2008/9/22 Dmytro O. Redchuk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> 2008/9/20 Francisco Vila <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>> I have seen the new design in action and I like it very much, I'd like
>> to propose a minimum of
>> padding:10px;
> I agree; would suggest 1em.
Yes, better.
Francisco Vila. Badajoz (Spain)
2008/9/22 Risto Vääräniemi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Should this be added to the bug tracker as a feature request or whatnot?
If you can provide a simple (bugmeister-readable) bug report, you're welcome :-)
lilypond-user mailing list
2008/9/21 rik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> After a number of attempts to install the new version - I was getting an error
> message of 'file to short' - which I couldn't find any references to.
Hmm. weird.
Can you try the latest development (2.11.x) version?
On 22 Sep 2008, at 09:49, Valentin Villenave wrote:
After a number of attempts to install the new version - I was
getting an error
message of 'file to short' - which I couldn't find any references to.
Hmm. weird.
Can you try the latest development (2.11.x) version?
This link says it is a
Hi Reinhold, hi everybody,
I find the new documentation layout very impressive, but there's one
feature I'm still missing: the integrated search function!
In the attached html page I have pasted (in a very basic way) a search
box at the top of the tocframe; this is more or less the kind of
Hi all
I'm writing a leadsheet with chords and lyrics. How can I let the
lyrics start after 4 bars of "intro"? At the moment my score looks
like that:
\score {
{ <<
\chords { ... }
\relative c' { ... }
\chords { ... }
\relative c' { ... }
\addlyrics { ... }
>> }
\header { ...
Hash: SHA1
Am Sonntag, 21. September 2008 schrieb Han-Wen Nienhuys:
> On Fri, Sep 19, 2008 at 9:29 AM, Risto Vääräniemi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Hi all,
> >
> > Can someone tell me how I can get the text width inside scheme?
> >
> > There's a method called
Mats Bengtsson
if I need a `p espr.' mark, it's probably best (from a typographical
point of view) to write
c\markup { \dynamic "p" \italic " espr." }
No, this is not the best solution from a typographical point of view.
If you for example have
I'm preparing my old scores for online publication, but I'm
extremely fussy about engraving. I want users on both sides of
the Atlantic to be able to print my music easily, but this only
works if the music looks in the same in A4 and Letter paper.
(having page turns in random places is *not* accep
Sorry! I've added
% run with
% lilypond -d letter spacing-a4-letter.ly
% for letter size
to the top of the file.
This produces a warning that "no such internal option: letter", which
I'd like to get rid of, but it works all the same.
- Graham
On Mon, 22 Sep 2008 07:40:10 -0500
2008/9/22 Graham Percival <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Sorry! I've added
> % run with
> % lilypond -d letter spacing-a4-letter.ly
> % for letter size
> to the top of the file.
> This produces a warning that "no such internal option: letter", which
> I'd like to get rid of, but it works all the same.
> > Yes, it would be very convenient if make-dynamic-script was
> > extended so you also could specify the MIDI interpretation of the
> > new dynamics mark.
> Section 3.5.5 "Controlling MIDI dynamics" in the 2.11 docs shows two
> methods for controlling the MIDI volume for user-created dynamic
Awesome!! I like it, Graham! Worked perfectly with that command.
Thanks for sharing.
Graham Percival wrote:
Sorry! I've added
% run with
% lilypond -d letter spacing-a4-letter.ly
% for letter size
to the top of the file.
This produces a warning that "no such internal option: letter",
Jei Neste korteles galiojimas baigiasi, pameginkit pakeisti. Gal
nesvarbu, kad ji registruota mano vardu?
Arba pasidaryti dar viena, juk nieko nekainuoja.
-- Forwarded message --
From: Korteles Neste Lietuva <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 2008/9/18
Subject: Laikas keisti nuolaidu korte
Would it be possible technically to specify the showLastLength value
when invoking lilypond instead of putting it in the .ly file? Something
lilypond --lastlength=20 filename.ly
to process only the last 20 bars? The problem with this particular
example (and maybe with trying to do this
2008/9/22 Jonathan Kulp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Would it be possible technically to specify the showLastLength value when
> invoking lilypond instead of putting it in the .ly file? Something like
Yes! Great idea!
