Re: how to move upbow inside the staff?

2015-03-26 Thread Mark Knoop
At 17:14 on 25 Mar 2015, MarcM wrote: >thanks that helped: Interesting that moving the fingering alters the tie position also. It doesn't look like the tie would have collided with the fingering in the tie's default position. -- Mark Knoop ___

Re: Implementation of \tuplet allow both incorrect and correct musical expressions

2015-03-26 Thread Simon Albrecht
Hello, in general it’s helpful if you always include the list in the addressees, except for really private messages. You needn’t be afraid of increasing the traffic on ly-user. For example, someone else might comment on your question ending the first paragraph below. Yours, Simon Am 26.03.2

Re: Guitar chord mode no longer produces MIDI file with chords

2015-03-26 Thread Thomas Morley
2015-03-26 2:40 GMT+01:00 Thomas Morley : > 2015-03-26 1:08 GMT+01:00 David Bellows : >>> Could you confirm that it works for you? >> >> I copy and pasted it directly in and it doesn't change the behavior. >> I've attached my file. > > Silly me. Must be heavily overtired... > It needs to be put int

Re: placement of dot after notehead

2015-03-26 Thread Andrew Bernard
Re tie collision: Add something like the following before the tie to adjust its shape: \override TieColumn.tie-configuration = #'((0.0 . 2)) Andrew On 26 March 2015 at 10:29:06, MING TSANG ( wrote: Lilyponders: how to solve the dots after notehead and tie collides.  1.  t

Re: placement of dot after notehead

2015-03-26 Thread Andrew Bernard
I am not convinced the dots look awful. It’s perfectly legible to me - just highly dotted notation. What do you mean by awful, exactly? Andrew On 26 March 2015 at 10:29:06, MING TSANG ( wrote: Lilyponders: how to solve the dots after notehead and tie collides.  1.  tie colli

Re: placement of dot after notehead

2015-03-26 Thread Andrew Bernard
Another thought, which is a musical solution rather than a lilypond tweak. You can use an equivalent time signature that may make it preferable in terms of readability. 12/8 is logically 4/4 (at a different tempo) and you use triplets. This can be easier one the eyes instead of all those dots.

Re: Implementation of \tuplet allow both incorrect and correct musical expressions

2015-03-26 Thread Peter Bjuhr
On 2015-03-26 10:53, Simon Albrecht wrote: The essay on writing readable tuplets was quite interesting. From the context I assume you're referring to my post about tuplets on the LilyPond blog: I'm really glad you found it in

Re: Guitar chord mode no longer produces MIDI file with chords

2015-03-26 Thread David Bellows
> Silly me. Must be heavily overtired... It needs to be put into \midi {}, like: Yep, that does it! > It's now Thanks for this! On Thu, Mar 26, 2015 at 3:16 AM, Thomas Morley wrote: > 2015-03-26 2:40 GMT+01:00 Thomas Morley : >> 2015-03-

Re: placement of dot after notehead

2015-03-26 Thread MING TSANG
Andrew,Thank you for the \overrideImmanuel,Ming On Thursday, March 26, 2015 9:06 AM, Andrew Bernard wrote: #yiv8457135819 body{font-family:Lucida Sans Unicode, Arial;font-size:15px;}Re tie collision: Add something like the following before the tie to adjust its shape: \override Tie

Re: placement of dot after notehead

2015-03-26 Thread MING TSANG
Adnrew,Sorry, I choose the wrong word here.  I was hoping that the dot will be displayed closer to the notehead. e.g. 1st bar of bass staff, the dot of quarter note be displayed closer to quarter note , now it line up with the half note.  This is more evident on bar3.Immanuel,Ming On Thu

Re: placement of dot after notehead

2015-03-26 Thread MING TSANG
Andrew,Thank you for the suggestion. I will try - is this mean I have to update all beats on the whole song. This will require lot of time.Immanuel,Ming. On Thursday, March 26, 2015 9:23 AM, Andrew Bernard wrote: #yiv3982050275 body{font-family:Lucida Sans Unicode, Arial;font-size

Re: placement of dot after notehead

2015-03-26 Thread Simon Albrecht
Hello Ming, here’s the best I could come up with. I remember that in hand-engraved scores, this is resolved by shifting the two notes further apart and placing the dots close to each one, which I now mimicked, albeit very poorly: the dot placement looks very odd now. Perhaps you’ll want to fi

