2008/8/17 Kieren MacMillan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> It's even simpler with my convention. ;-)
Oh, please, let's use already used convention :-)
ps. I like python :o)
And, the question -- why global ?
You set \clef in "melody" (although it is "Staff's property"), so why not set
\key and \time in "
On Mon, 18 Aug 2008 10:14:35 +0300
"Dmytro O. Redchuk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> And, the question -- why global ?
> You set \clef in "melody" (although it is "Staff's property"), so why
> not set \key and \time in "melody" (*Notes { ... })?
\clef varies on instrument -- \clef treble, \clef
Am 18.08.2008 um 09:14 schrieb Dmytro O. Redchuk:
And, the question -- why global ?
You set \clef in "melody" (although it is "Staff's property"), so
why not set
\key and \time in "melody" (*Notes { ... })?
If you do an open score and closed score version of a choral piece,
the tenor par
Aquamacs Emacs and the cli emacs can both compile lilypond files.
Emacs.app doesn't seem to load my $PATH correctly, because I get /
bin/bash: lilypond: command not found
I've solved this by having an ~/.MacOSX/environment.plist, which
contains global settings for your user-id.
Graham Percival wrote Sunday, August 17, 2008 10:49 PM
On Sun, 17 Aug 2008 21:47:28 +0100
"Neil Puttock" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
2008/8/17 Graham Percival <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Why manually number the bars? It's true that users can delete
> them easily, but they should be very familiar w
Dan Eble <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> These two functions should help.
Thanks! I can use this.
> You will either need to define your optional music to be empty when
> it is not required, as in this example, or provide a function to
> create empty music if it is not already defined.
I would be
I'm hoping there's a quick solution to this someone can just tell me.
I've spent hour this weekend pouring over ly documentation, and I simply
don't any more hours.
I'm having a collision problem - between my metronome marking and a
string number indicator.
The code snippets...
On Mon, 18 Aug 2008 01:47:56 -0700
Tom Cloyd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thanks very much for your quick response. However, it puzzles me. I
> plainly said I'm using ver. ly ver. 2.10.33. I would never expect
> docs for 2.11 to apply better than docs for the version I use -
> unless 2.11 is cor
On Mon, 18 Aug 2008 01:51:46 -0700
Tom Cloyd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm having a collision problem - between my metronome marking and a
> string number indicator.
If this bug isn't on file, it might be worth submitting it as a
> IS there an easy solution?
See LM 4.5 Collisions of ob
What version are you using? I just ran the following:
\score {
\relative c''{
\tempo 8 = 120
b\2 c
..on 2.11.55 and did not see any collision.
Tom Cloyd wrote:
I'm hoping there's a quick solution to this someone can just tell me.
I've spent hour this weekend pouri
This is a known issue.
Known issues and warnings
Collisions are not checked. If you have notes above the top line of
the staff (or notes with articulations, slurs, text, etc), then the
metronome m
OK - here's a minimal version of my problem -
[running ver. 2.10.33]
\relative c'{ 8 [(g-2) a-4] [c-2 d-4]
[fis-3 g-4] | }
console output:
GNU LilyPond 2.10.33
Processing `test.ly'
warning: Not in toplevel scope
Interpreting music...
Dear lilypond-users,
I have a collision between the note and the text of the TimeSig in the below
quoted example.
Is there any possibility to avoid this?
Thanks for help,
noten = { c''1 }
tempotakt = { s 1 ^\markup { \column { \upright "subito piu mosso" \line {
"(" \note # "4" #0.75 "= 1
2008/8/18 Graham Percival <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> That seems trivial -- surely everybody knows this already -- so
> let's discuss a specific example. I'll pick on Valentin since he
> won't mind... and also since he's almost a complete opposite of
> me.
Please do not think of me as a yes-man :-)
Oy. In all the time I spent working on that part of the docs, it never
occurred to me to try the fingerings and string numbers with slurs.
So, I ran this code and while I got the same error message as you, it
was not a fatal error and the file continued to run, producing perfect
output (excep
Now that emacs can actually run lilypond, I have another problem, I
can't run a command on the master file: it doesn't escape the spaces
in filenames or folder names. Is there any way I can change this?
lilypond-user mailing list
2008/8/18 Carl Sorensen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Another option is to read the new discussion on polypohony from the
> GDP docs:
> http://kainhofer.com/~lilypond/Documentation/index.html
> Go to the Notation Reference, and look up section 1.5.2.
