Music objects are created with a name and some properties:
make-music name music-properties
I know how to get the properties from a music object - but how about the
name? I cannot figure out how to get the name from a music object.
It is difficult to search for since the word "name" pops up
> I know how to get the properties from a music object - but how about the name?
> I cannot figure out how to get the name from a music object.
(ly:music-property the-object 'name)
Description: This is a digitally signed message part
Hi Morten,
Am 02.04.24 um 10:56 schrieb Morten Lemvigh:
Music objects are created with a name and some properties:
make-music name music-properties
I know how to get the properties from a music object - but how about
the name? I cannot figure out how to get the name from a music object.
It is
I like my tempo markings to be a bit higher than the default in lilypond.
I'm struggling to figure out how to globally raise them. I can do it
locally with \offset Y-offset 3 for instance, of \tweak Y-offset #3, but I
can't get it to work globally. I've tried \override MetronomeMark.Y-offset
Here is what I mostly use :
\override Score.MetronomeMark.padding = #6
just before the tempo mark (works with lilypond 2.24.2)
I have another example with a markup but it's much more complex (I can send it
if you want)