Re: placement of dot after notehead

2015-03-26 Thread MING TSANG
Hi, Simon:Thank you, but I did not see the attachment.Immanuel,Ming On Thursday, March 26, 2015 1:30 PM, Simon Albrecht wrote: Hello Ming, here’s the best I could come up with. I remember that in hand-engraved scores, this is resolved by shifting the two notes further apart and

Re: Implementation of \tuplet allow both incorrect and correct musical expressions

2015-03-26 Thread Ralph D. Jeffords
Peter, My "strange" example of tuplets using neither "Math Rule" nor "Nearness Rule" will be clarified if I show the context. Here is that context from a part of the piece I wrote for solo bassoon: \version "2.18.2" \language "english" \score { \relative c' { \partial 4 \clef "bass" \key af \ma

Re: Implementation of \tuplet allow both incorrect and correct musical expressions

2015-03-26 Thread Simon Albrecht
Am 26.03.2015 um 20:59 schrieb Ralph D. Jeffords: Peter, My "strange" example of tuplets using neither "Math Rule" nor "Nearness Rule" will be clarified if I show the context. Here is that context from a part of the piece I wrote for solo bassoon: \version "2.18.2" \language "english" \score {

Re: placement of dot after notehead

2015-03-26 Thread Simon Albrecht
Am 26.03.2015 um 19:57 schrieb MING TSANG: Hi, Simon: Thank you, but I did not see the attachment. That’s probably because I forgot to attach it… Here you go :-) Immanuel, Ming On Thursday, March 26, 2015 1:30 PM, Simon Albrecht wrote: Hello Ming, here’s the best I could come up with.

NoteColumn.force-hshift doesn't work on 2nd beat but works on others??

2015-03-26 Thread steve
Howdy! For some reason this doesn't work as expected. \once \override NoteColumn.force-hshift works fine in voiceTwo on beats 1 and 3 but not on beat 2? I need more space around the rest.

Re: NoteColumn.force-hshift doesn't work on 2nd beat but works on others??

2015-03-26 Thread tisimst
Steve, 1. Remember that the << { } \\ { } ... >> syntax automatically (implicitly) applies \voiceXXX in ascending order. 2. Putting notes in proper voices usually eliminates any need to manually specify \stemUp and \stemDown, note\rest, etc. 3. Here's how I would re-code your score, if I underst

Full header on every page & vertically centered staves?

2015-03-26 Thread Peter Crighton
Hello, I’m working on a template for this layout: For that video I saved every line from the score as a PNG in Frescobaldi, and put them together with the header and copyright in GIMP. Then I combined the resulting images to a video. For further videos I now want to s

Re: [LSR] Colored notes with black outlines (enhancement).

2015-03-26 Thread Pierre Perol-Schneider
Hi Paul 2015-03-24 19:52 GMT+01:00 Paul Morris : > Looks good! Thanks for working on this. Actually I've found it very instructive; I'm re-discovering the power of the 'path' command (I'm even thinking of writing something about it since - I think - it is not enough documented). > I can't t

Re: Full header on every page & vertically centered staves?

2015-03-26 Thread tisimst
Peter, In "ly/", you'll find the following definitions which contain the title and copyright fields: bookTitleMarkup = \markup { \override #'(baseline-skip . 3.5) \column { \fill-line { \fromproperty #'header:dedication } \override #'(baseline-skip . 3.5) \column {

Re: Full header on every page & vertically centered staves?

2015-03-26 Thread tyronicus
I think you could do this pretty easily by adding this to your \paper block: oddHeaderMarkup = \bookTitleMarkup evenHeaderMarkup = \oddHeaderMarkup bookTitleMarkup = "" Here's your example on LilyBin . Peter Crighton wrote > Hello, > > I’m working on a tem

Re: Implementation of \tuplet allow both incorrect and correct musical expressions

2015-03-26 Thread Peter Bjuhr
On 2015-03-26 21:47, Simon Albrecht wrote: Peter, My "strange" example of tuplets using neither "Math Rule" nor "Nearness Rule" will be clarified if I show the context. Here is that context from a part of the piece I wrote for solo bassoon: \version "2.18.2" \language "english" \score { \rel

Re: Full header on every page & vertically centered staves?