Speaking of, given that I rewrote this section las
Am 18.08.2008 um 13:26 schrieb Jonathan Kulp:
Oy. In all the time I spent working on that part of the docs, it
never occurred to me to try the fingerings and string numbers with
So, I ran this code and while I got the same error message as you,
it was not a fatal error and the fi
Thanks for your response.
First - about an hour ago I came very close to posting a note of
appreciation about the documentation for 2.11 - it's magnificent - at
least the part for fretted instruments (the only part I've really buried
myself in). It appears that all my needs are met.
Am 18.08.2008 um 13:41 schrieb Francisco Vila:
2008/8/18 Carl Sorensen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
Another option is to read the new discussion on polypohony from the
GDP docs:
Go to the Notation Reference, and look up section 1.5.2.
Hi Carl,
It seems to me that to do this there needs to be an equivalent of
\textLengthOn for TextSpanners. What you're after is the objective of
having a musical interval have a length at least as long as your
musical intervals (as opposed to musical moments) are the domai
Hi Patrick,
Unfortunate that the midi is by default commented out or else you
could also do:
\new Staff \with { instrumentName= "Violin I"
midiInstrument="violin" }
and get the midi to sound right.
Why can't this be done with the MIDI commented out?
Works fine for me (i.e., doesn't throw
Hi all,
it just makes for easier input to define the clef with the staff.
For me, the reason to put the clef in the music variable (as opposed
to the Staff context) is that the clef may change within the passage
— for example, some of my cello music changes clefs a dozen times or
more wi
I have a song that has three parts, first with one line of text, then with two
lines (and a repeat)and then again with one line.
I tried to use \set stanza but that didn't work. I also found an old
conversation in the documentaion where master Mats talks about:
input/star-spangled-banner.ly, bu
Greetings, all -
I'm getting confused and slightly distressed. I'm now spending close to an
hour a day just reading the discussion list! I'm signed up to do the
indexing, but as far as I know there's nothing ready to be indexed. I'd be
willing to try to write some snippets, but I don't know what's
Hi Lara,
the quick'n'dirty solution (I still use) is the following:
\version "2.11.55"
refrain = \lyricmode {
\set stanza = "Refr. "
bla blu blubb blubb
verseOne = \lyricmode {
\set stanza = "1. "
one two three four five
verseTwo = \lyricmode {
\set stanza = "2. "
-- Forwarded message --
From: Dmytro O. Redchuk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 2008/8/18
Subject: Re: lyrics
2008/8/18 Lara <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hi,
> I have a song that has three parts, first with one line of text, then with two
> lines (and a repeat)and
Many thanks for the kind words about the documentation. It's very
gratifying to hear, and it also bears out what Graham says repeatedly,
which is that time spent on the docs is doubly (or more!) well spent.
I'm not sure why the barring position wouldn't work for you. It must be
that y
Dear All,
Graham keeps saying
Lots of users don't read the mailists
As a new user, I ransack the docs, the maillists and mutopia
for answers to questions before asking for help, anywhere Google takes me.
Often, the answer is in the docs
but not in any obvious place. I check out the listserv and
Hi Graham,
I'm not saying that doing a 2-hour feature is bad, but I
*definitely* disagree
that losing somebody from the doc team isn't cause for serious
A feature-freeze and/or bug-extension is more concerning to me…
But that's (another reason) why I'm not the Documentation Editor,
Hi Frederick,
Graham keeps saying
Lots of users don't read the mailists
Maybe he's projecting… ;-)
I, for one, use the mailing list at least as often as the rest of the
docs put together.
Often, the answer is in the docs but not in any obvious place.
Agreed — although it's getting *WAY
On Mon, Aug 18, 2008 at 10:15 AM, Ralph Palmer
> Greetings, all -
> I'm getting confused and slightly distressed. I'm now spending close to an
> hour a day just reading the discussion list! I'm signed up to do th
It seems that the documentation team is worried about sp
Ole Schmidt wrote:
> Is there a way to apply the shift-command to all 3 context Staff in
> one step or do I have to tweak every stave (context Staff) individually?
