Dmytro O. Redchuk wrote: > I've found that it's possible to move objects (scripts, > dynamics..) with "wrong" Y-extent so that they start to overlay > other objects --- specifying Y-extent like #'(1 . -1) or like > that > > [ ... ] > > So, now "i have a lot of questions", specifically: > 1. Is it "valid" way? May this behavior be changed? > 2. Which way would be more "valid"?
As documented in the IR, The default height of a hairpin is 0.6666 staff-spaces, so if you want the hairpin to make only enough space for itself with no extra padding, you could do: \override DynamicLineSpanner #'Y-extent #'(-0.3333 . 0.3333) If you want the surrounding items to be placed as if there were no hairpin, use: \override DynamicLineSpanner #'Y-extent #'(0 . 0) Personally, I don't see the benefit in making the lower extent higher than the upper extent. I think it makes things needlessly confusing, and I don't think it was designed to be used that way. Anyway, once you've overridden the DynamicLineSpanner, then you can adjust the #'Y-offset, though I'd suggest overriding the #'Y-offset for the Hairpin grob instead of the DynamicLineSpanner: \override DynamicLineSpanner #'Y-extent = #'(0 . 0) \override Hairpin #'Y-offset = #0.6666 So setting the Hairpin grob's #'Y-offset to its height value (0.6666) centers the tip on the bottom staff-line. Adding 1 to the Y-offset moves it up another line. If you want to be really fancy, you could write a music function to do all the work for you: setHairpinPosition = #(define-music-function (parser location staff-position) (number?) #{ \once \override DynamicLineSpanner #'Y-extent = #'(0 . 0) \once \override Hairpin #'Y-offset = #(lambda (hairpin-grob) (let ((hairpin-height (ly:grob-property hairpin-grob 'height))) (+ 2 hairpin-height (/ $staff-position 2)))) #}) Then you can just do: \setHairpinPosition #0 to put the hairpin tip on the middle line. The music function here interprets the numeric argument as a staff-position (ie., bottom line = -4, middle line = 0, top line = 4). I also recommend using \once (as I've done in the above music function). Things get really confusing when an override is still in effect from 4 pages ago. Okay, so the only problem with all of this is that by overriding the DynamicLineSpanner #'Y-extent, you not only affect the Hairpin grobs, but unfortunately also the DynamicText grobs, and off the top of my head, I don't see a trivial way around this. This means that if you do: \setHairpinPosition #0 c4\f\> c c c\! ...then the "f" dynamic will be open to collisions, such as with the staff itself. But maybe that won't be an issue with your current project? I don't know. By the way, if you want the hairpin outside the staff, you'll probably want to set the DynamicLineSpanner's #'Y-extent to something other than #'(0 . 0). Well, hopefully this points you in a better direction at least. It's a bad idea to get in the habit of abusing syntax. Hope this helps. - Mark _______________________________________________ lilypond-user mailing list