I am confounded by why my attempt to change the system-system-spacing
a-list isn't being read by lilypond. Regardless of how big the padding
number, the spacing between systems remains the same. The full input is
\version "2.18.2"
#(set-global-staff-size 19)
\paper {
Hi Jeremy,
Am 05.06.19 um 01:17 schrieb Jeremy Ward:
I am confounded by why my attempt to change the system-system-spacing
a-list isn't being read by lilypond. Regardless of how big the padding
number, the spacing between systems remains the same. The full input
is below.
\version "2.18.2"
This snippet produces output where the final word of the opening bar is
positioned below the first double-bar and not before it. The problem is
this type of music, an Anglican Preces and Responses. The officiant chants
the text on a reciting tone (the e-flat whole note in bar 1) and thus the
I'd also be very interested in steps 5, 6 and 7 described by Kieren. I
usually heavily edit velocities (among other things) and making even minor
changes in the source material (the midi) is a pain. The closest I've
gotten to making the process slightly less tedious is is writing a lua
script for R
Don't know how hack-ish you mind as a solution to do this, but using this for
the music:
ef'1*31/32 \once \hideNotes ef'32 \bar "||" \time 2/4
and this for the lyrics:
"O Lord, open thou our lips" \markup { \char #8239 }
puts a hidden note at the end of the bar, and places a non-breaking space
Thanks Phil -- "hackish" is word? LOVE it :-)
If the output looks good, I'm good.
Guy Stalnaker
On Wed, Jun 5, 2019 at 11:33 AM Phil Holmes wrote:
> Don't know how hack-ish you mind as a solution to do this, but using this
> for the music:
> ef'1*31/32 \once \hideNo
Thanks for the response. It looks like I was using too small a number to
affect the spacing (changing by 10ths rather than 10's).
On Wed, Jun 5, 2019 at 9:13 AM Phil Holmes wrote:
> Works for me, using 2.18.2 as the version. See attached PDFs. Perhaps
> you're using a later (2.19.xx) v