Hello Werner and All,

I have readen your article. Many thanks anyway. I didnt thought that
the TAB was the standard notation before our actual system.
About the flat in the new german TAB, I would be pleased if you
confirm me, or not: in Scheidemann's Judentanz, I read the (recurrent)
es as it is and not as a s. Although german paleology is not my
strength, I am waiting to your confirmation.
For, if this is how I read, the es could be the hook toward left (the
is anyway toward right).


2017-12-24 15:00 GMT-05:00, Ali Cuota <alicuota...@gmail.com>:
> Hello All, Werner and Malte,
> For me, one of the plus point of this TAB is to read (I already use it
> writing, by hand, and practice actually in old printed TABs, I am not
> far enough for the handwritten Tabs) like Pachelbel, Bruhns,
> Buxtehude, the Bach's etc. Maybe I will learn something new about
> "thinking" music...
> Another point is stretching (quite much) scores. On the music stand
> during concerts it makes a big difference.
> And last but not least, I would be interested to test it on my
> singing-students, since the higher-lower pitches are picturally
> reflected in this TAB.
> (Also for handwriting music , drawing the lines is not necessary,
> whitch is a good point, but its OT. I am interested in am include in
> order to use the repesotories of *.ly files, of course.)
> The need of a font is clear. I would be quite happy with an historical
> font (with the specials of this tab, and a modernized font. I would
> care for it.
> What I definitely cant do is programming more than 2 or 3 lines. Thats
> why I need help. I suppose this would be interesting to have the
> output in lilypond, in order to mix pentagram-music and TAB, for
> pedagogic uses for examples.
> Jianpu seems to go this way, but I would let the programmer choose how
> he wants to process the whole topic.
> Francois
> 2017-12-24 5:45 GMT-05:00, Werner LEMBERG <w...@gnu.org>:
>>>> https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tabulatur#Neue_deutsche_Orgeltabulatur
>>> Hi, I would be interested maybe; coincidentally I’m just now reading
>>> Willi Apel’s book on notation and the next chapter I’ll read is
>>> about the old and the new German organ tab.
>> It's an interesting topic indeed – even J.S. Bach has used Neue
>> Deutsche Orgeltabulatur.  As an example, see page 300 in the following
>> article.
>>   https://www.tug.org/TUGboat/tb37-3/tb117lemberg.pdf
>>     Werner
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