the gregorian have dotted (augmentum) at
every notes ex
Here it is.
2015-01-27 12:46 GMT-05:00, James Lowe :
> Hello
> On 27/01/15 16:05, Ali Cuota wrote:
>> Hello again,
>> version "2.18.0"
>> I have a western-notation piece that finishes with a dotted-note a4.
>> (very last note)
you are right, I just wanted to answer fast between 2 appointments.
Here it is
2015-01-27 17:07 GMT-05:00, James Lowe :
> On 27/01/15 18:25, Ali Cuota wrote:
>> Here it is.
> Hardly a 'tiny' example
> http://lilypond.org/tiny-examples.html
Dear S. Judit,
I read already your first post, and I fear I cannot help with this.
But I would like to know what/who is this notation good for.
Thanks in advance,
2015-01-27 14:49 GMT-05:00, Rita Composer :
> Dear Listmembers,
> Could you help me, how can I creat something like this?
Dear Sr. Judit,
I thought, there is some kind of reason like this one...
Honestly, the conventional gregorian typo is almost self-explanatory,
and has a very tough "spelling". I noticed this first when trying to
use another (more lily-friendly than gregorian.ly) system.
But nevertheless, I follow
Why not Al -- le -- _ lu -- ia in spite of Al -- le -- e -- lu -- ia?
Is this notation from Schein?
2015-02-05 8:22 GMT-05:00, Charles Johnson :
> On 05/02/15 10:43, Phil Holmes wrote:
>> Most people, I think, prefer code inline where this is possible. If
>> not, attachments are OK.
This is a tremolo https://ccrma.stanford.edu/software/cmn/cmn/cmn.html
Unfortunately, I dont know right now where to find it in the doc.
2015-02-06 22:10 GMT-05:00, MING TSANG :
> Hi lilyponders,
> I transcribe a score and I dont know how tackle the past measure. (refer to
> the
I am only a user and very thankfull, both for ly and for relative. I
would have had really thought much longer about ly if relative had not
be available. Now, I understand the pro of absolute, and I think the
solution is in the editors functionalities. If, let say Frescobaldi,
would offer a
Thanks, just found it. I will consider it for my future works.
2015-04-25 13:08 GMT-05:00, Noeck :
> Hi,
> I didn't want to enter the absolute/relative discussion, but
> now I have to add one advantage when entering notes in the relative mode:
> In case of a wrong , or ' (or missing) a
If this is so easy for frescobaldi to have this converter
relative2absolute, and so usefull to have input files in absolute, why
not implant a commandline option to lily that would convert the
relatibe blocks founds to absolute?
2015-04-26 5:12 GMT-05:00, Gilles :
> On Sun, 26 Ap
I would think (trying to think business) that tweaking a score in Sib
is faster than in lily. So they receive any bad Sib and tweak it by
hand. (this appies to Fin and Sco too, in a less ergonomic manner).
It maybe easier to find experienced tweakers for these programs that
are older than lily. And
I know this question is OT, but maybe someone can tell me where to ask
or simply knows...
I am searching a setting of programs based on MIDI diff. I found
MIDICMP for win, but what I want is for a university so the "technik"
should not be shown.
Usage should be:
1 - Teacher prepares and s
Dear lilyponders,
I have very very basic notions about programming and cant do what I
really want, so I come to you all to ask for (paid) help.
I would like to use the keyboard TAB (https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tabulatur)
as alternative to "normal" notation.
My idea is to pass normal *.ly files
Hallo Werner,
Excuse me, the New German Tabulatur is my topic.
it is and not as a s. Although german paleology is not my
strength, I am waiting to your confirmation.
For, if this is how I read, the es could be the hook toward left (the
is anyway toward right).
2017-12-24 15:00 GMT-05:00, Ali Cuota :
> Hello All, Werner and Malte,
Dear Werner,
sadly, you are right. I had a closer look at what I thought to be an
''es'' but is a ''dis'',
Nevertheless, in my idea it should be the user who would choose
alternatives (historical (only sharps and b), my-way (flats, sharps
and even double-falts and d-sharps), and alternative.