You can put the NoteColumn command in a global variable and apply it to each
part on the same principle as setting up
James E. Bailey-2 wrote:
> Now that emacs can actually run lilypond, I have another problem, I
> can't run a command on the master file: it doesn't escape the spaces
> in filenames or folder names. Is there any way I can change this?
> ___
Am 18.08.2008 um 17:29 schrieb Peter Johnson:
James E. Bailey-2 wrote:
Now that emacs can actually run lilypond, I have another problem, I
can't run a command on the master file: it doesn't escape the spaces
in filenames or folder names. Is there any way I can change this?
> I have a collision between the note and the text of the TimeSig in the below
> quoted example.
Compiling the provided code with version 2.10.33, I don't see that there is
any collision (see the attached pdf).
Description: Adobe PDF document
It looks good (your English is better than my Spanish!). I have only a
few suggestions:
1. In the last sentence of the paragraph following the first music
example, change "voices move to avoid collisions." to "voices are
automatically moved to avoid collisions."
2. In
Nice! Thanks for this, Patrick! It works just right. Now I have to
look at it to figure out *why* it works the way it does ;-) I haven't
used that sort of construct before...
Patrick Horgan wrote:
Instead of basename you could use the built in string manipulation stuff
2008/8/18 James E. Bailey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> I realise it isn't at draft stage yet, but I thought I'd say that there's a
> slight inaccuracy in 1.5.3, \oneVoice doesn't put a voice into the same
> voice context before and after a temporary polyphonic passage, not
> explicitly creating two new v
2008/8/18 David Stocker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Good job. I'm copying this to the list simply to let folks know I'm happy to
> look over English documentation for correct grammar. If anyone feels that he
> needs another pair of eyes to look over revisions to the documentation, then
> please feel fr
Kieren MacMillan wrote:
Hi Patrick,
Unfortunate that the midi is by default commented out or else you
could also do:
\new Staff \with { instrumentName= "Violin I" midiInstrument="violin" }
and get the midi to sound right.
Why can't this be done with the MIDI commented out?
Works fine for m
Just let me know when you're finished with a section or part of a
section and I'll have a look (just remember to state where the revisions
begin and end, so as to avoid duplicate work).
Valentin Villenave wrote:
2008/8/18 David Stocker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
Good job.
Kieren MacMillan wrote:
I think Mutopia is a rather unfortunate "resource": with a few notable
exceptions, the examples there actually detract from the good image
Lilypond has cultured in other places.
I agree. They're begging for people to pull stuff down, fix it, and
recontribute. If there'
Thanks for the help guys. The script works perfectly, really nice idea.
Patrick Horgan wrote:
> Jonathan Kulp wrote:
>> Ah. It never occurred to me to try to allow for anything but the
>> standard "lilypond filename.ly" command. That's a good idea. I don't
>> use anything but the
Hi Patrick,
I really like the idea and hope you use it.
Since the \midi block will be in the templates anyway, I see no
reason not to include the midiInstrument setting.
lilypond-user mailing list
Jonathan Kulp wrote:
Thanks for this, Patrick! It works just right. Now I have to look at
it to figure out *why* it works the way it does ;-) I haven't used
that sort of construct before...
Patrick Horgan wrote:
Instead of basename you could use the built
Hi Patrick,
Thanks so much for this detailed explanation. I use bash so everything
should work fine. I have so much to learn. Thanks :)
Patrick Horgan wrote:
See the info manual for bash under 3.5.3 Shell Parameter Expansion.
You could also do:
srcfile=${1##*/}# subt
This is basically what I was doing before. The problem is when I want to
change the form I have to change it in three places. Not a major problem for
this example, but it would be nice to have a score block like the following,
which is not so pleasant when defined in three different places.
On Mon, Aug 18, 2008 at 1:59 AM, David Bobroff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Tom Cloyd wrote:
>> I'm hoping there's a quick solution to this someone can just tell me. I've
>> spent hour this weekend pouring over ly documentation, and I simply don't
>> any more hours.
>> I'm having a collisio
Hi all,
I just noticed that Tom's original report of the problem used V2.10.33.
