Re: \partial and \compressMMRests don't seem to work together

2024-02-23 Thread Gerardo Ballabio
\compressEmptyMeasures works (also in 2.24.1), thank you. Gerardo Il giorno mer 21 feb 2024 alle ore 21:49 Mats Bengtsson ha scritto: > > > On 2024-02-17 01:15, Gerardo Ballabio wrote: > > Hello, > I need to change the time in the middle of a bar. > I managed to do that using \partial, but it se

Re: 5th anniversary conference? :)

2024-02-23 Thread Kieren MacMillan
Hi Mike! > I live in Toronto, in the Annex. I'd love to help organize something here if > there's interest. I'm right > close to the University of Toronto campus. 1. Let’s keep this discussion going, and see if it actually gains traction! 2. I teach in the Annex (Randolph College) three times

define-music-function with afterGrace and {}

2024-02-23 Thread jcarll
Good day, following snippet I need very frequently (with different notes instead of c4 and e4): \afterGrace c4 \glissando {\once \hide Stem \parenthesize e4} That's why I wanted to create a music function to shorten the expression. My previous attempt: graceGliss = #(define-music-fun

Re: define-music-function with afterGrace and {}

2024-02-23 Thread Aaron Hill
On 2024-02-23 4:46 am, wrote: My previous attempt: graceGliss = #(define-music-function   (starttone endtone)   (ly:music? ly:music?)   #{     \afterGrace #starttone \glissando {\once \hide Stem \parenthesize #endtone}   #}) doesn't work, Return Code 1

Re: define-music-function with afterGrace and {}

2024-02-23 Thread David Kastrup writes: > Good day, > > following snippet I need very frequently (with different notes instead > of c4 and e4): > >\afterGrace c4 \glissando {\once \hide Stem \parenthesize e4} > > > That's why I wanted to create a music function to shorten the > expression. My previous attempt:

Re: 5th anniversary conference? :)

2024-02-23 Thread Pierre-Luc Gauthier
Well, I'm 6 hours away from the Annex (from about 60km north of Montreal). I'm interested in pints also. :-) Le ven. 23 févr. 2024, à 07 h 50, Kieren MacMillan a écrit : > > Hi Mike! > > > I live in Toronto, in the Annex. I'd love to help organize something here > > if there's interest. I'm ri

Re: 5th anniversary conference? :)

2024-02-23 Thread Mike Blackstock
re "Let’s keep this discussion going... I teach in the Annex (Randolph College) three times a week — we should grab lunch/tea/pints some day. " For sure... I live at Bloor/Albany, just a few minutes walk from Randolph; I walk past Randolph all the time but didn't know it was a college. Right next

Re: Music generated by function confuses relative pitch

2024-02-23 Thread Morten Lemvigh
Hi Jean, Thank you so much for that clear and thorough explanation. I was so caught up in my functional transformations, that I didn't even stop to think if mutation could be at play. I sprinkled a handful of deep-copies over my functions and voila! - and thanks again! I really appreciate you tak

Rousseau's boustrophedon notation

2024-02-23 Thread Aaron Hill
Just read a side note on Wikipedia about a supposed "boustrophedon" notation. The citation does not link to the image in question, which is an unfortunate oversight. I was curious whether this approach applied only to Rousseau's numeric notation or if it was intended to work with standard not

Cue clefs

2024-02-23 Thread Gerardo Ballabio
Hello, please let me ask two questions on the example below: 1. how can I move the cue treble clef after the bar line? 2. how can I remove the closing bass clef? I tried \omit Staff.Clef but it doesn't work -- I guess because, indeed, that isn't the *staff* clef. Thank you Gerardo %% \ver

Re: Cue clefs

2024-02-23 Thread Leo Correia de Verdier
CueClef and CueEndClef are their own types of GROB, could \omit Staff.CueEndClef work? (sorry for short untried answer, I’m on the phone) > 24 feb. 2024 kl. 00:27 skrev Gerardo Ballabio : > > Hello, please let me ask two questions on the example below: > 1. how can I move the cue treble clef a

Lilypond and digital readers

2024-02-23 Thread Laurie Savage
Hi, I use a tablet for storing my lead sheets, most of which I prepare in Lilypond. I have just stumbled on a trick I thought I'd share with you - although it might be obvious to you, it wasn't to me. (Tip to Jamie Anderson of the Get your sax together Youtube channel) I use a Samsung Galaxy Tab

Re: Lilypond and digital readers

2024-02-23 Thread Colin Campbell
Shamelessly copying the tip for my own use! I also use MobileSheets Pro, and absolutely depend on it for my choral stuff. Your tip gives me some ideas for stuff I know I'll be singing: things like highlighting my bass part (NR 1.7.1ff), colouring key and time changes . . . Dude, I'm going to ha

RE: Rousseau's boustrophedon notation

2024-02-23 Thread carsonmark
Aaron, One in Arabic: bic-is-written-from-right-to-left-How-is-it-possible-to-show-the-words-and-m usic-for-songs-in-Arabic One for mixed quintette: Mar