treble and bass clef simultaneously

2019-03-27 Thread Werner LEMBERG
Folks, for a solitary bass note I want to have a bass clef, not affecting anything else in the staff. How can I fix the attached example? I guess I need a music function that adjusts the vertical note offset of the upper voice... Werner =

Re: treble and bass clef simultaneously

2019-03-27 Thread Urs Liska
Am 27.03.19 um 09:22 schrieb Werner LEMBERG: Folks, for a solitary bass note I want to have a bass clef, not affecting anything else in the staff. How can I fix the attached example? I guess I need a music function that adjusts the vertical note offset of the upper voice... I would try t

Re: treble and bass clef simultaneously

2019-03-27 Thread Aaron Hill
On 2019-03-27 1:22 am, Werner LEMBERG wrote: Folks, for a solitary bass note I want to have a bass clef, not affecting anything else in the staff. How can I fix the attached example? I guess I need a music function that adjusts the vertical note offset of the upper voice... Could you use a

Re: treble and bass clef simultaneously

2019-03-27 Thread Werner LEMBERG
>> for a solitary bass note I want to have a bass clef, not affecting >> anything else in the staff. How can I fix the attached example? I >> guess I need a music function that adjusts the vertical note offset >> of the upper voice... > > Could you use an "ossia" that overlaps the staff? [...

Re: treble and bass clef simultaneously

2019-03-27 Thread Aaron Hill
On 2019-03-27 3:01 am, Werner LEMBERG wrote: for a solitary bass note I want to have a bass clef, not affecting anything else in the staff. How can I fix the attached example? I guess I need a music function that adjusts the vertical note offset of the upper voice... Could you use an "ossia"

Re: treble and bass clef simultaneously

2019-03-27 Thread Andrew Bernard
Hi Werner, Can you not use LSR 326? That is what I use quite often. Andrew On Wed, 27 Mar 2019 at 19:27, Werner LEMBERG wrote: > > Folks, > > > for a solitary bass note I want to have a bass clef, not affecting > anything else in the staff. How can I fix the attached example? > > I guess I n

Re: treble and bass clef simultaneously

2019-03-27 Thread Werner LEMBERG
> Can you not use LSR 326? That is what I use quite often. I started with that, however, it doesn't work with my particular, more complicated music. Werner ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: treble and bass clef simultaneously

2019-03-27 Thread Werner LEMBERG
for a solitary bass note I want to have a bass clef, not affecting anything else in the staff. How can I fix the attached example? I guess I need a music function that adjusts the vertical note offset of the upper voice... >>> >>> Could you use an "ossia" that overlaps the st

Re: treble and bass clef simultaneously

2019-03-27 Thread Werner LEMBERG
>> for a solitary bass note I want to have a bass clef, not affecting >> anything else in the staff. [...] > > I would try to write a music function that replaces the given music > with a transposed version (c, => a (maybe optional, depending on the > given clef)) and prints the clef as a markup.

Force tablature position

2019-03-27 Thread Anthony Rushforth
Hello, I would like to force a finger position in a tablature for a particular note in a chord, but the "\set TabStaff.minimumFret = #3 " seems to apply to the whole chord. In this example I would like the b to be in string 3 (g), 4th position. [image: image.png] I've tried to separate the voic

Re: Force tablature position

2019-03-27 Thread Malte Meyn
Am 27.03.19 um 16:55 schrieb Anthony Rushforth: Hello, I would like to force a finger position in a tablature for a particular note in a chord, but the "\set TabStaff.minimumFret = #3 " seems to apply to the whole chord. In this example I would like the b to be in string 3 (g), 4th positi

Re: Force tablature position

2019-03-27 Thread Federico Bruni
Il giorno mer 27 mar 2019 alle 18:25, Malte Meyn ha scritto: You can use \3 for placing it on the third string: symbols = 1 ... and string numbers on Staff can be removed: \layout { \omit Staff.StringNumber } ___ lilypond-user mailing list lily

Re: Force tablature position

2019-03-27 Thread Anthony Rushforth
Perfect ! Thank you to both of you ! [image: image.png] symbols={ 1} \score {<< \new Staff { \clef "treble_8" \symbols }\new TabStaff { \symbols }>>} \layout { \omit Staff.StringNumber } Le mer. 27 mars 2019 à 21:23, Federico Bruni a écrit : > Il giorno mer 27 mar 2019 alle 18:25, Malte Meyn

Tablature positions

2019-03-27 Thread Tonio Rush
Hello, I would like to force a finger position in a tablature for a particular note in a chord, but the "\set TabStaff.minimumFret = #3 " seems to apply to the whole chord. In this example I would like the b to be in string 3 (g), 4th position. [image: image.png] I've tried to separate the voic

pdf & mid file not saved onto the folder where lily file resides.

