On Fri, Jun 12, 2015 at 8:10 AM, Daniel Rosen <drose...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello all,
> When I try to attach a balloon to a whole note, like this:
> %%% Snippet begins
> \version "2.19.21"
> \new Voice \with { \consists "Balloon_engraver" }
> {
>   \balloonGrobText #'Stem #'(3 . 3) \markup { "I'm a Stem" }
>   g1
> }
> %%% Snippet ends
> I get the attached pop-up window.
> Is this an issue on my end, or is it a bug?
Definitely a bug. On my system the score compiles, but produces four
"warning: Found infinity or nan in output. Substituting 0.0" warnings and
the PDF output looks weird (the staff is at the top of the page and the
note overlaps the clef).

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