This is basically what I was doing before. The problem is when I want to
change the form I have to change it in three places. Not a major problem for
this example, but it would be nice to have a score block like the following,
which is not so pleasant when defined in three different places.

%this code won't work...
\score {{
   \intro \break
   \repeat volta 2 {\verse \chorus \postchorus}
   \repeat volta 3 {\chorus}
   \bar "|."

Following is what I've come up with so far. I am having two problems. First,
I had to remove lyrics before this worked at all. Second, I cannot figure
out where to put my global stuff (key and time signature) to avoid moving
chords to below the staff instead of on top. The key so far has turned out
to be first using the same context for everything, and second making sure
all simultaneous elements are exactly the same length. Does anyone think
this is going to be possible, or should I stick with defining everything
separately? Thanks!

\version "2.11.55"
\include ""

global = \context Staff = "mycontext" { \clef "treble" \key e \major \time
4/4 }

%stuff for chorus
chorusmelody = \relative c' {
        \mark "Chorus" c8 d e fs gs( as) c4 |
chorusharmonies = \chordmode { c4 es:11 gs:min7 c | }
%put together the chorus
chorus = <<
        \context ChordNames = "mycontext" {  \chorusharmonies }
        \context Staff = mycontext { \context Voice="mycontext" << 
\chorusmelody >>

%stuff for verse
versemelody = \relative c' {
        \mark "Verse" c'2 d | e1 |
verseharmonies = \chordmode { c2 g:7 c1 }
%put together the verse
verse = <<
        \context ChordNames = "mycontext" { \verseharmonies }
        \context Staff = mycontext { \context Voice="mycontext" << \versemelody 

\score {
                        % I can't seem to use standard repeat or break commands,
                        % but if I enter the correct context,
                        % I can change bar lines between sections..
                \context Staff = mycontext { \context Voice="mycontext" << \bar 
"|:" >> }
                \context Staff = mycontext { \context Voice="mycontext" << \bar 
":|" >> }
                \context Staff = mycontext { \context Voice="mycontext" << 
\break >> }
                \context Staff = mycontext { \context Voice="mycontext" << \bar 
"|." >> }
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