Bertalan Fodor wrote
This argument is like: "I have all the predefined commands I need for
editing all my LilyPond files".
Not really. Using a *single* editor with which
I am very familiar and which has macros, easily
editable highlighers for most languages automatically
selected by file exte
Reinhold Kainhofer wrote:
Am Dienstag, 15. Juli 2008 schrieb Bertalan Fodor:
Currently JEdit with LilyPondTool is the only editor for LilyPond that
provides syntax checking and autocompletion of tweaks. I consider those
such crucial features I can't image how other people can work without
Am Dienstag, 15. Juli 2008 schrieb Bertalan Fodor:
> Currently JEdit with LilyPondTool is the only editor for LilyPond that
> provides syntax checking and autocompletion of tweaks. I consider those
> such crucial features I can't image how other people can work without
> it.
Apparently, you haven
Currently JEdit with LilyPondTool is the only editor for LilyPond
that provides syntax checking and autocompletion of tweaks. I
consider those such crucial features I can't image how other people
can work without it. So it may worth learning to use another. That
will be the last, I'm sure. Th
> > It's probably best to submit a bug report, together with a
> > high-resolution scan of such a note head. Werner
> Here it is:
This is now registered as issue #648.
Bertalan Fodor wrote
Yes, it has a quite impressive list of highlighters, also syntax
checking for php and html via plugins
( I must note however, that
jedit's highlighter configuration is regular-expression based, so it
doesn't have such power that
Trevor Daniels wrote:
Bertalan Fodor wrote
Yes, it has a quite impressive list of highlighters, also syntax
checking for php and html via plugins
( I must note however, that
jedit's highlighter configuration is regular-expression based, so it
on 2008-07-14 at 23:20 Trevor Daniels wrote:
>> Non-command-line people should be using jedit anyway
>No I shouldn't. I have a text editing environment that has all the
>features I need for editing all my text files, and I have no intention
>of learning to use another just so I can turn off po
Hi -
I'd like to chime in with my two cents on the JEdit / no JEdit topic.
Perhaps I should try again, but when I tried using JEdit about a year ago (with
LilyPondTool, I think - is JEdit normally used without LilyPondTool?), it took
so long to load JEdit, that I said, "Forget it - I'm going b
Perhaps I should try again, but when I tried using JEdit about a year ago (with
LilyPondTool, I think - is JEdit normally used without LilyPondTool?), it took so long to
load JEdit, that I said, "Forget it - I'm going back to ConTEXT." ConTEXT is
not perfect, but it works and works quickly f
on 2008-07-15 at 09:52 Palmer, Ralph wrote:
>Also, I hope the tenor of the discussion stays civil.
i'm sure we all wish the same.
>I'm on a PC running XP SP3 now, others are on Macs, and many seem to
>be running some version of Linux, so I would assume that not all
>software is useable by all o
Hi, all.
This is a working example that I got from the LSR. It is used with
#(define (mc-squared grob grob-origin context)
(ifs (ly:grob-interfaces grob))
(sp (ly:grob-property grob 'staff-position))
(if (memq 'note-head-interface ifs)
I am having an extremely difficult time finding an acceptable coding solution
for a fairly straightforward (though relatively complex) notational problem:
I have several measures of piano music (code appended below) in which an initial
chord is struck, with voices released at different times. This
Eric Flesher> writes:
> I am having an extremely difficult time finding an acceptable coding solution
> for a fairly straightforward (though relatively complex) notational problem:
... et cetera...
Here's the code:
\version "2.11.51"
upper = \relative c'' {
\clef bass
Roman Stawski wrote
> The \tag command provokes a syntax error if it immediately follows a
> \lyricsto
> command. A work-around is to insert an empty expression {} between the
> two.
> \version "2.11.49"
> \paper{ ragged-right=##t }
> <<
> \new Voice = "dirge" { c''1 }
> \lyricsto "dirge" \
Le 15 juil. 08 à 21:02, Trevor Daniels a écrit :
Roman Stawski wrote
\new Staff { \new Voice = "dirge" { c''1 } }
\lyricsto "dirge" \new Lyrics { Whoops }
\tag #'harmony \new Staff { a'1 }
OK, I see what you are trying to do. The error is that
the order of the commands in the lyrics li
Hi Eric,
2008/7/15 Eric Knapp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> In this line:
>(sp (ly:grob-property grob 'staff-position))
> The staff position of the note is assigned to the variable sp. How
> could I get the fingering digit of the note? For example:
> c''-3
> I want to programmatically get t
On Tue, Jul 15, 2008 at 5:54 PM, Nicolas Sceaux <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Why should \new SomeThing be followed by { .. } ?
> I don't really understand what the error is (and it is not
> obvious to me that it lies in the input rather than in the
> parser), but there are several ways to work a
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