CueClef and CueEndClef are their own types of GROB, could \omit 
Staff.CueEndClef work?

(sorry for short untried answer, I’m on the phone)

> 24 feb. 2024 kl. 00:27 skrev Gerardo Ballabio <>:
> Hello, please let me ask two questions on the example below:
> 1. how can I move the cue treble clef after the bar line?
> 2. how can I remove the closing bass clef? I tried \omit Staff.Clef
> but it doesn't work -- I guess because, indeed, that isn't the *staff*
> clef.
> Thank you
> Gerardo
> %%%%%%%%%%
> \version "2.24.1"
> \new Staff {
>  \clef "bass"
>  R1
>  <<
>    \new CueVoice \relative {
>      \cueClef "treble"
>      c''8 d e f
>      \cueClefUnset
>    }
>  \\
>    R1
>  c1
> }
> %%%%%%%%%%

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