Re: Getting width of markup in a music function

2010-05-17 Thread Nathan Reed
On Wed, May 12, 2010 at 9:20 AM, Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote: > why dont you use a MultiMeasureRestText as a basis? > > Thanks for the suggestion; I tried this briefly, but it doesn't seem to improve anything. The \textLengthOn is then ineffective since it only operates on TextScripts. I tried repla

weblily down?

2010-05-17 Thread Stefan Thomas
Dear community, is weblily down at the moment? I can't reach the page! ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: weblily down?

2010-05-17 Thread Joseph Haig says it is down. (Sorry for the duplicate Stefan - I keep forgetting to reply to the group) On 17 May 2010 08:39, Stefan Thomas wrote: > Dear community, > is weblily down at the moment? > I can't reach the page! > > _

Re: Printing music compactly

2010-05-17 Thread Francisco Vila
2010/5/16 David Sumbler : > So, can anybody give me a quick hack to get music which is proportioned > normally (as regards the ratios between staves, note-heads, text etc. > etc.), and which has little or no wasted space between staves?  The > default vertical spacings in Lilypond do seem to be rat

lilypond rpm specfile

2010-05-17 Thread Martin Tarenskeen
Hi, I am not sure if I should ask this question here or in one of the Fedora mailing lists. When I wanted to use the latest development version of Lilypond, I used to download the latest tarball release, installed the src.rpm from Fedora, edited the specfile to match the new tarball, and di

Re: vertical spacing problem

2010-05-17 Thread Marek Klein
Thank you for the solution! -- Marek 2010/5/17 -Eluze > > > Marek Klein wrote: > > > > Hi, > > I have problem with the attached vocal score and I couldn't reproduce it > > with tiny example... > > > > > > > i added 2 more options, maybe these could help: > > \paper { > %

Moving objects using "wrong" extent --- a question, valid solution needed!

2010-05-17 Thread Dmytro O. Redchuk
Hi! I've found that it's possible to move objects (scripts, dynamics..) with "wrong" Y-offset so that they start to overlay other objects --- specifying Y-offset like #'(1 . -1) or like that *) : % - 8< --- byte = { c \> c c c \! \break } \relative c''' {

Change appearance of the SpanBar

2010-05-17 Thread tiM Sportny
Hi, Does anyone know whether it's possible to manually force a SpanBar to appear as "|"? I've added a (reduced) example of my source below to put my question in context. Thanks a lot! tiM P.s. I'm new to lilypond as well as to being a participant of this list. Feel free to point out if i don

Bug/feature/help? with extenders

2010-05-17 Thread Phil Holmes
I've been setting some music where one verse ends with some music and lyrics, and the others don't. All 4 verses use underscore extenders to provide a line to the end of the sounding note. This works fine on the first verse, since there are lyrics after the underscores, but it doesn't work as

Re: Bug/feature/help? with extenders

2010-05-17 Thread James Bailey
On 17.05.2010, at 19:06, Phil Holmes wrote: I've been setting some music where one verse ends with some music and lyrics, and the others don't. All 4 verses use underscore extenders to provide a line to the end of the sounding note. This works fine on the first verse, since there are lyr

Re: musicxml2ly, midi2ly etc. broken ?

2010-05-17 Thread grisu_76
hi flup, i have a similar problem in converting an encore-file to lily using the xml-python-tool; i wrote into the group, but i do not have an answer yet; see: here i described the problem i have got; i use the windows version, but

Re: Change appearance of the SpanBar

2010-05-17 Thread Gilles THIBAULT
I'm new to lilypond Welcome ! Does anyone know whether it's possible to manually force a SpanBar to appear as "|"? \override StaffGroup.SpanBar #'glyph-name = #"|" seems to work. Not easy at all to find. You can also add in your \layout \context { \StaffGroup \override SpanBar #'glyph-na

RE: Change appearance of the SpanBar

2010-05-17 Thread tiM Sportny
Dear Gilles, >> I'm new to lilypond > > Welcome ! thanks >>Does anyone know whether it's possible to manually force a SpanBar to >>appear as "|"? > > \override StaffGroup.SpanBar #'glyph-name = #"|" > > seems to work. Not easy at all to find. You are my hero! thanks tiM

Re: Change appearance of the SpanBar

2010-05-17 Thread Xavier Scheuer
2010/5/17 Gilles THIBAULT : > \override StaffGroup.SpanBar #'glyph-name  = #"|" > > seems to work. Not easy at all to find. Aah, right! I tried #'glyph as seen in snippet 125 but it did not work. Then I tried #'glyph-name, found thanks to Internal References manual but I didn't apply it to Staff

Re: Change appearance of the SpanBar

2010-05-17 Thread Graham Percival
On Mon, May 17, 2010 at 10:23:32PM +0200, Xavier Scheuer wrote: > I'll suggest a corrected version of > > #'glyph was maybe correct in some earlier versions but it is no more > in 2.12 and following... > And maybe we could mention the snippet in the NR I'll s

Re: GUB and mipsel architecture

2010-05-17 Thread Graham Percival
On Mon, May 17, 2010 at 08:45:37AM +0200, Federico Bruni wrote: > I'm wondering if it is worth having a mipsel package on > (when 2.14 comes out, maybe). > I'd be happy to do it, if I can. A chance to help and learn something > new. This should be discussed on -devel rather than -user

Re: Change appearance of the SpanBar

2010-05-17 Thread Neil Puttock
On 17 May 2010 22:52, Graham Percival wrote: > There's no point talking about modifying the docs until you've > altered the snippet, though. Already sorted (and Xavier had added a corrected version just as I fixed the original). Cheers, Neil ___ lily

Re: Getting width of markup in a music function

2010-05-17 Thread Neil Puttock
On 17 May 2010 08:12, Nathan Reed wrote: > Thanks for the suggestion; I tried this briefly, but it doesn't seem to > improve anything.  The \textLengthOn is then ineffective since it only > operates on TextScripts.  I tried replacing it with: > > \once\override MultiMeasureRestText #'extra-spacin

Cue notes collision

2010-05-17 Thread Bernhard Ott
Hi, I'm struggling with cue notes colliding with rests of the "main voice": How can I tweak the spacing between the full measure rests of the main voice and the voice containing the cue notes? I would like to avoid messing around with hidden notes and NoteColumns I tried RestCollission \

Re: Moving objects using "wrong" extent --- a question, valid solution needed!

2010-05-17 Thread Mark Polesky
Dmytro O. Redchuk wrote: > I've found that it's possible to move objects (scripts, > dynamics..) with "wrong" Y-extent so that they start to overlay > other objects --- specifying Y-extent like #'(1 . -1) or like > that > > [ ... ] > > So, now "i have a lot of questions", specifically: > 1. Is it "

Re: Moving objects using "wrong" extent --- a question, valid solution needed!

2010-05-17 Thread Dmytro O. Redchuk
On Mon 17 May 2010, 21:43 Mark Polesky wrote: > Dmytro O. Redchuk wrote: [...] Mark! Thank You very much for your time and explanation! Everything is clear, beautiful and "funny" :-) > Anyway, once you've overridden the DynamicLineSpanner, then you > can adjust the #'Y-offset, though I'd sugges