2015-03-26 Thread tyronicus
Peter Crighton wrote > For further videos I now want to skip GIMP and just let LilyPond create > all > the complete PNGs. For that I need on every page the complete header, > copyright, and one line of music, which has to be vertically centered. > > ... > > I’m also pretty clueless so far how to

Re: Full header on every page & vertically centered staves?

2015-03-26 Thread Peter Crighton
Of course, I have no idea why I didn’t think of putting the titles into the header, it’s so obvious … Thank you both! -- Peter Crighton | Musician & Music Engraver based in Mainz, Germany 2015-03-26 23:11 GMT+01:00 tyronicus : > I think you could do this pretty easil

Re: Full header on every page & vertically centered staves?

2015-03-26 Thread Peter Crighton
It does exactly what I need, thanks again! -- Peter Crighton | Musician & Music Engraver based in Mainz, Germany 2015-03-26 23:30 GMT+01:00 tyronicus : > Peter Crighton wrote > > For further videos I now want to skip GIMP and just let LilyPond create > > all > > the

Re: [LSR] Colored notes with black outlines (enhancement).

2015-03-26 Thread Paul Morris
Schneidy wrote > Actually I've found it very instructive; I'm re-discovering the power of > the 'path' command (I'm even thinking of writing something about it since > - > I think - it is not enough documented). That sounds good. It probably does deserve some more exposure. Schneidy wrote >> I

Note whiteout

2015-03-26 Thread Andrew Bernard
What do I whiteout and how exactly to get the chord in the example covering the leger lines to nicely whiteout just the right things? Notehead, leger lines, stem? Not real music, just the smallest example I could make. \version "2.19.17" treble = \relative c'' {   e   \change Staff = "bass"  

Re: placement of dot after notehead

2015-03-26 Thread MING TSANG
Simon,Wow! Its perfect. Thank you very much.Immanuel,Ming. On Thursday, March 26, 2015 4:48 PM, Simon Albrecht wrote: Am 26.03.2015 um 19:57 schrieb MING TSANG: Hi, Simon: Thank you, but I did not see the attachment. That’s probably because I forgot to attach it… Here you g

How to recognize Voice-continuation?

2015-03-26 Thread Thomas Morley
Hi, consider the (artificial) code below. In my naivity I expected that voice-b would be recognized as it works for voice-a I.e. the three triggering features (tieWaitForNote, NoteHead.colors and assigned Lyrics) would work for the second appearance of voice-b. Any chance to have LilyPond identify

How to enter explicit voices for use in Staff and TabStaff?

2015-03-26 Thread Thomas Morley
Hi all, consider the following code: \version "2.19.17" mus = \relative c'' { << { \voiceOne c r c r } { \voiceTwo r a r a} >> } << \new Staff << \clef "G_8" \mus >> \new TabStaff \mus >> It returns some warnings. Although it could be resolved using the <<{...}\\{...}>> con

Re: Note whiteout

2015-03-26 Thread Andrew Bernard
I now understand this can be done using a filled-box markup in white. But how do you get the box under the notehead and leger lines but above the ties? I am aware of layer order, but I can’t get the whiteout box just where it should be in the z-order. Andrew On 27 March 2015 at 12:05:33, And

Re: Note whiteout

2015-03-26 Thread Andrew Bernard
Well, answering my own question here. The following works, but now I feel the need to ask is the best way to do this sort of operation? \version "2.19.17" treble = \relative c'' {   \override Stem.layer = #3   e'   \change Staff = "bass"   \override NoteHead.layer = #3   -\markup {     \with-

Re: How to enter explicit voices for use in Staff and TabStaff?

2015-03-26 Thread Keith OHara
Thomas Morley> writes: > Or any chance to get a neutral 'Bottom-context for use with LilyPond-syntax? > We have close, with mus = \relative c'' { << \context Bottom = "1" { \voiceOne c4 r c r } \context Bottom = "2" { \voiceTwo r a r a} >> } << \new Staff << \c

Re: How to recognize Voice-continuation?

2015-03-26 Thread Keith OHara
Thomas Morley> writes: > Any chance to have LilyPond identify the second voice-b as a > continuation of the first? This seems to be analogous to the way we need to keep the staff "alive" when we temporarily leave a staff empty in piano music. \new Staff << \new Voice = "a" \with