Settings for automatic beam slope

2015-11-20 Thread Urs Liska
I have a question regarding beam slopes. Consider the first of the attached images where the long beam is quite ugly IMO. I would prefer to have the beam sloped similarly to the shorter ones at the beginning at the example, something like shown in the second attachment. (Eventually it should look

Fwd: Slash chords

2015-11-20 Thread Urs Liska
Dear Luca, this is a question you should ask on the lilypond-user mailing list. I have forwarded it there but I strongly suggest you subscribe at to automatically receive any replies. Best Urs Am 20.11.2015 um 10:46 schrieb LilyPond blog conta

Re: Fwd: Slash chords

2015-11-20 Thread Simon Albrecht
On 20.11.2015 10:56, Urs Liska wrote: Dear Luca, this is a question you should ask on the lilypond-user mailing list. I have forwarded it there but I strongly suggest you subscribe at to automatically receive any replies. Best Urs Am 20.1

Re: Settings for automatic beam slope

2015-11-20 Thread Andrew Bernard
Hi Urs, Im my work I set almost every beam manually (fiddly and time consuming, but worthwhile). Some useful functions I wrote: setBeamPos = #(define-music-function (left right) (number? number?) "Manually set beam position for next group." #{ \once \override Beam.positions = #(cons

Re: Settings for automatic beam slope

2015-11-20 Thread Urs Liska
Am 20.11.2015 um 12:19 schrieb Andrew Bernard: > Hi Urs, > > Im my work I set almost every beam manually (fiddly and time > consuming, but worthwhile). Well, the usual discussion of automatic engraving. Of course we hope that one day LilyPond will simply produce perfect output. But OTOH "perfect

Re: Gounod - Le Rendez Vous

2015-11-20 Thread Alberto Simões
Hey On 20/11/2015 05:49, Abraham Lee wrote: That being said, since there appears to be arguments for doing it both ways, I'd recommend that you pick one way and be consistent throughout the entire work. Yes, of course. I will try and check which one looks better. If you have updated files t

guitar scale diagram - change root

2015-11-20 Thread bart deruyter
Hi all, I'm assembling a list of scales for my students. with scale diagrams. I've successfully implementend : . But now I stumble on another problem. The snippet for the scale diagram assumes that the lowest sounding note is the root of the scale. What if i

Re: Aligning a tempo marking with a note

2015-11-20 Thread David Sumbler
The markings that have been discussed relate either to "dynamic" (e.g. "mf" or "dim.), or to tempo (e.g. "Allegro", rit."). They also indicate either a state ("mf", "Allegro") or a continuous change ("dim.", "rit."). Both "mf" and "Allegro" could apply to a whole piece lasting, say, half an hou

Re: Settings for automatic beam slope

2015-11-20 Thread Simon Albrecht
Hello, I made a test suite, which shows quite peculiar results: – The problem typically appears with at least 7 (‘II’ series) or 9 (‘I’ series) notes under one beam, but sometimes also with 3 notes (ex. II and IIc) – In each example, the problem occurs only for one of the voices. I couldn’t ye

Re: Fwd: Slash chords

2015-11-20 Thread jmechmech
sorry, in french : -- View this message in context: http://lilypond.1069038.n5.nabble.c

RE:guitar scale diagram - change root

2015-11-20 Thread Stephen MacNeil
using the snippet given you would change the order and add the correct position number eg ((5 3) (5 5) becomes ((5 3) (5 2 5) and the 5 is the new scale position -- so the root on 3rd fret (c) is before the second (b) % cpenta= \markup\scale-diagramm #'((5 3) (5 5) (4 3) (4 5) (3 2) % (3 5)

Re: guitar scale diagram - change root

2015-11-20 Thread Klaus Blum
Hi Bart, yes, that's no problem. In the attached file, I've added a parameter "start". It's an integer to indicate the tone number to start with, i.e. 1 for the root etc. This might be a start. Recently, there has been another thread that might be interesting for you as well: http://lilypond.10

Re: Settings for automatic beam slope

2015-11-20 Thread Urs Liska
Hi Simon, thank you for that, I think this is really helpful. I think I see a pattern. This doesn't *completely* explain everything but quite a lot. Obviously the decision depends on whethere there are none, one or more notes outside the staff (outside in this context beginning with the notehead

