#(define-markup-command (freely layout props width-param text) (number? 
markup-list?)   "Format text for one bar of 'width-param' quarter notes’ 
length"   (interpret-markup layout props                     #{\markup\box 
\line { \override #`(line-width . ,width-param) \wordwrap { #text }} #}))
\markup \freely #10 { test test test test test test }

    Le samedi 1 juin 2024 à 17:55:22 UTC+2, Jean Abou Samra 
<j...@abou-samra.fr> a écrit :  
 > (define-markup-command (freely layout props width-param text) (number?  
 > markup?)

Make that `markup-list?`. Otherwise, your command is accepting only
a single markup. In your example, \line inside the command is working
perfectly (though not actually needed), but \freely gets applied multiple



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