Jon answered this with a test saying it's working using V2.11.55.
Maybe this been fixed as a side-effect of other changes in V2.11
Ian Hulin
Jonathan Kulp wrote:
Many thanks for th
On Mon, 18 Aug 2008 10:54:44 -0300
"Han-Wen Nienhuys" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Mon, Aug 18, 2008 at 10:15 AM, Ralph Palmer
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Greetings, all -
> >
> > I'm getting confused and slightly distressed. I'm now spending
> > close to an hour a day just reading the dis
On Mon, 18 Aug 2008 06:26:58 -0500
Jonathan Kulp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> What's weird about this "avoid-slur" warning is that in this example,
> the slur is nowhere near anything that needs to be avoided. The slur
> is on one side, the fingering/string indications on the other. And
> when I
Graham Percival skrev:
I haven't been a doc writer for a year; I'm a doc manager. And
today I'm doing nothing but giving my thesis presentation every
hour in preparation for tomorrow's defense, which gives me 30-40
minutes to write emails. If a one-hour email now saves the doc
team 15 minutes p
Nobody offered to do this trivial task.
Rather than waste several *more* hours grousing about it amongst
ourselves in an email thread, what say I just do it? ;-)
Tell me how, and I'll get it done immediately.
Toi toi tomorrow!
Am 18.08.2008 um 19:53 schrieb Francisco Vila:
2008/8/18 James E. Bailey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
I realise it isn't at draft stage yet, but I thought I'd say that
there's a
slight inaccuracy in 1.5.3, \oneVoice doesn't put a voice into the
voice context before and after a temporary polyp
2008/8/18 Kieren MacMillan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Graham,
>> Nobody offered to do this trivial task.
> Rather than waste several *more* hours grousing about it amongst ourselves
> in an email thread, what say I just do it? ;-)
> Tell me how, and I'll get it done immediately.
I've just fixed
Hi Neil,
I've just fixed it in git.
lilypond-user mailing list
2008/8/18 Graham Percival <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> On Sat, 16 Aug 2008 18:42:38 +0200
> "John Mandereau" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Why not doing both?
> Because it's impossible to do both at the same time. It takes
> time and energy to answer emails or write docs.
> That seems trivial -- sur
2008/8/18 James E. Bailey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>(...)So yes, it works, but \oneVoice has
> nothing to do with it working.
Got it. I'll try to use it to improve the section. Thanks,
Francisco Vila. Badajoz (Spain)
2008/8/12 Kurt Kroon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> On 2008/08/11 11:13 AM, "Dominic Neumann" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Thanks Kurt! I already solved some problems, for example by using
>> \finalis, \divisioMinima and so on.
>> The main remaining problem is the bad positioning of notes and lyrics
I owe you an enormous debt of gratitude for your advice, patience, and
persistence in demanding a better product from me.
I'll talk more with Valentin and Neil about the Snippet Repository.
Break a leg tomorrow,
On Mon, Aug 18, 2008 at 4:25 PM, Graham Percival <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Graham Percival skrev:
I haven't been a doc writer for a year; I'm a doc manager. And
today I'm doing nothing but giving my thesis presentation every
hour in preparation for tomorrow's defense, which gives me 30-40
Tell us a litlle about your thesis...
Johan Vromans squirrel.nl> writes:
> Dan Eble faithful.be> writes:
> > These two functions should help.
> Thanks! I can use this.
> > You will either need to define your optional music to be empty when
> > it is not required, as in this example, or provide a function to
> > create em
On Mon, 18 Aug 2008 21:52:02 +0100
"Neil Puttock" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> 2008/8/18 Kieren MacMillan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > Graham,
> >
> >> Nobody offered to do this trivial task.
Update: actually, I forgot that somebody *did* do this for
On Mon, 18 Aug 2008 19:24:58 -0300
Hugo Ribeiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Graham Percival skrev:
> >> I haven't been a doc writer for a year; I'm a doc manager. And
> >> today I'm doing nothing but giving my thesis presentation every
> >> hour in preparation for tomorrow's defense, which giv
2008/8/18 Graham Percival <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> On Mon, 18 Aug 2008 21:52:02 +0100
> "Neil Puttock" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I've just fixed it in git.