Install problem

2015-11-20 Thread Peter Fender
Hi . I have downloaded 2.18.2 and installed it. When I double click on the shortcut created nothing happens. If I right click (I'm on Windows 10) and Run as Administrator I get a DOS window (blank) and a Welcome to Lilypond file - which tells me to save it as to my desktop and then dr

Re: Install problem

2015-11-20 Thread Urs Liska
Am 20.11.2015 um 15:38 schrieb Peter Fender: > > Hi … > > > > I have downloaded 2.18.2 and installed it. When I double click on the > shortcut created nothing happens. If I right click (I’m on Windows > 10) and Run as Administrator I get a DOS window (blank) and a Welcome > to Lilypond file –

Re: Install problem

2015-11-20 Thread Kieren MacMillan
Hi Peter, Welcome to the ‘Pond! > Any suggestions? Reading the Learning Manual is a good first step: Hope this helps! Kieren. Kieren MacMillan, composer ‣ website: ‣ email:

Re: Install problem

2015-11-20 Thread Urs Liska
Am 20.11.2015 um 16:10 schrieb Urs Liska: > Please go to that page Sorry, forgot. That page links to a "Hello World" page, and that doesn't exist yet. ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Install problem

2015-11-20 Thread Phil Holmes
I suspect this is a Windows 10 issue, and the clue to fixing it may well be that nothing happens unless the shortcut is run as Admin. On my Vista box, I can right-click the shortcut, click "Properties, "Advanced" and select "Run as administrator". Could you try that? -- Phil Holmes -

Re: Install problem

2015-11-20 Thread
On my Windows 10 it works without "Run as Administrator" The only thing that happens when you drop a .ly file on the shortcut is that it compiles the .ly file. If it's OK, then you will get a .pdf file otherwise it will create a .log file with the errors. There will not be any dialog or anyth


2015-11-20 Thread Amir Teymuri
Hello Lilypond communiy,   i am new to lilypond, i am trying to set up the lilypond mode in emacs, till now unsuccessfuly! This is what i have tried so far: downloaded the lilypond extecutable sh file from the homepage and installed it by doing this command:  sh lilypond-2.18.2-1.linux.x86.s

Re: Lilypond+Emacs

2015-11-20 Thread Simon Albrecht
On 20.11.2015 16:40, Amir Teymuri wrote: Hello Lilypond communiy, i am new to lilypond, i am trying to set up the lilypond mode in emacs, till now unsuccessfuly! This is what i have tried so far: 1. downloaded the lilypond extecutable sh file from the homepage and installed it by doing th

Re: Install problem

2015-11-20 Thread
OP is Original Poster. When you answer please answer to the group. Don't just hit reply! Depending on your email program you may have a Reply List otherwise use Reply all // Anders On 2015-11-20 16:46, Peter Fender wrote: No pdf or log file, just nothing. What’s an OP? *From:*lilypond-use

RE: Install problem

2015-11-20 Thread Urs Liska
Frescobaldy is s good choice to begin with. It *is* somewhat complex but if you don't rush and don't hesitate to ask it is feasible - and rewarding. Enter a minimal file in Frescobaldi: { c' } and hit the compile button. If that produces a minimal score you've done the first step. Good luc

Re: Install problem

2015-11-20 Thread
Just remembered that I didn't use the default directory C:\Program Files (x86)\Lilypond I used C:\lilypond instead. So Phils idea of a rights issue is probably right! // Anders On 2015-11-20 16:34, wrote: On my Windows 10 it works without "Run as Administrator" The only th

Re: Aw: Re: Lilypond+Emacs

2015-11-20 Thread Simon Albrecht
Hello Amir, I’m not familiar with Emacs at all. Please always ‘reply all’, especially include the list. Sorry to be no further help here. Yours, Simon On 20.11.2015 19:26, Amir Teymuri wrote: Hello, i have now uninstalled lilypond and reinstalled it again from the package repository, there

Aw: Re: Lilypond+Emacs

2015-11-20 Thread Amir Teymuri
Hello,   i have now uninstalled lilypond and reinstalled it again from the package repository, there is no directories named usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/ in the lilypond directory in my ~/usr/share. I have put this in my init.el: (setq load-path (append (list (expand-file-name "~/usr/share/emacs/

