Hi Morten,
Am 02.04.24 um 10:56 schrieb Morten Lemvigh:
Music objects are created with a name and some properties:
make-music name music-properties
I know how to get the properties from a music object - but how about
the name? I cannot figure out how to get the name from a music object.
It is difficult to search for since the word "name" pops up
everywhere. The only thing I found was a function to search by name:
In addition to Jean's reply: In practice one often wants to know how
certain constructs well-known in LilyPond syntax are represented in
Scheme. For this, \displayMusic is useful. For example, \displayMusic
\time 3/4 displays:
(make-music 'TimeSignatureMusic 'beat-structure '() 'denominator 4
'numerator 3)