If I attempt to change the font (to anything other than the default) for 
TextScript, with, for example;

\override TextScript.font-name = "Linux Biolinum O”

when using notes for tempo markings such as

^\markup { \smaller \note-by-number #8 #0 #0.8 = 48 }

I get a cascade of the following errors:

warning: Found infinity or nan in output.  Substituting 0.0

and the note disappears while the rest of the markup prints. I understand \note 
and \note-by-number get the note glyph information from the Feta font, but how 
can we make those functions do that with a different TextScript font?

This was discussed in relation to LilyJazz on the list in 2013, but I have not 
yet been able to find a general solution.

It’s not just that particular font given in the example, it appears to be any 

Using 2.19.18.


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