(my useless post du jour :-)
I like the comprehensive navigation of the new layout [1],
but feel there is still something missing.
Say I am reading the mailing list, looking at a thread or message.
I see something which gets me thinking about a probl
Help needed to review documentation before 2.12 is released.
Several sections of the Learning Manual and most of the first
two Chapters of the Notation Reference are ready for review
by users, and it would be good to bring these to the
On Sep 22, 2008, at 12:02 PM, Trevor Daniels wrote:
but further comments are welcome.
Re: sect. 2.4
The motivating example is beautifully set, but has an incorrect
fingering in the second measure. The next to the last eighth note (e
above middle c) should be fingered with the first finger
Graham Percival wrote:
I'm preparing my old scores for online publication, but I'm
extremely fussy about engraving. I want users on both sides of
the Atlantic to be able to print my music easily, but this only
works if the music looks in the same in A4 and Letter paper.
(having page turns in ran
Valentin Villenave wrote:
2008/9/22 Jonathan Kulp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
Would it be possible technically to specify the showLastLength value when
invoking lilypond instead of putting it in the .ly file? Something like
Yes! Great idea!
(my useless post du jour :-)
Well spotted! I should have seen it from the fact that it's impossible
to play this way, if not from the facsimile itself (which I just
checked, too). Thanks, Stan. I'll fix and send to Carl.
Stan Sanderson wrote:
On Sep 22, 2008, at 12:02 PM, Trevor Daniels wrote:
but further
A rousing hip, hip, hurrah to the authors of the documentation. Few
(if any) commercial products can boast of similar quality!
On Sep 22, 2008, at 1:58 PM, Jonathan Kulp wrote:
Well spotted! I should have seen it from the fact that it's
impossible to play this way, if not fr
Sebastian Menge wrote:
But then the second part starts a new staff. How can I prevent that?
One way would be to have just one part,
which starts all three things together (like your second part)
and then make the lyrics skip the intro bars.
To see how, search (twice) for "Skips in lyric mod
Am Mon, 22 Sep 2008 21:53:02 +0200
schrieb "Robin Bannister" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> To see how, search (twice) for "Skips in lyric mode" in the vocal
> snippets:
> http://lilypond.org/doc/v2.11/input/lsr/lilypond-snippets/Vocal-music
Thanks, exactly what I was looking for. I just RTF 2.10 manu
Sebastian Menge wrote:
Am Mon, 22 Sep 2008 21:53:02 +0200
schrieb "Robin Bannister" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
To see how, search (twice) for "Skips in lyric mode" in the vocal
Thanks, exactly what I was lookin
Hi everybody,
Sorry to bother you with this, but my wife requires your help:
She teaches music here in Manosque (Southern of France), and since the
ITER program is in development, she has to deal with beginners (between
6 and 8 years old) just arriving from their mother country and not
Hash: SHA1
Am Freitag, 19. September 2008 schrieb Mark Polesky:
> It's nice to see the progress with the new docs! I have 3 comments:
> 1. Is anyone else wanting "breadcrumbs navigation"? So often after
>I've looked something up in the docs, I find myself d
Hash: SHA1
Am Montag, 22. September 2008 schrieb Robin Bannister:
> So I propose
> A
> Replace the (passive) text "Table of Contents" in the TOC panel,
> with the document title, e.g. "Learning Manual".
> This nearly always visible (on biggish screens).
> (And
Perhaps a bit off topic:
Im using lilypond only once a year or so. Then every time I have to
read a lot of the docs again. Since i remember most things then, i'm
quite quick (getting quicker every time ;-) ), but I must admit that I
dont find my way through the docs as quickly as I could:
I would
Hash: SHA1
Am Montag, 22. September 2008 schrieb Valentin Villenave:
> Hi Reinhold, hi everybody,
> I find the new documentation layout very impressive, but there's one
> feature I'm still missing: the integrated search function!
