What is the scope of a defined name? If I write, for instance:
tune = { a b c d }
Is the scope of the name "tune" the whole compilation unit, the
smallest enclosing book, book part, score, bracketed expression ...? Can
it be redefined in an inner or in a parallel scope?
I have not spotted t
Hello everyone, trying to install frescobaldi on a work laptop I got this:
pip seemed to fail to build package:
qpageview Some possibly relevant errors from pip install:
error: subprocess-exited-with-error
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'PyQt5' The full log file is attached.
How coul
I'm not surprised. I read somewhere that Lilypond is used extensively at
Hal Leonard publishers. Frankly, after doing a big-band arrangement, I
think it's one of the very few systems that can handle large arrangements
with ease. I use it nearly every week for my smaller groups...it is
Good find. I'm always very proud when I find scores engraved using
lilypond showing up on websites like IMSLP. Especially in my realm of
baroque organ and chamber music, there are a few people I know of who
upload a lot of works using lilypond (for example, every time I find an
interesting anon