for a solitary bass note I want to have a bass clef, not affecting
anything else in the staff. How can I fix the attached example?
I guess I need a music function that adjusts the vertical note offset
of the upper voice...
Am 27.03.19 um 09:22 schrieb Werner LEMBERG:
for a solitary bass note I want to have a bass clef, not affecting
anything else in the staff. How can I fix the attached example?
I guess I need a music function that adjusts the vertical note offset
of the upper voice...
I would try t
On 2019-03-27 1:22 am, Werner LEMBERG wrote:
for a solitary bass note I want to have a bass clef, not affecting
anything else in the staff. How can I fix the attached example?
I guess I need a music function that adjusts the vertical note offset
of the upper voice...
Could you use a
>> for a solitary bass note I want to have a bass clef, not affecting
>> anything else in the staff. How can I fix the attached example? I
>> guess I need a music function that adjusts the vertical note offset
>> of the upper voice...
> Could you use an "ossia" that overlaps the staff? [...
On 2019-03-27 3:01 am, Werner LEMBERG wrote:
for a solitary bass note I want to have a bass clef, not affecting
anything else in the staff. How can I fix the attached example? I
guess I need a music function that adjusts the vertical note offset
of the upper voice...
Could you use an "ossia"
Hi Werner,
Can you not use LSR 326? That is what I use quite often.
On Wed, 27 Mar 2019 at 19:27, Werner LEMBERG wrote:
> Folks,
> for a solitary bass note I want to have a bass clef, not affecting
> anything else in the staff. How can I fix the attached example?
> I guess I n
> Can you not use LSR 326? That is what I use quite often.
I started with that, however, it doesn't work with my particular, more
complicated music.
lilypond-user mailing list
for a solitary bass note I want to have a bass clef, not
affecting anything else in the staff. How can I fix the attached
example? I guess I need a music function that adjusts the
vertical note offset of the upper voice...
>>> Could you use an "ossia" that overlaps the st
>> for a solitary bass note I want to have a bass clef, not affecting
>> anything else in the staff. [...]
> I would try to write a music function that replaces the given music
> with a transposed version (c, => a (maybe optional, depending on the
> given clef)) and prints the clef as a markup.
I would like to force a finger position in a tablature for a particular
note in a chord, but the "\set TabStaff.minimumFret = #3 " seems to apply
to the whole chord.
In this example I would like the b to be in string 3 (g), 4th position.
[image: image.png]
I've tried to separate the voic
Am 27.03.19 um 16:55 schrieb Anthony Rushforth:
I would like to force a finger position in a tablature for a particular
note in a chord, but the "\set TabStaff.minimumFret = #3 " seems to
apply to the whole chord.
In this example I would like the b to be in string 3 (g), 4th positi
Il giorno mer 27 mar 2019 alle 18:25, Malte Meyn
ha scritto:
You can use \3 for placing it on the third string:
symbols = 1
... and string numbers on Staff can be removed:
\layout {
\omit Staff.StringNumber
lilypond-user mailing list
Perfect ! Thank you to both of you !
[image: image.png]
symbols={ 1}
\score {<< \new Staff { \clef "treble_8" \symbols }\new TabStaff { \symbols
\layout { \omit Staff.StringNumber }
Le mer. 27 mars 2019 à 21:23, Federico Bruni a écrit :
> Il giorno mer 27 mar 2019 alle 18:25, Malte Meyn
I would like to force a finger position in a tablature for a particular
note in a chord, but the "\set TabStaff.minimumFret = #3 " seems to apply
to the whole chord.
In this example I would like the b to be in string 3 (g), 4th position.
[image: image.png]
I've tried to separate the voic
Hi lilyponder:
I have my ipro4 computer hacked. I reinstall window 10 on ipro4. I down load
lilypond 2.19.83 & 2.18.2 and also frecobaldi v3.0.1
Then I run frescobaldi to create new lily scroe sheet. It complies OK, but no
pdf, mid files saved onto the same folder of lily file.
Help is appreciate
Hi, Ming!
On Wed, Mar 27, 2019 at 4:01 PM MING TSANG wrote:
> Hi lilyponder:
> I have my ipro4 computer hacked. I reinstall window 10 on ipro4. I down
> load lilypond 2.19.83 & 2.18.2 and also frecobaldi v3.0.1
> Then I run frescobaldi to create new lily scroe sheet. It complies OK, but
> no
On 2019-03-27 6:46 am, Werner LEMBERG wrote:
for a solitary bass note I want to have a bass clef, not
affecting anything else in the staff. How can I fix the attached
example? I guess I need a music function that adjusts the
vertical note offset of the upper voice...