There are many feature that *I
Hi Nick,
> I thing I haven't managed to fix is that the barring indication looks better
> if both the right- and left-hand ends are extended slightly so that they
> don't both start and finish centred on a note, like so:
> \barre #0.0 "CIV" #'(-0.5 . -1) #10
> But this means that a barre tha
2008/9/22 Reinhold Kainhofer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> That's hard, it probably needs AJAX...
I swear I'll look into the AJAX thingy as soon as I get a life (and
that answers your question about my opera, btw...)
There are several resources such as
2008/9/22 Graham Percival <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Sorry! I've added
> % run with
> % lilypond -d letter spacing-a4-letter.ly
> % for letter size
> to the top of the file.
> This produces a warning that "no such internal option: letter", which
> I'd like to get rid of, but it works all the same.
Sebastian Menge wrote Monday, September 22, 2008 9:54 PM
I would suggest:
* a search engine field at the top of the main template (cf wikipedia)
It would be nice, and others are pressing
for this, but it poses some problems.
* way more hyperlinks: especially between corresponding parts
On Sun, Sep 21, 2008 at 3:53 PM, John Mandereau
> IMHO I prefer Patrick's design over Andrew, it's more colorful but still
> serious enough (as Valentin already wrote), and I second Patrick Horgan
> comment on links color: maybe we could make links a bit more blue?
> We
On Thu, Sep 18, 2008 at 7:20 PM, Andrew Hawryluk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Fri, Sep 12, 2008 at 4:43 PM, John Mandereau
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
- the colors are taken from the Monet "Waterlilies" on the LilyPond
>> I find it a good idea, even if we might decide to
Neil Puttock wrote:
...some stuff elided...
This is rather nifty, but you're reinventing the wheel. :)
Why not use the built-in option instead, i.e., run with -dpaper-size="letter"?
because he wanted to be able to switch back and forth via command line
argument without editing the file.
Wasn't it a scheme to preserve page-turns and other important formatting
when switching from A4 to Letter?
Patrick Horgan wrote:
Neil Puttock wrote:
...some stuff elided...
This is rather nifty, but you're reinventing the wheel. :)
Why not use the built-in option instead, i.e., run with
- Original Message
From: Reinhold Kainhofer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, September 22, 2008 1:35:50 PM
> What exactly do you understand under "breadcrumbs navigation"? The last, say,
> five visited pages? That's not possible in static html pages, as it needs
> session management an
Patrick McCarty wrote:
On Sun, Sep 21, 2008 at 3:53 PM, John Mandereau
IMHO I prefer Patrick's design over Andrew, it's more colorful but still
serious enough (as Valentin already wrote), and I second Patrick Horgan
comment on links color: maybe we could
How do I set delete-intermediate-files?
I saw it mentioned herebut I can't figure out how to make it work.
lilypond-user mailing list
Hi Mark,
2008/9/23 Mark Polesky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> How do I set delete-intermediate-files?
> I saw it mentioned herebut I can't figure out how to make it work.
Command line: -ddelete-intermediate-files=#t
.ly file: #(ly:set-option 'delete-intermediate-files #t)
On Mon, 22 Sep 2008 16:17:21 -0700
Patrick Horgan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Neil Puttock wrote:
> > ...some stuff elided...
> > This is rather nifty, but you're reinventing the wheel. :)
Well, IMO the main point is setting the margins automatically -- and
simply the idea that this would be use
On Mon, 22 Sep 2008 16:28:07 -0700 (PDT)
Mark Polesky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> How do I set delete-intermediate-files?
> I saw it mentioned herebut I can't figure out how to make it work.
Same way you set any other -d option.
lilypond -d delete-intermediate-files foo.ly
The AU *should* co
On Mon, 22 Sep 2008 23:34:52 +0200
"Valentin Villenave" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> In the meantime, a small basic google search box would mean the world
> to many of us -- or at least myself :-)
Presumably these things are done with google's
option. Can you also restric
2008/9/23 Graham Percival <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> On Mon, 22 Sep 2008 16:17:21 -0700
> Patrick Horgan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Neil Puttock wrote:
>> > ...some stuff elided...
