On 2019-03-27 3:01 am, Werner LEMBERG wrote:
for a solitary bass note I want to have a bass clef, not affecting
anything else in the staff.  How can I fix the attached example?  I
guess I need a music function that adjusts the vertical note offset
of the upper voice...

Could you use an "ossia" that overlaps the staff?  [...]

A very nice idea, thanks!  I admit that I would never have thought of
that.  Your example is almost perfect, except that I would like to
avoid the horizontal gap caused by bass clef.  What property controls
that?  I tried to modify some `Clef' properties given in
`define-grobs.scm', but I didn't get the desired effect.

Has the potential for overlapping ink, but try this:

  \override Clef.X-extent = #'(1.5 . 1.5)

-- Aaron Hill

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