Am 12.06.2015 um 08:37 schrieb Jan-Peter Voigt:
> Hello list-members,
> this is just a short note about something, I came across these days.
> There is a library to convert MEI-xml to SVG:
> Lilypond can of course produce SVG by itself. But as mentioned
I wonder if there is better and more coincise way to write the following
musict = {
g16 g'' g g a,, a'' a a b,, b'' b b c,, c'' c c
d,, d'' d d e,, e'' e e fis,, fis'' fis fis g,, g'' g g
a,, a'' a a b,, b'' b b c,, c'' c c d,, d'' d d
e,, e'' e e fis,, fis'' fis fi
At 10:15 on 12 Jun 2015, Damian leGassick wrote:
>Dear all
>I need to set this tremolo:
\time 3/4
r4 \scaleDurations #'(2 . 1) \repeat tremolo 4 { e'''!64 c'''! } r4
Mark Knoop
lilypond-user mailing list
On 12 Jun 2015, at 10:34, Mark Knoop wrote:
> At 10:15 on 12 Jun 2015, Damian leGassick wrote:
>> Dear all
>> I need to set this tremolo:
> {
> \time 3/4
> r4 \scaleDurations #'(2 . 1) \repeat tremolo 4 { e'''!64 c'''! } r4
> }
> --
> Mark Knoop
> __
I'm not a musician. I'm editing a published violin score using lilypond. The
book is a set of studies by Robert Pracht and in many of them the note which
ends a hairpin falls on a downbeat. I don't know if this is something
exceptional or pretty normal in modern music but in this book this is
On 06/12/2015 02:23 PM, Gianmaria Lari wrote:
I'm not a musician. I'm editing a published violin score using lilypond. The
book is a set of studies by Robert Pracht and in many of them the note which
ends a hairpin falls on a downbeat. I don't know if this is something
exceptional or pretty norma
2015-06-11 9:21 GMT+02:00 David Kastrup :
> Peter Crighton writes:
> > Hello all,
> >
> > I have defined a function \ringOn which adds a tweaked TextSpanner. The
> > resulting dashed line has different dash sizes in a Staff and a TabStaff,
> > due to Staff.StaffSymbol.staff-space being set to #
Hi Gianmaria,
you could start like this:
% --
\version "2.18.2"
pat =
#(define-music-function (parser location note) (ly:pitch?)
\transpose c $note
% define the pattern here:
{ c,,16 c'' c c }
\pat g
Hello Damian,
Am 12.06.2015 um 11:15 schrieb Damian leGassick:
\version "2.18.2"
\time 3/4
r4 \repeat tremolo 4 { e'''!64 c'''! } r4.
r4 \repeat tremolo 8 { e'''!64 c'''! } r4
You might be interested in \accidentalStyle dodecaphonic – unless of
course you already know it…
Klaus Blum writes:
> Hi Gianmaria,
> you could start like this:
> % --
> \version "2.18.2"
> pat =
> #(define-music-function (parser location note) (ly:pitch?)
> \transpose c $note
> % define the pattern here:
Am 12.06.2015 um 16:27 schrieb David Kastrup:
Klaus Blum writes:
Hi Gianmaria,
you could start like this:
% --
\version "2.18.2"
pat =
#(define-music-function (parser location note) (ly:pitch?)
\transpose c $note
Dear Karen,
>1. Get the clef (treble) and key (if applicable) to print on
> each line instead of just at the beginning.
Not quite sure what you are trying to achieve here. Gregorian Musik
does not have clefs and keys, at least not in the same way as e.g.
Bach or Mozart have.
If you are after cre
Hello all,
When I try to attach a balloon to a whole note, like this:
%%% Snippet begins
\version "2.19.21"
\new Voice \with { \consists "Balloon_engraver" }
\balloonGrobText #'Stem #'(3 . 3) \markup { "I'm a Stem" }
%%% Snippet ends
I get the attached pop-up window.
