#(define-markup-command (freely layout props width-param text) (number?
markup-list?) "Format text for one bar of 'width-param' quarter notes’
length" (interpret-markup layout props #{\markup\box
\line { \override #`(line-width . ,width-param) \wordwrap { #text }} #}))
Dear community,
again, I'm trying to activate point and click in gvim. I made a little
I wrote in the editor options of okular:
gvim --remote-silent +%l %f +normal! %c
When I click on a note, the right document is opened and the cursor is
placed at the correct line, but not at the correct
On Sun 02 Jun 2024 at 16:10:56 (+0200), Stefan Thomas wrote:
> again, I'm trying to activate point and click in gvim. I made a little
> success:
> I wrote in the editor options of okular:
> gvim --remote-silent +%l %f +normal! %c
> When I click on a note, the right document is opened and the cursor
For the question 1), I just found this:
Any idea about question 2? (arrows + centered text)
On Sun, Jun 2, 2024 at 7:05 PM Paolo Prete wrote:
> Hello,
> How can I draw a vertical (or even diagonal) line independently positioned
> from the n
How can I draw a vertical (or even diagonal) line independently positioned
from the notes in the score, that can span across staves, as shown in the
In addition, how can I draw a horizontal line with arrows on both sides and
centered text above it, always independent from the score
> How can I draw a vertical (or even diagonal) line independently
> positioned from the notes in the score, that can span across staves,
> as shown in the figure?
The question is formulated in a very broad way. Assuming that you
want to draw something completely independent of the score, you mi
Dear David,
thanks for Your reply.
Unfortunately, none of your suggestions have brought the desired result!
Am Mo., 3. Juni 2024 um 03:19 Uhr schrieb David Wright <
> On Sun 02 Jun 2024 at 16:10:56 (+0200), Stefan Thomas wrote:
> > again, I'm trying to act