2008/9/22 Graham Percival <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: > Sorry! I've added > % run with > % lilypond -d letter spacing-a4-letter.ly > % for letter size > to the top of the file. > > This produces a warning that "no such internal option: letter", which > I'd like to get rid of, but it works all the same.
This is rather nifty, but you're reinventing the wheel. :) Why not use the built-in option instead, i.e., run with -dpaper-size="letter"? \version "2.11.59" % total page size to fit on A4 and letter % paper-height = 279mm % paper-width = 210mm % with a minimum margin of 10mm on all sides, this means % vertical = 259mm % horizontal = 190mm % A4: 210 x 297 mm % USletter: 216 x 279 mm #(define is-letter? (string=? (ly:get-option 'paper-size ) "letter")) \paper{ annotate-spacing = ##t % VERTICAL TARGET: 259 mm % letter: (279 - 259) /2 = 10mm % a4: (297 - 259) /2 = 19mm #(define (letter-margin-height) (if is-letter? (* 10 mm) (* 19 mm))) top-margin = #(letter-margin-height) bottom-margin = #(letter-margin-height) % HORIZONTAL TARGET: 180 mm % letter: (216 - 180) /2 = 13 % A4: (210 - 180) /2 = 10 #(define (letter-margin-width) (if is-letter? (* 13 mm) (* 10 mm))) left-margin = #(letter-margin-width) right-margin = #(letter-margin-width) line-width = #(- paper-width (+ left-margin right-margin)) } \header { title="title" composer = "composer" } \score{ { \repeat unfold 120 { c'4 c' c' c' } } } Regards, Neil _______________________________________________ lilypond-user mailing list lilypond-user@gnu.org http://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/lilypond-user