On Tue 27 February 2007 23:57:48 Bertalan Fodor wrote:
> Eyolf Ostrem írta:
> > The best editor environment for lilypond-files of the ones I've come
> > across so far (no offense, jEdit... :-), is emacs with the
> > lilypond-quick-insert-mode, customized and tweaked to my liking and with
> > interaction with mymidikbd: I can "touch-type" gkalsdasndofh and out
> > comes r4 c8 d e c d8. e16 f1 - with sounding output for immediate
> > control.
> You can safely use the two together: Emacs for inputting the notes,
> jEdit+LilyPondTool for tweaking.

Yes, which is what I do, only with vim... :-)
As a matter of fact, I'm having problems with my java installation (something 
with my startup profile which leaves my /opt tree out of the path), so I 
haven't really had the chance of trying out LPTool properly, but as soon as I 
find out about it, I will check it out more properly - I'm looking forward to 

Luke Skywalker:
        I used to bullseye womp rats in my T-16 back home.
        They're not much bigger than two meters.

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