I'm not surprised.  I read somewhere that Lilypond is used extensively at
Hal Leonard publishers.  Frankly, after doing a big-band arrangement, I
think it's one of the very few systems that can handle large arrangements
with ease.  I use it nearly every week for my smaller groups...it is
exquisitely precise.  The only thing I haven't figured out is how to do
jazz falls/lip-ups with ease.  It's possible, I'm sure, but it seems like
it needs the *\jazzGlissUp* and *\jazzGlissDown* functions to make life

Bravo, developer-folk!

On Sun, Dec 1, 2024 at 4:34 PM bobr...@centrum.is <bobr...@centrum.is>

> A week ago I was playing a weekend gig in Akureyri, in the north of
> Iceland.  The final piece on the program was Ravel's "Bolero."  It was, to
> me, an unfamiliar edition.  Photo attached.
> Best,
> David

*Jeff Kopmanis*
Medium: https://kopmanis.medium.com
GLAAC: https://www.glaac.org/
University Lowbrow Astronomers: https://lowbrows.club
Orange Can Astronomy: https://www.facebook.com/orangecanastronomy/

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