And the answer is, "No, I can't incorporate into the larger score."
Follow-up question then: can this type of Dynamics directive be applied in a temporary polyphonic passage? Because that's what I'm trying to do. Final four measures split into two voices, explicitly created: << \new Voice = "Solo" { \voiceOne } \new Voice = "sopranoOoos" { \voiceTwo } >> If I put \new Dynamics {} before or after either of these two \new Voice inside the polyphonic code LP puts the dynamics beneath the entire 4-stave score. If I add \with { alignAboveContext = #"sopranos } LP puts the dynamics exactly as originally, immediately above the staff, but below the lyrics, so nothing gained by the added code. Guy On Tue, Jan 1, 2019, 11:25 PM Guy Stalnaker < wrote: > Tyler, > > That is exactly what I want. Now to figure out how to incorporate it into > the existing score (because this is only for the final 4 measures and not > the entire work). > > Much thanks, > > Guy > > On 1/1/2019 11:13 PM, Tyler Mitchell wrote: > > On Tue, Jan 01, 2019 at 11:37:31AM -0600, Guy Stalnaker wrote: > > All, > > At the end of a choral work I want soprano solo, their text above the > staff, with remaining sopranos "Ooo" below the staff. There are also > dynamics, a dimenuendo, and a note re: Solo, etc. Right now LP engraves the > following by putting the lyrics above the dynamics, etc. Can I get the > lyrics below the dynamics, etc. (that is, immediate above the staff)? > > > I think this is one way of doing it (assuming I understand what you > were looking for). I had to put that bit of padding in there so > that the descenders of 'mf' and 'p' didn't smash into the lyrics: > > %%% code begin > \score { > << > \new Dynamics \with { \override > VerticalAxisGroup.nonstaff-nonstaff-spacing = #'((padding . 1)) } { > \partial 4 a'4^\mf^\dim ^"Solo, Remaining voices Ooos" \bar "||" > a'4. bf'8 c''4 a' | > g'2 f'\p | > } > \new Staff = "sopranos" << > << \new Voice = "Solo" > { \voiceOne > { > \partial 4 a'4 \bar "||" > a'4. bf'8 c''4 a' | > g'2 f' | > } > } > \new Lyrics \with { alignAboveContext = #"sopranos" } \lyricsto > "Solo" { > Yet what I can I give Him, > } > \new Voice = "sopranoOoos" > { \voiceTwo > { > \partial 4 f'4( ~ | > f'4. g'8 a'4 f' | > f'2 d') | > } > } > \new Lyrics \lyricsto "sopranoOoos" { Ooo } > >> \bar "|." > >> > >> > \layout { } > } > %%%% code end > > Cheers, > Tyler > > > -- > “Happiness is the meaning and the purpose of life, the whole aim and end of > human existence.” > ― Aristotle > >
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