2019-03-27 Thread MING TSANG
Hi lilyponder: I have my ipro4 computer hacked. I reinstall window 10 on ipro4. I down load lilypond 2.19.83 & 2.18.2 and also frecobaldi v3.0.1 Then I run frescobaldi to create new lily scroe sheet. It complies OK, but no pdf, mid files saved onto the same folder of lily file. Help is appreciate

Re: pdf & mid file not saved onto the folder where lily file resides.

2019-03-27 Thread Abraham Lee
Hi, Ming! On Wed, Mar 27, 2019 at 4:01 PM MING TSANG wrote: > Hi lilyponder: > > I have my ipro4 computer hacked. I reinstall window 10 on ipro4. I down > load lilypond 2.19.83 & 2.18.2 and also frecobaldi v3.0.1 > > Then I run frescobaldi to create new lily scroe sheet. It complies OK, but > no

Re: treble and bass clef simultaneously

2019-03-27 Thread Aaron Hill
On 2019-03-27 6:46 am, Werner LEMBERG wrote: for a solitary bass note I want to have a bass clef, not affecting anything else in the staff. How can I fix the attached example? I guess I need a music function that adjusts the vertical note offset of the upper voice... Could you use an "ossia"

Re:Tangled up in Lilypond syntax

2019-03-27 Thread Flaming Hakama by Elaine
> > -- Forwarded message -- > From: Kieren MacMillan > To: Guy Stalnaker > Cc: Tim Slattery , Lilypond-User Mailing List < >> > Date: Tue, 26 Mar 2019 15:16:03 -0400 > Subject: Re: Tangled up in Lilypond syntax > Hi Guy, > > > While I don't use \relative > >

Re: Tangled up in Lilypond syntax

2019-03-27 Thread Aaron Hill
On 2019-03-27 3:35 pm, Flaming Hakama by Elaine wrote: -- Forwarded message -- From: Kieren MacMillan To: Guy Stalnaker Cc: Tim Slattery , Lilypond-User Mailing List <> Date: Tue, 26 Mar 2019 15:16:03 -0400 Subject: Re: Tangled up in Lilypond syntax Hi Guy

Re: Tangled up in Lilypond syntax

2019-03-27 Thread Kieren MacMillan
Hi there, > The issue is not \relative, per se. I wish people would stop maligning it. If it didn’t cause so many problems (especially for newbies) that are easily avoided by not using it, I wouldn’t keep getting up on my soapbox. Believe me: I’d prefer not to get my exercise that way. ;) >

Re: Tangled up in Lilypond syntax

2019-03-27 Thread Kieren MacMillan
Hi Aaron, > I tend to think of something like \relative to be a lower-level construct, > intended to be used as close as possible to the pitches in question. Since I > try to keep things organized in variables where content and structure are not > intermixed, \relative never appears at a highe

Re: Tangled up in Lilypond syntax

2019-03-27 Thread Thomas Morley
Am Do., 28. März 2019 um 00:10 Uhr schrieb Kieren MacMillan : > > Hi there, > > > The issue is not \relative, per se. I wish people would stop maligning it. > > If it didn’t cause so many problems (especially for newbies) that are easily > avoided by not using it, I disagree (partly). I remembe

Re: Tangled up in Lilypond syntax

2019-03-27 Thread Aaron Hill
On 2019-03-27 4:19 pm, Kieren MacMillan wrote: That’s great… But essentially all of the documentation has \relative at the top-level. So what is a newbie to think, other than "My code should look like \paper { … } \header {…} \relative c' { … } But then they start to cut and paste code bits,

