Re: Off-topic: does anybody know about these accidentals?

2024-07-23 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Le mardi 23 juillet 2024 à 01:05 +0200, Jean Abou Samra a écrit : > The SMuFL standard has a *very* extensive set of accidentals, see > > and the following sections; yet I couldn't find them there either. My bad, they are

Include Parts

2024-07-23 Thread Miguel Abrams
Hi I am using Lilypond Version 2.22.2 and have started to investigate the "Include" command, which calls instrument parts, as separate files, and compiles them into a score. I really like the way this functionality is working. However, I have failed to find out how the Score Title, or identificat

Re: Include Parts

2024-07-23 Thread Diosnel Herrnsdorf
You can prepare a file with all your meta data, and add it to the list of inclusion. Regards, Diosnel Herrnsdorf On 23/7/24 15:17, Miguel Abrams wrote: Hi I am using Lilypond Version 2.22.2 and have started to investigate the "Include" command, which calls instrument parts, as separate files

Re: Include Parts

2024-07-23 Thread Wol
On 23/07/2024 20:17, Miguel Abrams wrote: My anticipation was that I could place a unique header in the parts, which provide the piece title and date, for example, without any duplication in the score itself, since it is already there. Would someone be able to provide some tips? I never mana

Tempo changes and spanners

2024-07-23 Thread Tom Brennan
Hi all I'm notating a sonata for a cello and piano, and I would like to produce three "artifacts" (products?) from this: 1. A solo cello part (a typical single staff representation) 2. A "study score" where all staves are equivalent sizes 3. An accompaniment part for the piano, where the cello is

Re: Tempo changes and spanners

2024-07-23 Thread Thomas Morley
Am Di., 23. Juli 2024 um 23:52 Uhr schrieb Tom Brennan : > > Hi all > > I'm notating a sonata for a cello and piano, and I would like to produce > three "artifacts" (products?) from this: > > 1. A solo cello part (a typical single staff representation) > 2. A "study score" where all staves are equ

Re: Include Parts

2024-07-23 Thread Stu McKenzie
Take a look after your post for a simplified example. On 2024-07-23 12:17, Miguel Abrams wrote: Hi I am using Lilypond Version 2.22.2 and have started to investigate the "Include" command, which calls instrument parts, as separate files, and compiles them into a score. I really like the way