Hello all,
I've been trying to replicate a score from CPDL.
The font is terrible, the notes are weirdly shaped. I really don't like
it. I wonder what software made it. Also, why two hyphens in that short
a space?
(I'm wondering which software was used to make it in the first place.)
I've produced this so far:
I've used a variable with \set Staff.measureBarType = "-span|" to do the
/mensurstriche/ at appropriate places.
MWE is at the bottom of this email.
I wonder about the lyrics extenders, though. My questions are:
1) I assume extending an extender already there is fairly easy, although
I don't know how. I tried the lyrics.extender property, but I'm not sure
how to use it correctly. I was thinking it might be possible to have all
three lyrics extender lines end at the same point near the bar line like
in the original.
2) Is it possible to add a lyrics extender line to lyrics like the O
attached to the breve in the top line, even if it isn't actually a
melisma? And if so, is it possible to force to extend as far as the
other three lyrics extender lines re my first question.
Best wishes,
\version "2.25.12"
global = {
\key d \major
\time 2/2
BarOn = { \set Staff.measureBarType = "-span|" }
BarOff = { \set Staff.measureBarType = "|" }
\score { <<
\new StaffGroup <<
\new Staff \relative c' { \global \BarOn b'\breve \BarOff cis1 b }
\addlyrics { O sa -- crum, }
\new Staff \relative c' { \global \BarOn e2 g2. fis8 e \BarOff fis4
g a1 g }
\addlyrics { O __ _ _ _ _ _ sa -- crum, }
\new Staff \relative c' { \global \clef "treble_8" \BarOn b2 e2. d8
\BarOff cis d2 e1 e }
\addlyrics { O __ _ _ _ _ sa -- crum, }
\new Staff \relative c { \global \clef bass e1 b' a e }
\addlyrics { O __ _ sa -- crum, }
\version "2.25.12"
global = {
\key d \major
\time 2/2
BarOn = { \set Staff.measureBarType = "-span|" }
BarOff = { \set Staff.measureBarType = "|" }
\score { <<
\new StaffGroup <<
\new Staff \relative c' { \global \BarOn b'\breve \BarOff cis1 b }
\addlyrics { O sa -- crum, }
\new Staff \relative c' { \global \BarOn e2 g2. fis8 e \BarOff fis4 g a1 g }
\addlyrics { O __ _ _ _ _ _ sa -- crum, }
\new Staff \relative c' { \global \clef "treble_8" \BarOn b2 e2. d8 \BarOff cis d2 e1 e }
\addlyrics { O __ _ _ _ _ sa -- crum, }
\new Staff \relative c { \global \clef bass e1 b' a e }
\addlyrics { O __ _ sa -- crum, }