Re: Install problem

2015-11-20 Thread Stan Sanderson
Re: Frescobaldi, my appreciation increases with every use. Even though I've been using it since Davide L. provided the files on MacPort, most of my use is at the elementary level. This explains how I accidentally discovered the "quick insert" capability just a day or two ago. I had seen it in th

cross-staff stems for only two of three staves

2015-11-20 Thread Malte Meyn
Hi list, I would like to set cross staff stems in a three-staff piano score. With stems from the middle to lower or upper staff everything works fine but not the other way (from outer to middle staff). Does anyone have an idea how to fix that or work around? \version "2.19.30" \new PianoSta

warning if line is too wide?

2015-11-20 Thread Malte Meyn
Hi list, is it possible to be informed by LilyPond if a line in the pdf is too wide because of too many notes or \noBreak etc. (like LaTeX’ overfull hbox warnings)? Sometimes this would be useful (f. e. in cases where a line is only a little bit too wide). Malte

Re: Fwd: Slash chords

2015-11-20 Thread Simon Albrecht
Hello Luca, with the help of the french blog post jmechmech linked in his reply, I cooked up the following from your code: \version "2.18.2" #(define (lower-extension pitch chbass) "Return lowered markup for pitch note name." #{ \markup \raise #-1.9 \halign #0.2 #

Re: Fwd: Slash chords

2015-11-20 Thread Luca Fascione
Actually, sorry for not thinking about this before, but writing it in LaTeX gave me an idea to illustrate what I'd like to achieve (roughly). %% \version "2.18.2" % test for setting slash chords with realbookchords font chExceptionMusic = { 1-\markup { "7" } 1-\markup

Re: Fwd: Slash chords

2015-11-20 Thread Luca Fascione
Thanks Simon! I'm also attaching the small GIF from the other website for reference, and the result I presently get from 2.18.2. It seems this question has come up a long time ago but I couldn't find a definitive resolution to it. As I was saying, I am happy to contribute time to the coding if it

Strange error(?) message when invoking lilypond-book

2015-11-20 Thread Speldosa
I'm running OS X 10.11 and LilyPond version 2.18.2-1. I'm trying to invoke lilypond-book via terminal by typing the following (I've tried getting the path option to work, but I've given up after a gazillion tries): /Applications/ Test.lytex Wha

Re: Fwd: Slash chords

2015-11-20 Thread Luca Fascione
Wow looks brilliant! I'm away from my computer at the moment but I'll test later in the day and report, I think it's great! Thanks a lot Simon! Luca On 21 Nov 2015 10:36, "Simon Albrecht" wrote: > Hello Luca, > > with the help of the french blog post jmechmech linked in his reply, I > cooked up

Re: Strange error(?) message when invoking lilypond-book

2015-11-20 Thread David Kastrup
Speldosa writes: > I'm running OS X 10.11 and LilyPond version 2.18.2-1. I'm trying to invoke > lilypond-book via terminal by typing the following (I've tried getting the > path option to work, but I've given up after a gazillion tries): > > /Applications/

Re: Fwd: Slash chords

2015-11-20 Thread Luca Fascione
Hi Simon, so this actually works rather well, I ended up taking the rotation out, as with the actual font you get a better sense of the nib direction with the original orientation of the solidus, nonetheless I do really like your suggestion of using a slightly larger size, I find it does help a fai

Re: Strange error(?) message when invoking lilypond-book

2015-11-20 Thread Speldosa
Thanks! Running the same terminal code with "python2" at the beginning did the trick! -- View this message in context: Sent from the User mailing list archive at ___

SVG fonts

2015-11-20 Thread Andrew Bernard
I am attempting to produce SVG output from lilypond 2.19.31. The score uses specific fonts, such as the following: \override DynamicText.font-name = "Noto Serif Bold Italic" The current release produces a less than useful error when the SVG font cannot be found: warning: cannot find SVG font

Re: SVG fonts

2015-11-20 Thread Andrew Bernard
More investigation on fonts for SVG. The following errors out if the font-name property for DynamicText is set. The font-name specification for TextScript renders correctly. \version "2.19.31" { \override DynamicText.font-name = "Noto Serif Bold Italic" c''\p \override TextScript.font-nam