> Great... what about AccidentalSuggestion, BendAfter, etc? Do they
> never need avoid-slur?
AccidentalSuggestion needs it.
I'll do a c
On Mon, 18 Aug 2008 23:56:11 +0100
"Neil Puttock" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> 2008/8/18 Graham Percival <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > Are there any other items reporting warnings with avoid-slur in
> > the bug tracker? Unfortunately we have a policy of
> > **not including** bugs about warnings, becau
Hi Tom,
Could you also CC: the lilypond-user list in your replies? The
mailing list is archived, so this will benefit future users. Thanks.
On Mon, Aug 18, 2008 at 3:26 PM, Tom Cloyd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I hope this problem is not simply an artifact of my running ly ver. 2.10.33
> - t
2008/8/18 Graham Percival <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> I agree, but the instructions were explicit: if the output looks
> good, don't add any bugs about warning messages.
That's OK so long as there's someone with a trained eye available to
check that the output's good.
> Now that you're here, maybe we
On Tue, 19 Aug 2008 00:27:50 +0100
"Neil Puttock" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> 2008/8/18 Graham Percival <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > I agree, but the instructions were explicit: if the output looks
> > good, don't add any bugs about warning messages.
> That's OK so long as there's someone with
What a kind, instructive, helpful response! Thanks. Eager to try it -
including following the path-to-the-answer you describe (so I can learn
to help myself better).
Thanks for taking the time to spell it all out.
Carl D. Sorensen wrote:
Tom Cloyd wrote:
On 2008/08/18 2:52 PM, "Neil Puttock" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> ... unfortunately, it's not clear from the regression
tests for ancient music
> since they are so small and the change in
spacing is barely visible unless you
> have a fair sized example.
I happen to have a fair-sized example at h
I am new user to this wonderful program. I have quick question about chord
alignment. I would like to align the chord names to the left (i.e, near the
bar). The .ly file I wrote (see below) prints the chord names at the center of
each measure along the X.
Thanks in advance
\version "
Patrick McCarty wrote:
On Mon, Aug 18, 2008 at 1:59 AM, David Bobroff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Tom Cloyd wrote:
I'm hoping there's a quick solution to this someone can just tell me. I've
spent hour this weekend pouring over ly documentation, and I simply don't
any more hours.
I'm hav
On Mon, 18 Aug 2008 20:30:38 -0700
Tom Cloyd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I was stopped from installing the latest version because I have to
> compile it and I need to find my notes on how to do this. (This block
> to immediate installation, in the Linux world, needs to be removed
> NOW, if Linux
Adobe Illustrator fails to find LilyPond-specific fonts (like New Century
Schoolbook and the cheese fonts) on import of LilyPond-generated pdf, eps
and ps.
Threads like this one between Kieren and Matt and others back in 2006 ...
On Mon, Aug 18, 2008 at 8:44 PM, Tom Cloyd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Oops. Drat. I hate mailing lists which default to reply to sender, rather
> than reply to list. I've been caught by this problem at least twice on this
> List - but this time it had to be pointed out to me. Seems plain stupid
On Mon, 18 Aug 2008 21:23:35 -0700
"Patrick McCarty" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Mon, Aug 18, 2008 at 8:44 PM, Tom Cloyd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> >
> > Oops. Drat. I hate mailing lists which default to reply to sender,
> > rather than reply to list.
> Well, I think you would have to d
I think I'll give this a try. What I'm most concerned about is this:
Someone has prepared a flavor of Ubuntu (Ubuntu Studio) with all kinds
of audio/video/graphics applications pre-installed and integrated with
the OS, thus sparing me the need to download and learn to configure most
of the prog
2008/8/19 Trevor Bača <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hi,
> Adobe Illustrator fails to find LilyPond-specific fonts (like New Century
> Schoolbook and the cheese fonts) on import of LilyPond-generated pdf, eps
> and ps.
Sorry, I'm not in thread, may be, but one suggestion anyway:
have you tried to produce
2008/8/19 Naveen Santhanam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hello,
> I am new user to this wonderful program. I have quick question about chord
> alignment. I would like to align the chord names to the left (i.e, near the
> bar). The .ly file I wrote (see below) prints the chord names at the center
> of
81 matches
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