> I'd like to specify which note heads should be printed left or right of
> the stem. Here is my minimal example:
> \version "2.24.1"
> \relative c'' {
> <b d>8 <b d e> <b d e f> <b d e g>
> }
> I'd like the e to always be left of the stem for continuity, is it
> possibly to specify that?
> Best Regards,
> Alexander

Dear Alexander,

Following the example of the snippet over at LSR:


Copying the Scheme code (until where it says “LSR EXAMPLE”), your code could be 
modified to:

\relative c'' {
  <b d>8  

  \displaceHeads #'(0.05 1.05 -0.9)  
  \adjustStem #'(0.75 . -1) 
  <b d e> 

  <b d e f> 

  \displaceHeads #'(0 1 -1 0) 
  <b d e g>

I hope this gets closer to what you wish to achieve!

All the best,

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