The figure "4" in figured bass is coming out with a stunted upright in the new release
8><8><8><8><8><8><8><8><8><8><8><8><8><8><8><8><8><8><8>< %\version "2.20.0" \version "2.24.0" \score { \new Staff << \context Staff \figuremode { <4> } \new Voice { \clef bass c } >> } 8><8><8><8><8><8><8><8><8><8><8><8><8><8><8><8><8><8>< gives a strange-looking 4 which resembles an upside-down 7 with a smudge on it, quite difficult to decipher (see attached examples). Is this a bug and how can I access the previously used font? Richard Shann