With your help, I was able to create a function that can generate sequences
of a motif in a simple way:

> multitranspose =
> #(define-music-function (initton seq  motiv   ) (ly:pitch? ly:music?
> ly:music?  )
>   (music-clone seq 'elements
>    (map (lambda (p) #{ \transpose $initton #(ly:music-property p 'pitch )
>   $motiv  #})
>     (ly:music-property seq 'elements))))

Instead of having several transpositions of a tone sequence follow one
another, I would like to have the option of having them sound
simultaneously, as a mixture.
I would like to have the possibility to do something like:
\multitranspose c'' {e' g' c''} {c''4 d'' e'' f'' g''1 }
With the result:
<e g c' >4 <fis a d' > <gis b e' > <a c' f' > <b d'' g'' >1
Thanks for Your help

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