You never _need_ a dynamics context. Just put the dynamics in the music:
\new PianoStaff<<
\new Staff
\new Voice { c'' c'' \p c'' c'' }
>> % Staff end
\new Staff
\new Voice { \clef "bass" c c c c }
>> % Staff end
>> % Pianostaff/staffgroup/choirstaff end
>> % Music end
Phil Hol
Hi List, Hi Schemers,
I'd like to put an iteration in a markup command. I've never done that
before so I'm a little lost (I've already tried hundreds of alternatives...
:( ):
Here's where I am so far:
\version "2.19.18"
#(define-markup-command (staff-lines-it layout props n pad long) (numb
Hi Richard,
Your option is more elegant than mine!
In short, yours goes:
\version "2.18.2"
bassFig = \figuremode {
<5 4>4 <3>
\new Staff <<
\new Voice \relative c' { f2 }
For the record, if you want the figures below the stave and want the "3"
aligned with the "4", on
Le mardi 14 avril 2015, 14:22:58 Pierre Perol-Schneider a écrit :
> (#:path 0.15
>(moveto 0 ,(* pad n))(lineto ,long ,(* pad
> n)) ; n
>;(moveto 0 ,(* pad 0))(lin
> ;;untested
> (#:path 0.15
> (lambda(i)
> (moveto 0 (* pad i))(lineto long (* pad i))
> (iota n)
> Perhaps (iota (1+ n))
Ok sorry, (moveto 0 (* pad i))(lineto long (* pad i)) was not one
instruction but two :
(#:path 0.15
If I attempt to change the font (to anything other than the default) for
TextScript, with, for example;
\override TextScript.font-name = "Linux Biolinum O”
when using notes for tempo markings such as
^\markup { \smaller \note-by-number #8 #0 #0.8 = 48 }
I get a cascade of the following errors:
Merci Gilles,
Unfortunately I still cannot get anything.
So, if I follow your instructions here's what I get:
#(define-markup-command (staff-lines-it layout props n pad long) (number?
number? number?)
(interpret-markup layout props
(if (= n 0)
(markup (#:path 0.15 `((mo
Schneidy wrote
> Unfortunately I still cannot get anything.
> So, if I follow your instructions here's what I get:
> #(define-markup-command (staff-lines-it layout props n pad long) (number?
> number? number?)
> (interpret-markup layout props
> (if (= n 0)
> (markup (#
Urs Liska wrote
> You should define clef-set like
> clef-set = #'low
> or
> #(define clef-set 'low)
> to make it a real symbol.
Otherwise it is a string:
clef-set = #'low
foo = low
#(display (symbol? clef-set))
#(display (string? foo))
I've never used apply so I'm no hel
Works perfectly.
Thank you very much Paul, et encore merci à toi Gilles!
2015-04-14 17:52 GMT+02:00 Paul Morris :
> Schneidy wrote
> > Unfortunately I still cannot get anything.
> > So, if I follow your instructions here's what I get:
> >
> > #(define-markup-command (staff-lines-i
Hi Kieren,
I use bar checks so I'm sure that I don't have anything bleeding outside of
a measure.
The strange thing is the breaks are in the proper places when I comment out
the \removeemptystaves statement but are not applied in places when I
enable that statement.
Do you know how to get in tou
Your original post said that "\markup \staff-lines-it #5 ..." should create
5 staff lines? If so, there's no need for the 1+ in (iota (1+ n)), just (iota
n), no? Otherwise #5 will give you *6* staff lines.
On Tue, Apr 14, 2015 at 10:53 AM, Schneidy [via Lilypond] <
Gilles Sadowski wrote
> It works almost fine: no more stops between bars.
> However I sometimes stumbled upon another problem: "dronified" full
> measure
> rests ("R") generate a bar check warning. It seems wrong because when
> I
> changed "R" into "r" (and touched nothing else), the warning
Hi Urs, Abraham, Kieren, et al,
I tried be interfaces described here:
It is a very nice idea, it works for me now and I am really excited how
easy it is. The whole library approach is something I am looking forward
I re
On Tue, 14 Apr 2015 10:51:49 -0700 (MST), Paul Morris wrote:
Gilles Sadowski wrote
It works almost fine: no more stops between bars.
However I sometimes stumbled upon another problem: "dronified" full
rests ("R") generate a bar check warning. It seems wrong because
Hi Abraham,
Thanks for pointing this out!
Actually, i've already seen that but it does not mater much for the code's
aim. It'll be deeply adapted as soon as I'll digest all that I've learned
2015-04-14 19:03 GMT+02:00 tisimst :
> PIerre,
> Your original post said that "\
Hi Joram,
thank you for the feedback. It is warmly welcomed although most of it
isn't really new to me. But if I didn't document it in places where
you'd find the information it is my fault ;-)
Am 14.04.2015 um 19:54 schrieb Noeck:
Hi Urs, Abraham, Kieren, et al,
I tried be interfaces descr
On Tue, Apr 14, 2015 at 2:11 PM, Urs Liska [via Lilypond] <> wrote:
> >
> > 7. Am I right, that to get the fonts, each zip file has to be downloaded
> > individually (except wget -r etc.)? How about providing one zip file
> > containing all fonts to insta
Hi lilyponders,
On the score I’m engraving there is repetitively measure of 2 and 3 fourths
(like \repeat unfold 10 {\time 2/4 s2 \time 3/4 s2.})
I’d like to have one time signature 2/4+3/4, but with bar lines every 2 and
3 fourths. Using \compoundMeter #'((2 4) (3 4)), bars come only every 7
Hi all,
if anyone has questions about, issues with or suggestions for MusicXML
(LilyPond related or not) you may call me privately until this afternoon
5 PM CEST (= UTC+2).
I have the opportunity to meet Michael Good who's open to that. (Of
course this doesn't include "how do I ...?" or other
On Wed, 15 Apr 2015, Urs Liska wrote:
Hi all,
if anyone has questions about, issues with or suggestions for MusicXML
(LilyPond related or not) you may call me privately until this afternoon 5 PM
CEST (= UTC+2).
I have the opportunity to meet Michael Good who's open to that. (Of course
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