>> > This is rather nifty, but you're reinventing the wheel. :)
> Well, IMO the main point is setting the margins a
On osx 10.4, using the 2.11.59-1 intel binary, I get the following:
vanessa_imac:~/Desktop/LilyPond.app/Contents/Resources/bin jamesebailey$
./lilypond -dhelp
GNU LilyPond 2.11.59
warning: not relocating, no 2.11.59/ or current/ found under
On Sep 22, 2008, at 4:36 PM, Graham Percival wrote:
> On Mon, 22 Sep 2008 16:28:07 -0700 (PDT)
> Mark Polesky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> How do I set delete-intermediate-files?
>> I saw it mentioned herebut I can't figure out how to make it work.
> Same way you set any other -d option.
On Tue, 23 Sep 2008 01:51:09 +0200
"James E. Bailey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Sep 22, 2008, at 4:36 PM, Graham Percival wrote:
> > The AU *should* contain info about this, but it hasn't been
> > rewritten yet and I don't know whether it contains this info.
> > (and can't be bothered to chec
On Tuesday, September 23, 2008, at 01:55AM, "Graham Percival" <[EMAIL
PROTECTED]> wrote:
>On Tue, 23 Sep 2008 01:51:09 +0200
>"James E. Bailey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> On Sep 22, 2008, at 4:36 PM, Graham Percival wrote:
>> > The AU *should* contain info about this, but it hasn't been
Interesting. Works here on 10.4.11 intel.
tsubasa:~ gperciva$ lilypond -dhelp
GNU LilyPond 2.11.59
Options supported by ly:set-option
anti-alias-factor (1)
Could you try deleting the LilyPond.app and installing it again?
- Graham
On Tue, 23 Sep 2008 01:49:38 +0200
"James E.
On Tue, 23 Sep 2008 00:48:44 +0100
"Neil Puttock" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> 2008/9/23 Graham Percival <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > Besides, -dpaper-size=\"letter\" *is* a built-in option, so lilypond
> > won't display a warning message. The next version of this file will
> > use this method.
Yeah, still same problem. I even moved the program to the Applications
vanessa_imac:/Applications/LilyPond.app/Contents/Resources/bin jamesebailey$
./lilypond -dhelp
GNU LilyPond 2.11.59
warning: not relocating, no 2.11.59/ or current/ found under
2008/9/23 Graham Percival <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> On Tue, 23 Sep 2008 00:48:44 +0100
> "Neil Puttock" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> 2008/9/23 Graham Percival <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>> > Besides, -dpaper-size=\"letter\" *is* a built-in option, so lilypond
>> > won't display a warning message. The ne
Can anyone point me in the right direction to accomplish this great
idea?! ;)
Patrick Horgan wrote:
Valentin Villenave wrote:
2008/9/22 Jonathan Kulp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
Would it be possible technically to specify the showLastLength value when
invoking lilypond instead of putting it
> Can anyone point me in the right direction to accomplish this great idea?!
> ;)
Would it be possible technically to specify the showLastLength value
invoking lilypond instead of putting it in the .ly file? Something like
look at lily.scm to see where the -d options are d
As before, I'll collect comments for a few days before sending it
to LSR. Style sheet and test case included.
Experienced engravers will note that there's tons of "$dynamic
$extra" strings in music, and may question the value of listing
the most common ones. I have two responses in advance:
As before, I'll take comments for a few days before posting this
to LSR. Style sheet file and test case included.
- Graham
Description: Binary data
Description: Binary data
lilypond-user mailing list
Thanks for replying, Han-Wen. I can't find showLastLength anywhere in
that file, though. Searches for showlast and show-last came up empty.
It looks like the file is inside the SCM directory but I can't tell
where. Here's the search I did:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/local/share/lilypond/2.11.59
On Mon, Sep 22, 2008 at 11:18:36PM -0500, Jonathan Kulp wrote:
> Thanks for replying, Han-Wen. I can't find showLastLength anywhere in
> that file, though. Searches for showlast and show-last came up empty.
> It looks like the file is inside the SCM directory but I can't tell
> where. Here
61 matches
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