\version "2.25.10"
\header {
tagline = ##f
\layout {
\context {
\accepts ExtraClefStaff
\context {
\name ExtraClefStaff
\type Engraver_group
\alias Staff
\accepts Voice
\consists Clef_engraver
\override Clef.font-size = #-4
%% The break-align
Hello David,
if I understand this correctly the intent here is to have different staff
behaviour in one staff. I believe that there might be a more general concept
here. Instead of creating a new context and mechanic to set additional clefs,
maybe it would make sense to have a more general conc
Hi LilyPonders,
I would like to notate a piece proportionally. To do this, I have created
(with a little help) a markup command that I can use to place time
signatures above the bar lines. But as soon as I do this, they move to the
left, whereas the bar lines are in the right place if I don't use
Hello Marcus,
essentially what you have here is
<< chordNames voiceI \\ voiceII >>
If you only had << chordNames voiceI >> this would work out, because Lilypond
would first see the chord names, which creates a new ChordNames context, and
then the music, for which Lilypond does implicitely creat
Valentin Petzel writes:
> Hello David,
> if I understand this correctly the intent here is to have different staff
> behaviour in one staff. I believe that there might be a more general concept
> here. Instead of creating a new context and mechanic to set additional clefs,
> maybe it would m
Hello all,
I've been trying to replicate a score from CPDL.
The font is terrible, the notes are weirdly shaped. I really don't like
it. I wonder what software made it. Also, why two hyphens in that short
a space?
(I'm wondering which software was used to make it in the first place.)
> On 5 Feb 2024, at 20:29, Jakob Pedersen via LilyPond user discussion
> wrote:
> Hello all,
> I've been trying to replicate a score from CPDL.
> The font is terrible, the notes are weirdly shaped. I really don't like it. I
> wonder what software made it. Also, why two hyphens i