Re: Custom tabulature for Shamisen

2019-01-02 Thread Christian Zollner
Hello Thomas, thank you for your efforts! Judging from my 2-day experience with LilyPond, that looks promising. I'll try it out and let you know :) Have a great start into 2019, Christian Am 02.01.19 um 00:32 schrieb Thomas Morley: > Am Di., 1. Jan. 2019 um 18:04 Uhr schrieb Christian Zollner >

Re: [OT] Variations in ordinals and building floor numbers

2019-01-02 Thread Wols Lists
On 02/01/19 03:42, Andrew Bernard wrote: > Hi David, > > Never seen '*' in Australia. > Same here in the UK. QUITE often, the street level is either green, or noticeably raised, or both, but I've come across several where the street exit is on "1" and "G" takes you some place else ... (And give

Re: [OT] Variations in ordinals and building floor numbers

2019-01-02 Thread Andrew Bernard
Hi All, Amazing. Elevatorpedia. I don't think it's possible to add any more! Andrew ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Automatic narrowing in Emacs?

2019-01-02 Thread David Sumbler
This may be slightly off-topic, but it concerns a problem I have encountered in Emacs when editing Lilypond files and at no other time. I always use Emacs for creating and editing my Lilypond files. Some of these get quite large. When editing a very long file (typically over 2,000 lines) I have

Re: Automatic narrowing in Emacs?

2019-01-02 Thread Andrew Bernard
Hi David, Never heard of this being automatic. Have you got a lot of customisations in your emacs? What version are you running (not that I think that makes any difference) and on what platform? Weird. hard to imagine how you would have both set a mark and typed C-x n n inadvertently. I always f

Re: Lyrics above context

2019-01-02 Thread Guy Stalnaker
And the answer is, "No, I can't incorporate into the larger score." Follow-up question then: can this type of Dynamics directive be applied in a temporary polyphonic passage? Because that's what I'm trying to do. Final four measures split into two voices, explicitly created: << \new Voice = "Solo

Re: Automatic narrowing in Emacs?

2019-01-02 Thread David Kastrup
David Sumbler writes: > I now realise that in these cases the buffer has been "narrowed". > This is a useful feature of Emacs that I wasn't even aware of > previously, and no doubt I shall start to use it intentionally in > future. > > But I find that a large buffer gets narrowed automatically wh

Re: Automatic narrowing in Emacs?

2019-01-02 Thread Andrew Bernard
Hi All, I now remember it was exactly this issue some time ago that caused me to stop using lilypond-mode. The narrowing does not get undone properly. My emacs-lisp coding is not up to fixing it. Is there anyone that could have a go at it? Andrew ___

Automatic coloring clef/key signature changes

2019-01-02 Thread Jérôme Plût
Is there a way to change the color of all clef changes in a score (and only these, not the clef that is at the beginning of each staff line)? I cannot manage to change even one of these (I tried \once \override Staff.Clef.color, to no avail), and what I really want is to change all of these by a on

Re: Automatic narrowing in Emacs?

2019-01-02 Thread David Sumbler
-Original Message- From: David Kastrup To: David Sumbler CC: Subject: Re: Automatic narrowing in Emacs? Date: Wed, 02 Jan 2019 15:14:29 +0100 David Sumbler writes: > I now realise that in these cases the buffer has been "narrowed". > This is a useful feature of Em

Re: Automatic coloring clef/key signature changes

2019-01-02 Thread Kieren MacMillan
Hi Jérôme, > Is there a way to change the color of all clef changes in a score (and > only these, not the clef that is at the beginning of each staff line)? I’m sure there is. I just don’t have time right now to figure out how. Sorry! > I cannot manage to change even one of these (I tried \once

Re: Automatic coloring clef/key signature changes

2019-01-02 Thread David Kastrup
Jérôme Plût writes: > Is there a way to change the color of all clef changes in a score (and > only these, not the clef that is at the beginning of each staff line)? > I cannot manage to change even one of these (I tried \once \override > Staff.Clef.color, to no avail), and what I really want is