Could you use an "ossia"
> -- Forwarded message --
> From: Kieren MacMillan
> To: Guy Stalnaker
> Cc: Tim Slattery , Lilypond-User Mailing List <
> Date: Tue, 26 Mar 2019 15:16:03 -0400
> Subject: Re: Tangled up in Lilypond syntax
> Hi Guy,
> > While I don't use \relative
On 2019-03-27 3:35 pm, Flaming Hakama by Elaine wrote:
-- Forwarded message --
From: Kieren MacMillan
To: Guy Stalnaker
Cc: Tim Slattery , Lilypond-User Mailing List <>
Date: Tue, 26 Mar 2019 15:16:03 -0400
Subject: Re: Tangled up in Lilypond syntax
Hi Guy
Hi there,
> The issue is not \relative, per se. I wish people would stop maligning it.
If it didn’t cause so many problems (especially for newbies) that are easily
avoided by not using it, I wouldn’t keep getting up on my soapbox. Believe me:
I’d prefer not to get my exercise that way. ;)
Hi Aaron,
> I tend to think of something like \relative to be a lower-level construct,
> intended to be used as close as possible to the pitches in question. Since I
> try to keep things organized in variables where content and structure are not
> intermixed, \relative never appears at a highe
Am Do., 28. März 2019 um 00:10 Uhr schrieb Kieren MacMillan
> Hi there,
> > The issue is not \relative, per se. I wish people would stop maligning it.
> If it didn’t cause so many problems (especially for newbies) that are easily
> avoided by not using it,
I disagree (partly).
I remembe
On 2019-03-27 4:19 pm, Kieren MacMillan wrote:
That’s great… But essentially all of the documentation has \relative
at the top-level. So what is a newbie to think, other than "My code
should look like
\paper { … }
\header {…}
\relative c' { … }
But then they start to cut and paste code bits,
Am Mi., 27. März 2019 um 09:27 Uhr schrieb Werner LEMBERG :
> Folks,
> for a solitary bass note I want to have a bass clef, not affecting
> anything else in the staff. How can I fix the attached example?
> I guess I need a music function that adjusts the vertical note offset
> of the upp
Hi Aaron,
> I adopted \relative simply because pitches on the treble staff would
> otherwise require at least one apostrophe.
> […] I desire more to avoid excessive redundancy.
Look at \fixed. =)
Hope that helps!
Kieren MacMillan, composer
‣ website:
On Wed 27 Mar 2019 at 19:19:10 (-0400), Kieren MacMillan wrote:
> Hi Aaron,
> > I tend to think of something like \relative to be a lower-level construct,
> > intended to be used as close as possible to the pitches in question. Since
> > I try to keep things organized in variables where conte
Hi David,
> My understanding of the EE (which I've never used) is close to zero,
> but I thought it was conceptually a late part of the LP process,
> whereas \relative is just about the earliest. So I'm not sure
> I understand how you use the former to substitute for the latter.
Well, for example
Hi David,
>> (Ironically, most of the things I used to use \relative for I now handle
>> with the edition-engraver!)
That was a typo/brainfart: I meant most of the things I used to use \tag for…
Kieren MacMillan, composer
‣ website: www.kier
Setting tupletFullLength makes LP stop omitting he tuplet bracket for tuplets
"with all the notes filled in". Is it possible to change this behavior?
For example:
\version "2.19.82"
\score {
\new Staff {
\set tupletFullLength = ##t
\tuplet 3/2 { a8 a4 }
\tuplet 3/2 { a8 a a }
On Wed 27 Mar 2019 at 21:19:47 (-0400), Kieren MacMillan wrote:
> Hi David,
> OH!
> >> (Ironically, most of the things I used to use \relative for I now handle
> >> with the edition-engraver!)
> That was a typo/brainfart: I meant most of the things I used to use \tag for…
> Sorry!
Thank you for the info. Now I use folder in C-drive. Save and compile solve my
problem..I was trying to use router network drive. I can the lily file but not
pdf and mid even I did save and compile. I have no idea. So i switch back using
On Wednesday, March 2
Where are the physical locations of the fonts used by lilypond?
Thank you,
lilypond-user mailing list
Which do you want the tuplet brackets all the same or the bracket omitted on
the last three notes?
-Original Message-
From: lilypond-user
[] On Behalf Of
Sent: Wednesday, March 27, 2019 4:35 PM
To: lilypond-u
There's an option in the preferences to always save a file before
compiling, in case you want to be safe.
The issue with the network drive is known, I think. Probably this one:
I should double-check...
Il giorno gio 28 mar 2019 alle 3:20,
> When staves are part of a group (such as PianoStaff), then it is
> important to use staff-staff-padding, not
> default-staff-staff-padding. So I goofed there.
> As penance, try out the following: [...]
Very nice, thanks! Attached is my slightly modified version.
* It uses `alignBelowContex
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