Re: treble and bass clef simultaneously

2019-03-27 Thread Thomas Morley
Am Mi., 27. März 2019 um 09:27 Uhr schrieb Werner LEMBERG : > > > Folks, > > > for a solitary bass note I want to have a bass clef, not affecting > anything else in the staff. How can I fix the attached example? > > I guess I need a music function that adjusts the vertical note offset > of the upp

Re: Tangled up in Lilypond syntax

2019-03-27 Thread Kieren MacMillan
Hi Aaron, > I adopted \relative simply because pitches on the treble staff would > otherwise require at least one apostrophe. > […] I desire more to avoid excessive redundancy. Look at \fixed. =) Hope that helps! Kieren. Kieren MacMillan, composer ‣ website:

Re: Tangled up in Lilypond syntax

2019-03-27 Thread David Wright
On Wed 27 Mar 2019 at 19:19:10 (-0400), Kieren MacMillan wrote: > Hi Aaron, > > > I tend to think of something like \relative to be a lower-level construct, > > intended to be used as close as possible to the pitches in question. Since > > I try to keep things organized in variables where conte

Re: Tangled up in Lilypond syntax

2019-03-27 Thread Kieren MacMillan
Hi David, > My understanding of the EE (which I've never used) is close to zero, > but I thought it was conceptually a late part of the LP process, > whereas \relative is just about the earliest. So I'm not sure > I understand how you use the former to substitute for the latter. Well, for example

Re: Tangled up in Lilypond syntax

2019-03-27 Thread Kieren MacMillan
Hi David, OH! >> (Ironically, most of the things I used to use \relative for I now handle >> with the edition-engraver!) That was a typo/brainfart: I meant most of the things I used to use \tag for… Sorry! Kieren. Kieren MacMillan, composer ‣ website: www.kier

tupletFullLength and tuplet brackets

2019-03-27 Thread trocado
Setting tupletFullLength makes LP stop omitting he tuplet bracket for tuplets "with all the notes filled in". Is it possible to change this behavior? For example: \version "2.19.82" \score { \new Staff { \set tupletFullLength = ##t \tuplet 3/2 { a8 a4 } \tuplet 3/2 { a8 a a } \u

Re: Tangled up in Lilypond syntax

2019-03-27 Thread David Wright
On Wed 27 Mar 2019 at 21:19:47 (-0400), Kieren MacMillan wrote: > Hi David, > > OH! > > >> (Ironically, most of the things I used to use \relative for I now handle > >> with the edition-engraver!) > > That was a typo/brainfart: I meant most of the things I used to use \tag for… > > Sorry! No

Re: pdf & mid file not saved onto the folder where lily file resides.

2019-03-27 Thread MING TSANG
Abraham, Thank you for the info. Now I use folder in C-drive. Save and compile solve my problem..I was trying to use router network drive. I can the lily file but not pdf and mid even I did save and compile. I have no idea. So i switch back using C-drive. Thanks,Ming On Wednesday, March 2

font location

2019-03-27 Thread Freeman Gilmore
Where are the physical locations of the fonts used by lilypond? Thank you, ƒg ___ lilypond-user mailing list

RE: tupletFullLength and tuplet brackets

2019-03-27 Thread Mark Stephen Mrotek
Trocado, Which do you want the tuplet brackets all the same or the bracket omitted on the last three notes? Mark -Original Message- From: lilypond-user [] On Behalf Of trocado Sent: Wednesday, March 27, 2019 4:35 PM To: lilypond-u

Re: pdf & mid file not saved onto the folder where lily file resides.

2019-03-27 Thread Federico Bruni
There's an option in the preferences to always save a file before compiling, in case you want to be safe. The issue with the network drive is known, I think. Probably this one: I should double-check... Il giorno gio 28 mar 2019 alle 3:20,

Re: treble and bass clef simultaneously

2019-03-27 Thread Werner LEMBERG
> When staves are part of a group (such as PianoStaff), then it is > important to use staff-staff-padding, not > default-staff-staff-padding. So I goofed there. > > As penance, try out the following: [...] Very nice, thanks! Attached is my slightly modified version. * It uses `alignBelowContex