Re: Automatic coloring clef/key signature changes

2019-01-02 Thread Jérôme Plût
> Well, since you don't include any example code Of course, if I had had any example code, I would not have been asking the question in the first place! Here is a working example though, thanks to the second part of your message. Should some variant of this be added to the snippets database? #(

Re: Automatic coloring clef/key signature changes

2019-01-02 Thread Kieren MacMillan
Hi Jérôme, > % Amusingly, the naturals are *not* colored here: That’s because they’re a different grob… ;) \override Score.KeyCancellation.color = #'(.5 .2 0) Cheers, Kieren. Kieren MacMillan, composer ‣ website: ‣ email: i...@kierenm

Re: Lyrics above context

2019-01-02 Thread Tyler Mitchell
On Wed, Jan 02, 2019 at 08:00:31AM -0600, Guy Stalnaker wrote: > And the answer is, "No, I can't incorporate into the larger score." > > Follow-up question then: can this type of Dynamics directive be applied in > a temporary polyphonic passage? Because that's what I'm trying to do. Final > four m

Re: Lyrics above context

2019-01-02 Thread Guy Stalnaker
Tyler, How will LP know to which context the dynamics apply? I have a open SATB score? I'll give it a go. Thanks for your reply! Guy On 1/2/2019 1:02 PM, Tyler Mitchell wrote: On Wed, Jan 02, 2019 at

Re: Lyrics above context

2019-01-02 Thread Tyler Mitchell
On Wed, Jan 02, 2019 at 01:13:22PM -0600, Guy Stalnaker wrote: > Tyler, > > How will LP know to which context the dynamics apply? I have a open SATB > score? Hi Guy, The dynamics are now only in the Dynamics context itself; I've removed them from the original "Solo" voice. The Dynamics context

Re: Lyrics above context

2019-01-02 Thread Guy Stalnaker
BINGO! Tyler -- that did it. Again, much thanks. I need to explore this Dynamics thing. Would be nice to only have to put dynamics etc. in its own place then apply to each "voice". I assume that's what this is for. Guy On 1/2/20

Defining radius of circle that encircles text

2019-01-02 Thread Sam Bivens
Happy New Year to everyone reading! Please see the attached MWE; how can I specify the radius of the circled text? Using `\circle 2` results in differently sized circles based on the circled text, but when I specify the radius with `\draw-circle`, I somehow can't manage to center the text insi

Re: Defining radius of circle that encircles text

2019-01-02 Thread Kieren MacMillan
Hi Sam, > when I specify the radius with `\draw-circle`, I somehow can't manage to > center the text inside the circle. Maybe \new Staff { g'4^\markup { \combine \draw-circle #1.5 #.1 ##f \general-align #X #0 \general-align #Y #0 "2" } r g'4^\markup { \combine \draw-circle #1.5 #.1 ##f \

Re: Defining radius of circle that encircles text

2019-01-02 Thread Thomas Morley
Am Mi., 2. Jan. 2019 um 22:41 Uhr schrieb Sam Bivens : > > Happy New Year to everyone reading! > > Please see the attached MWE; how can I specify the radius of the circled > text? Using `\circle 2` results in differently sized circles based on > the circled text, but when I specify the radius with

Re: Defining radius of circle that encircles text

2019-01-02 Thread Kieren MacMillan
Hi Harm, > \markup { \combine \draw-circle #1.5 #.1 ##f \vcenter \halign #CENTER "2" } Nicely done! K. Kieren MacMillan, composer ‣ website: ‣ email: ___ lilypond-use

Re: Flat flared hairpins

2019-01-02 Thread Thomas Morley
Am Mi., 2. Jan. 2019 um 01:26 Uhr schrieb Andrew Bernard : > > Hi Thomas, > > The correction works and all is good. Thanks so much. > > An interesting point I discovered. If you use \< for the hairpins, the LEFT, > RIGHT settings are correct. but if you use /< they are reversed - but still > work

