\compressEmptyMeasures works (also in 2.24.1), thank you.
Il giorno mer 21 feb 2024 alle ore 21:49 Mats Bengtsson
ha scritto:
> On 2024-02-17 01:15, Gerardo Ballabio wrote:
> Hello,
> I need to change the time in the middle of a bar.
> I managed to do that using \partial, but it se
Hi Mike!
> I live in Toronto, in the Annex. I'd love to help organize something here if
> there's interest. I'm right
> close to the University of Toronto campus.
1. Let’s keep this discussion going, and see if it actually gains traction!
2. I teach in the Annex (Randolph College) three times
Good day,
following snippet I need very frequently (with different notes instead
of c4 and e4):
\afterGrace c4 \glissando {\once \hide Stem \parenthesize e4}
That's why I wanted to create a music function to shorten the
expression. My previous attempt:
graceGliss =
On 2024-02-23 4:46 am, jca...@web.de wrote:
My previous attempt:
graceGliss =
(starttone endtone)
(ly:music? ly:music?)
\afterGrace #starttone \glissando {\once \hide Stem
\parenthesize #endtone}
doesn't work, Return Code 1
jca...@web.de writes:
> Good day,
> following snippet I need very frequently (with different notes instead
> of c4 and e4):
>\afterGrace c4 \glissando {\once \hide Stem \parenthesize e4}
> That's why I wanted to create a music function to shorten the
> expression. My previous attempt:
Well, I'm 6 hours away from the Annex (from about 60km north of Montreal).
I'm interested in pints also. :-)
Le ven. 23 févr. 2024, à 07 h 50, Kieren MacMillan
a écrit :
> Hi Mike!
> > I live in Toronto, in the Annex. I'd love to help organize something here
> > if there's interest. I'm ri
re "Let’s keep this discussion going... I teach in the Annex (Randolph
College) three times a week — we should grab lunch/tea/pints some day. "
For sure... I live at Bloor/Albany, just a few minutes walk from Randolph;
I walk past Randolph
all the time but didn't know it was a college. Right next
Hi Jean,
Thank you so much for that clear and thorough explanation. I was so caught
up in my functional transformations, that I didn't even stop to think if
mutation could be at play. I sprinkled a handful of deep-copies over my
functions and voila!
- and thanks again! I really appreciate you tak
Just read a side note on Wikipedia about a supposed "boustrophedon"
notation. The citation does not link to the image in question, which is
an unfortunate oversight. I was curious whether this approach applied
only to Rousseau's numeric notation or if it was intended to work with
standard not
Hello, please let me ask two questions on the example below:
1. how can I move the cue treble clef after the bar line?
2. how can I remove the closing bass clef? I tried \omit Staff.Clef
but it doesn't work -- I guess because, indeed, that isn't the *staff*
Thank you
CueClef and CueEndClef are their own types of GROB, could \omit
Staff.CueEndClef work?
(sorry for short untried answer, I’m on the phone)
> 24 feb. 2024 kl. 00:27 skrev Gerardo Ballabio :
> Hello, please let me ask two questions on the example below:
> 1. how can I move the cue treble clef a
I use a tablet for storing my lead sheets, most of which I prepare in
Lilypond. I have just stumbled on a trick I thought I'd share with you -
although it might be obvious to you, it wasn't to me. (Tip to Jamie
Anderson of the Get your sax together Youtube channel)
I use a Samsung Galaxy Tab
Shamelessly copying the tip for my own use! I also use MobileSheets Pro,
and absolutely depend on it for my choral stuff. Your tip gives me some
ideas for stuff I know I'll be singing: things like highlighting my bass
part (NR 1.7.1ff), colouring key and time changes . . . Dude, I'm going
to ha
One in Arabic:
One for mixed quintette:
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