Is this an issue
lilypond-user mailing list
Michael Gerdau writes:
> Dear Karen,
>>1. Get the clef (treble) and key (if applicable) to print on
>> each line instead of just at the beginning.
> Not quite sure what you are trying to achieve here. Gregorian Musik
> does not have clefs and keys, at least not in the same way as e.g.
> Bach
Tiny example?
Am 12.06.2015 um 17:15 schrieb Daniel Rosen:
lilypond-user mailing list
lilypond-user mailing list
I sent the attached message to the list a couple minutes after the one below
(about an hour and a half ago), but for some reason it still hasn't shown up on
the list.
From: Simon Albrecht []
Sent: Friday, June 12, 2015 12:39 PM
To: Daniel Rosen; lilypond-user Mai
Simon, Daniel, et al,
Here you are...
FYI, I have to force breaks to avoid getting breaks in mid-melisma... I
finally managed to get a clef, but now I get two for the price of one!
On Friday, June 12, 2015 10:39 AM, Simon Albrecht
Tiny example?
Am 12.06.2015
I don’t understand—is this file related to my question?
From: Karen Billings []
Sent: Friday, June 12, 2015 12:47 PM
To: Simon Albrecht; Daniel Rosen; lilypond-user Mailing List
Subject: Re: \remove "Time_signature_engraver" + \override
Am 12.06.2015 um 19:22 schrieb Daniel Rosen:
I don’t understand—is this file related to my question?
No, it belongs in the ‘ with clef & italics’ thread. So
Karen, it would’ve been helpful to actually respond to that instead of
switching over to another thread.
Daniel: I
Simon, et al,
My apologies. I believe I got our threads crossed. (More accurately, my stupid
email program got threads crossed and linked your message to the
thread... the subject made sense, though, so I did try it!)
On Friday, June 12, 2015 12:31 PM, Simon Albrecht
Re: Gregorian clefs
-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of
Michael Gerdau
Simon Albrecht-2 wrote
> The problem is integrating this with
> \relative (as Gianmaria intended, I believe). At least you’d have to
> spell out the first one.
That's true. But if you want to work ONLY in relative mode, a tiny
modification to David's solution will work:
% --
Not a problem, just couldn't figure it out.
Sent from my iPhone
On Jun 12, 2015, at 3:21 PM, Karen Billings>> wrote:
I'm sorry - it's not related to your specific question. It appears that our
message threads somehow got combined as one. I'm really sorr
I need help with the attached situation: the "dim." should go inside the
slur, but the avoid-slur tweak is ignored and it appears above. How to
fix that?
Thanks in advance,
\version "2.19.20"
\score {
\new Voice {
{ f''1( }
{ s2 s
Hi Simon,
I've played a bit with your example, based on which is also part of the
This might do the trick:
% ---
\version "2.19.18"
\score {
\new Voice {
\override Te
It works perfectly! Thank you!
View this message in context:
Sent from the User mailing list archive at
lilypond-user mailing list
Hi all,
Here’s another solution, which keeps “dim.” as a DynamicText, and avoids
multiple voices:
dynDim = #(make-dynamic-script (markup #:line (#:normal-text #:italic "dim." )))
theMusic = {
f''1*1/2( s-\tweak extra-offset #'(1.25 . -2.5) ^\dynDim
\score {
\new Staff
Simon Albrecht writes:
> Hello,
> I need help with the attached situation: the "dim." should go inside
> the slur, but the avoid-slur tweak is ignored and it appears
> above. How to fix that?
> Thanks in advance,
> Simon
I have no idea what I'm doing here and there appears to be no
On Fri, Jun 12, 2015 at 8:10 AM, Daniel Rosen wrote:
> Hello all,
> When I try to attach a balloon to a whole note, like this:
> %%% Snippet begins
> \version "2.19.21"
> \new Voice \with { \consists "Balloon_engraver" }
> {
> \balloonGrobText #'Stem #'(3 . 3) \markup { "I'm a Stem" }
> g
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