Re: Flat flared hairpins

2019-01-02 Thread Thomas Morley
Am Mi., 2. Jan. 2019 um 23:21 Uhr schrieb Thomas Morley : > \layout { > \override Hairpin.stencil = #flat-flared-hairpin > \override Hairpin.details.flare-height = 2 %% default is 1 > \override Hairpin.details.flare-width = 2 %% default is 1 > \override Hairpin.thickness = 2 Please commen

Re: Lyrics above context

2019-01-02 Thread Tyler Mitchell
On Wed, Jan 02, 2019 at 03:30:27PM -0600, Guy Stalnaker wrote: > BINGO! > > Tyler -- that did it. Again, much thanks. > > I need to explore this Dynamics thing. Would be nice to only have to put > dynamics etc. in its own place then apply to each "voice". I assume that's > what > this is for. Y

LilyPond website and HTTPS support

2019-01-02 Thread Tyler Mitchell
Hi, Are there any plans to make accessible via HTTPS? Now Chrome is marking HTTP-only sites as "Not secure", and perhaps other browsers will follow suit. I think historically there was a cost barrier to obtaining an SSL certificate, but now that Let's Encrypt is around, this should n

Re: LilyPond website and HTTPS support

2019-01-02 Thread Karlin High
On 1/2/2019 5:35 PM, Tyler Mitchell wrote: Are there any plans to make accessible via HTTPS? now that Let's Encrypt is around I expect that is a question for Han-Wen Nienhuys, who seems to control the website hosting.

Re: Defining radius of circle that encircles text

2019-01-02 Thread Sam Bivens
Hi Kieren and Harm, Thanks so much for the help! This is exactly what I was looking for. Much appreciated, Sam On 1/2/19 4:56 PM, Thomas Morley wrote: Am Mi., 2. Jan. 2019 um 22:41 Uhr schrieb Sam Bivens : Happy New Year to everyone reading! Please see the attached MWE; how can I specify th

Contexts and Voices

2019-01-02 Thread Guy Stalnaker
All, Trying to finish this piece and it's giving my fits. With Tyler's help I got the Solo lyrics where I wanted them. Thanks, Tyler. But doing this and adding appropriate dynamics for \voiceTwo results in this: Note the lyric placement in measures 63-64. These lyrics occur before the pol

Apologies for the prior spam post - Lyric placement or new staff for ending.

2019-01-02 Thread Guy Stalnaker
All, Trying to finish this piece and it's giving me fits. With Tyler's help I got the Solo lyrics where I wanted them. Thanks, Tyler. But doing this and adding appropriate dynamics for \voiceTwo results in this: Note the lyric placement in measures 63-64 for the top staff. These lyrics oc

GAH!! Apologies for the prior spam post - Lyric placement or new staff for ending.

2019-01-02 Thread Guy Stalnaker
All, Trying to finish this piece and it's giving me fits. With Tyler's help I got the Solo lyrics where I wanted them. Thanks, Tyler. But doing this and adding appropriate dynamics for \voiceTwo results in this:

Re: Lyric placement or new staff for ending

2019-01-02 Thread Tyler Mitchell
Hi Guy, [I'm not the list maintainer, but as a suggestion, if you make a mistake and post your message too soon, it may be better to reply to your original message without modifying the subject line, so that you don't create multiple threads for the same topic.] On Wed, Jan 02, 2019 at 09:40:53PM

Error: bad expression type

2019-01-02 Thread Christopher R. Maden
tl;dr: in 2.14, I used to call a variable (\theFootnotes) between a layout score and a MIDI score. That was defined as ##f in an included file. After convert-ly-ing to 2.18, I get “error: bad expression type.” Why? =-=-=-= I have a bunch of music that was done with 2.14. I just ran conver