> Could you do this?
Done. I've added a new subsection.
> I don't understand what the problem (or solution) is,
The problem was how to tweak an articulation like \flageolet so that
the resulting macro still behaves like an articulation; in particular,
it should be possible to use `^' and `_' a
Dear list,
is it possible to have something like a trillspan and a (quarter-)
Note with tremolo-subdivisions in a markup text?
thank you for help
lilypond-user mailing list
> > \override NoteHead #'duration-log = 1
> this doesn't help me as my example will show:
Try this:
\relative c''' {
\time 3/4
\override Staff.TimeSignature #'stencil = #ly:text-interface::print
\override Staff.TimeSignature #'text =
\markup {
\override #'(baselin
Carl Sorensen wrote:
> Hans Aberg wrote:
>> There is really a mixture of ideas. The relative notation should be
>> there in order to simplify input. There, I tend to think about the
>> melody line in a local region, rather than just related to the note
>> before. In tonal music, this note may ofte
On 27 Feb 2007, at 04:48, Graham Percival wrote:
If this is a bug report, please see
I made a bug report. But what is the stuff of making a top posting
comment about not top posting on this the link above? :-)
Hans Aberg
> "Hans" == Hans Aberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Hans> On 27 Feb 2007, at 04:48, Graham Percival wrote:
>> If this is a bug report, please see
>> http://lilypond.org/web/devel/participating/bugs
Hans> I made a bug report. But what is the stuff of making a top posting
At some point between 2.11.7 and 2.11 20 gracenote beaming started to take
the note value into account. I want to revert to the old behaviour, how do I
do that? See the attached images for an example of what I mean.
Sven Axelsson
Description: PNG image
Description: PNG ima
Are you talking about the beaming or the spacing? As far as I can see,
the beaming is the same in both your examples, but the spacing differs.
Sven Axelsson wrote:
At some point between 2.11.7 and 2.11 20 gracenote beaming started to
take the note value into account. I want to revert to
I was wondering if the metronome number in a \tempo command could be a scheme
number. This would make it easier to do effects for fermata and ritards and
relative tempo changes, in midi files.
For example, it would be nice to be able to do something like this:
#(define base-te
On 27 Feb 2007, at 16:27, Laura Conrad wrote:
I think there's a script that looks for mail of the form:
One or more lines not beginning with greater than sign
Followed by one or more lines beginning with greater than sign
And decides that they're top-posts.
The script seems not to be work
I want the place where the music jumps to the coda to be marked with
the words "To Coda" and the coda sign. If I use
\mark \markup { To Coda \musicglyph #"scripts.coda"}
then the coda mark won't be on the right spot. Looking through the
documentation, it seems as though \put-adjacent should be a
Am 27.02.2007 um 18:35 schrieb Hans Aberg:
On 27 Feb 2007, at 16:27, Laura Conrad wrote:
I think there's a script that looks for mail of the form:
One or more lines not beginning with greater than sign
Followed by one or more lines beginning with greater than sign
And decides that they'r
On 27 Feb 2007, at 21:08, Christian Hitz wrote:
The script seems not to be working. :-) (Or did I not post to the
right list?) And in a reply, if one is not top posting, quite
often one is starting with the name of the one is responding to
(as above), so those would also be filtered out.
The best editor environment for lilypond-files of the ones I've come across so
far (no offense, jEdit... :-), is emacs with the lilypond-quick-insert-mode,
customized and tweaked to my liking and with interaction with mymidikbd: I
can "touch-type" gkalsdasndofh and out comes r4 c8 d e c d8. e16
On Monday 26 February 2007 21:48, Rune Zedeler wrote:
> > I'm trying to typeset a piece for solo piano where temporarily a third
> > staff is needed.
> http://mutopiaproject.org/cgibin/piece-info.cgi?id=314
Thanks Rune, I see that basically you defined a third staff throughout and
made it disappea
On 2/27/07, Sven Axelsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
At some point between 2.11.7 and 2.11 20 gracenote beaming started to take
the note value into account. I want to revert to the old behaviour, how do I
do that? See the attached images for an example of what I mean.
Sven Axelsson
Eyolf Ostrem írta:
The best editor environment for lilypond-files of the ones I've come across so
far (no offense, jEdit... :-), is emacs with the lilypond-quick-insert-mode,
customized and tweaked to my liking and with interaction with mymidikbd: I
can "touch-type" gkalsdasndofh and out comes
I am setting the Reproaches for Good Friday and after each verse want to add
some italic text indicating which response follows that verse.
If I try using \markup and line it with the lyrics, the lyrics all move
How can I leave the lyrics where they are, and add some extra italic word
On Tue 27 February 2007 23:57:48 Bertalan Fodor wrote:
> Eyolf Ostrem írta:
> > The best editor environment for lilypond-files of the ones I've come
> > across so far (no offense, jEdit... :-), is emacs with the
> > lilypond-quick-insert-mode, customized and tweaked to my liking and with
> > intera
Eyolf Ostrem wrote:
Question, then: is there a way to accomplish the same in vim...?
Of course. Vim is perfect and can do anything! :)
- has anyone done the work of fitting the same kind of macros in vim? (i.e.:
any rhythmic value is stored in memory and applies by default to the next
Looking through the manual
version 2.8.4
I have some single songs that I would like the title to be on each page
It looks like either oddHeaderMarkup and evenHeaderMarkup might be what I
should use
however since I never use paper blocks I'm uncertain where to put this even if
it is what I need.
Thanks for your comments; I've added a feature request for this:
- Graham
René Brandenburger wrote:
Hi list,
with version 2.11.29, the tremolo bars touching the heads is fixed, but
I get a warning about stem length, and the bars do
Thanks, feature request added as
- Graham
live action wrote:
I was wondering if the metronome number in a \tempo command could be a scheme
number. This would make it easier to do effects for fermata and ritards and
relative tempo
Vivian Barty-Taylor wrote:
I would suggest putting a note on the backend pages of the Program
Reference. It seemed such a logical thing to just do \once \override
DynamicText #'padding = #4 that I didn't even check if that was
possible. (I then remembered that the last time I had tried this and
I do this all the time for chant. You use "\once \override LyricText
#'self-alignment-X = #LEFT" for the last word of the line. Try this:
BEGIN LilyPond
\version "2.11.19"
global = {
\key e \major
\set Staff.whichBar = ""
\set Score.timing = ##f
Dan Eble wrote:
The NEWS for 2.11 says that "The environment variable LILYPONDPREFIX has been
renamed to LILYPOND_DATADIR." If that is new for 2.11, why are versions of 2.10
complaining about it? This is on Mac OS X 10.3 (PowerPC).
Thanks for the report. This appears to be fixed in 2.10.20.
I'm in the process of digitizing some old, handwritten music for the University
of Minnesota Marching Band. We use 'pep-band' sized music, which is 7 inches
wide by 5.5 inches tall. We normally print and copy using standard letter (8.5"
x 11") paper, and then trim the music down.
I have a
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