On 27/12/2024 21:13, Lucas Cavalcanti wrote:
Is there any way to replicate this image in lilypond? I thought the
empty \volta 1 would be enough, but the results ("D.C. al e poi la
") aren't sufficient and I haven't found a
way to change lilypond's segno text.
I think this does wha
Is there any way to replicate this image in lilypond? I thought the empty
\volta 1 would be enough, but the results ("D.C. al e poi la ") aren't sufficient and I haven't found a way to change
lilypond's segno text.
[image: image.png]
Em sáb., 21 de dez. de 2024 às 23:03, Lucas Cavalcanti
I'd like to specify which note heads should be printed left or right of
the stem. Here is my minimal example:
\version "2.24.1"
\relative c'' {
I'd like the e to always be left of the stem for continuity, is it
possibly to specify that?
Best Regards,
> I'd like to specify which note heads should be printed left or right of
> the stem. Here is my minimal example:
> \version "2.24.1"
> \relative c'' {
> 8
> }
> I'd like the e to always be left of the stem for continuity, is it
> possibly to specify that?
> Best Regards,
> Alexander