Re: Missing end-of-stave barline?

2023-01-09 Thread Mark Probert
Thanks! -mark. On 9 Jan 2023 at 17:58:10, Jean Abou Samra wrote: > > > Le 9 janv. 2023 à 07:56, Mark Probert a écrit : > > Hi. > > When I run this snippet the barline at the end of first stave, which > I think should be a “||”, goes “missing” (there is no barline at all). > > Is there a cor

Re: Missing end-of-stave barline?

2023-01-09 Thread Valentin Petzel
Hello Mark, somewhat OT, but you should let \repeat volta handle the setting of bar lines. If you want winged repeats set \set Staff.startRepeatBarType = #"[|:" \set Staff.endRepeatBarType = #":|]" or even for all Staves \set Score.startRepeatBarType = #"[|:" \set Score.endRepeatBarType = #":

Font change in 2.24.0 Figured bass "4"

2023-01-09 Thread Richard Shann
The figure "4" in figured bass is coming out with a stunted upright in the new release 8><8><8><8><8><8><8><8><8><8><8><8><8><8><8><8><8><8><8>< %\version "2.20.0" \version "2.24.0" \score { \new Staff << \context Staff \figuremode { <4> }

Re: Font change in 2.24.0 Figured bass "4"

2023-01-09 Thread Werner LEMBERG
> The figure "4" in figured bass is coming out with a stunted upright in > the new release > > 8><8><8><8><8><8><8><8><8><8><8><8><8><8><8><8><8><8><8>< > %\version "2.20.0" > \version "2.24.0" > \score { > \new Staff << > \context Staff \figuremode { <4> } >

Re: Removing staves when using remove-layer

2023-01-09 Thread Saul Tobin
I answered my own question: create an invisible context with remove-layer = 3. For anyone curious: \version "2.24.0" \layout { \context { \name "NullStaff" \type "Engraver_group" \consists Axis_group_engraver \override VerticalAxisGroup.staff-affinity = #DOWN } \context {

Re: Missing end-of-stave barline?

2023-01-09 Thread Mark Probert
Many thanks, Valentin! I find, as a casual user of LP, I get in a “working rut,” using what works without fulling understanding then consequences. This explanation is very helpful to me and I’m heading back to rework my music. -mark. On 9 Jan 2023 at 23:57:12, Valentin Petzel wrote: > Hello Ma

Is there a simple way to test for command line options?

2023-01-09 Thread Kevin Cole
Is there a way, within a .ly file to conditionally include sections based on command line options? Specifically, I would like to have \paper settings go one way for "lilypond --pdf" and another way for "lilypond --svg".

Re: Is there a simple way to test for command line options?

2023-01-09 Thread Hans Aikema
> On 10 Jan 2023, at 00:01, Kevin Cole wrote: > > Is there a way, within a .ly file to conditionally include sections > based on command line options? > > Specifically, I would like to have \paper settings go one way for > "lilypond --pdf" and another way for "lilypond --svg". Kevin, don't

Re: Is there a simple way to test for command line options?

2023-01-09 Thread Kevin Cole
On Mon, Jan 9, 2023 at 7:07 PM Hans Aikema wrote: > On 10 Jan 2023, at 00:01, Kevin Cole wrote: > > Is there a way, within a .ly file to conditionally include sections > based on command line options? > > Specifically, I would like to have \paper settings go one way for > "lilypond --pdf" and a

Re: Resize \rhythm in mixed markup

2023-01-09 Thread David Kastrup
Thomas Morley writes: > Am So., 8. Jan. 2023 um 10:21 Uhr schrieb Thomas Morley > : >> >> Hi, >> >> consider below >> >> \version "2.24.0" >> >> \score { >> { g'1^\markup { My Rhythm \rhythm { 8[ 8] } } } >> \layout { >> \context { >> \StandaloneRhythmStaff >> fontSize = #6 >>

Question about custom articulation

2023-01-09 Thread Rip _Mus
Hello, I'm trying to define a new articulation, based on two stencils (above and below the staff), that I wrote. I succeeded in making two distinct articulations. However, the attempt to create a single articulation, which chooses the stencil based on the direction specified in the post-event, fail