I don't have to https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/lilypond-user/attachments/20240730/84a0adde/attachment.htmThat's the actual link.--Gesendet mit der GMX Mail AppAm 30.07.24, 08:54 schrieb Peter Chubb :
>>>>> "Zlobinsky" == Zlobinsky Michael writes
Great! 👍🏻 I don't expect that this could be the Problem.Thanks!Greetings from Germany Mjchael --Gesendet mit der GMX Mail AppAm 30.07.24, 08:54 schrieb Peter Chubb :
> "Zlobinsky" == Zlobinsky Michael writes:
Zlobinsky> I see links like following in the e-mails.
Zlobinsky> <
I think that link is broken; but it wuldn't contain any answers to a
question anyway.
Your last question is at
If you go to the bottom of the page for an email that has answers,
youll see a 'next in thread' button. Your email
With your help, I was able to create a function that can generate sequences
of a motif in a simple way:
> multitranspose =
> #(define-music-function (initton seq motiv ) (ly:pitch? ly:music?
> ly:music? )
> (music-clone seq 'elements
>(map (lambda (p) #{ \transpose $initton #(ly:music-pr
Stefan Thomas writes:
> With your help, I was able to create a function that can generate sequences
> of a motif in a simple way:
>> multitranspose =
>> #(define-music-function (initton seq motiv ) (ly:pitch? ly:music?
>> ly:music? )
>> (music-clone seq 'elements
>>(map (lambda (p) #{
Dear David,
when I do
\multitranspose c << e g c >> {c4 d e f g1 }
I get
test.ly:4:53: warning: this Voice needs a \voiceXx or \shiftXx setting
Maybee, it has to do, that I have version 2.22.2
It works with
\multitranspose c {c' d' e' f' g'1} { }
but all notes have the same duration.
Am D