I s
Dear Karl, Werner and All,
Thanks Karl these are two points.
Also stretching the score is really a poit in concert (not mentionned
that another aproach of the matter is recommended from pedagogists). I
had a try with OO-calc and OO-writer, the score reduces to half of
traditional score, and more
Dear Werner, and Dear all,
I dont want to set NDT for new compositions. I just want to enjoy
diversity of engraving, with their different valid points. And surely
we will continue to play barock and polypnohic music for many years.
In the mean time, I had and deeper and serious look to Scheme and
Hello Lilyponders,
I have a question about planing typesetting:
Do we have any possibility to say which piece we will typeset, by
date. To avoid 2 persons typesetting the same at the same moment?
Thanks in advance,
lilypond-user mailing l
target="_blank" style="color: #4453ea;">www.avg.com
2018-02-18 16:10 GMT-05:00, Simon Albrecht :
> On 18.02.2018 21:40,
Hi again,
Do we have some preprocessors to translate noteNames from one language
to other? I never read about it, but maybe I missed the point in the
Thanks in advance,
lilypond-user mailing list
Hello to all Lyliponders,
I am typesetting different Works from J.S.Bach and now with following question:
in BWV 572 (trio Sonate d-minor) he wants a prallUp (well I
understand it this way) inside the staff (see picture). I tried with
the 3 ways I found inside the Notation manual (\raise, \super,
target="_blank" style="color: #4453ea;">www.avg.com
2018-02-26 17:51 GMT-05:00, Torsten Hämmerle :
> Hi Francois,
> my previous answer probabl
target="_blank" style="color: #4453ea;">www.avg.com
2018-02-27 11:22 GMT-05:00, Ali Cuota :
> Hallo Torsten,
> Many thanks anyway. I am now withou
Hello Lilyponders,
I have a (I suppose simple) question about layout/paper.
I need ta start a score at the end of page (in one case one system,
other cas 3 systems), but I dont know how to fix it.
Actually, the page with one system is vertically overstrectched (but
how to fix systemspace only fo
;_blank" style="color: #4453ea;">www.avg.com
2018-03-19 16:25 GMT-05:00, Susan Buckingham :
> If you set the TrillSpanner.bound-details.left.text = ##f this gets rid of
> the "tr"
> On Mar 19, 2018 2:06 PM, "Malte Meyn&qu
target="_blank" style="color: #4453ea;">www.avg.com
2018-03-19 15:52 GMT-05:00, Karlin High :
> On 3/19/2018 12:03 PM, Ali Cuota wrote:
>> I need to start a score at the end of page
Hello to everybody with a question:
in IMSLP the big e-minor prelude from Nikolaus Bruhns exists in pdf,
with a reference to Mutopiaproject. In Mutopia, Bruhns ist not
(anymore) in the composers list.
Does the maintainer of this file reads here?
I would be happy to have the source file if possib
target="_blank" style="color: #4453ea;">www.avg.com
2018-03-29 21:23 GMT-05:00, Simon Albrecht :
> On 30.03.2018 01:21, Karlin High wrote:
>> On 3/29/
Which app does er use in is Home-office?
alt="" width="46" heig
target="_blank" style="color: #4453ea;">www.avg.com
2017-10-16 15:26 GMT-05:00, Karlin High :
> On Mon, Oct 16, 2017 at 2:21 PM, Ali Cuota wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Which app does er
I know this is quite OT actually, but who knows where there is an
extended review of this work?
Thanks in advance,
lilypond-user mailing list
t; Mark
> -Original Message-
> From: lilypond-user
> [mailto:lilypond-user-bounces+carsonmark=ca.rr....@gnu.org] On Behalf Of
> Ali
> Cuota
> Sent: Tuesday, July 12, 2016 10:24 AM
> To: lilypond-user
> Subject: OT: Spiridione, Nova Instructio pro pulsandis organis
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