Re: Vertical position of lyrics

2007-02-16 Thread Joe Neeman
On 2/16/07, Fred Leason <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: somewhere around this location in the documentation lilypond-2.11.12-1.documentation/Documentation/user/lilypond/Vocal- ensembles.html#Vocal-ensembles it illustrates that \layout { \context { % a little smaller so lyr

Re: \n in strings causes errors

2007-02-16 Thread Mats Bengtsson
Try something along the lines of copyright = \markup { \teeny \override #'(baseline-skip . 0.5) \center-align { "Copyright © 1994 Michael David Crawford" "This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.5 License." "To view a copy of this license, visit"

Re: Vertical position of lyrics

2007-02-16 Thread Mats Bengtsson
I recommend using the latest stable version 2.10.x for any serious typesetting. There have been some recent changes in the latest development versions related to how the vertical spacing is handled and I'm not sure that the documentation is completely up to date. Also, I have seen some recent bu

Re: Lilypond 2.10.17-1: lilypond-book ImportError

2007-02-16 Thread nicola
In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Fred Leason <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > You explicitly called lilypond-book. I suspect you do not have the > bin directory in your PATH. lilypond-book reads your PATH to find > where lilylib is located. Your path should look like this: > > PATH=/Library/Fr

Re: beaming in 6/8

2007-02-16 Thread Mats Bengtsson
The following seems to work: \time 6/8 \set Timing.beatLength = #(ly:make-moment 3 8) This should clearly be the default for 6/8 time signatures, so I send a copy of your email to bug-lilypond as well. Here's a complete example for the bug report: \version "2.11.18" \relative c' { \time 6/8

Re: Lilypond 2.10.17-1: lilypond-book ImportError

2007-02-16 Thread Ole Schmidt
Hi, I get an (to me) similar error when I try to execute syntax-update, unfortunatly it did not help, but maybe its the same issue? see the mail below: ole I've pasted the whole text at the end of my convert-ly file: (pasted text:) datadir

Re: Wrong Type Argument 2.0

2007-02-16 Thread Joe Neeman
On 2/10/07, Will Oram <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: This started out a few days ago in lilypond-user, where I sent it not knowing if a bug was causing it or not. More tests indicate it probably is. --- Two-pass vertical spacing seems to be crashing with sufficiently large scores AND forcing line

Confusion with naming system

2007-02-16 Thread Cameron Horsburgh
Hi folks, I've come across the following in a file. This is correct, as in any other way of capitalising the names raises errors or doesn't compile correctly. Can anyone explain to me the subtle difference in capitalisations? \override PianoStaff.InstrumentName #'space-alist = #'((left-edge extra

lyrics and \skip

2007-02-16 Thread Dominic Neumann
Hi, I have a song with two parts. The first has also one lyrics line (the refrain). the second part has three lyrics lines (the verses). I have the lyrics in the vars refrain, verseOne, verseTwo and verseThree. If I try to add them via \addlyrics, all lyrics begin at the first bar. Then I found

Re: \n in strings causes errors

2007-02-16 Thread Michael David Crawford
Mats Bengtsson wrote: Try something along the lines of copyright = \markup { \teeny \override #'(baseline-skip . 0.5) \center-align { "Copyright © 1994 Michael David Crawford" "This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.5 License." "To view a copy

Repeated messages during compilation

2007-02-16 Thread Cameron Horsburgh
Hi folks, I have a couple os lilypond files which repeat some of the usual messages during compilation. A normal run might look like this: GNU LilyPond 2.10.16 Processing' Parsing... Interpreting music... [3] Preprocessing graphical objects... Layout output to'... Converting to foo.

Re: Repeated messages during compilation

2007-02-16 Thread Mats Bengtsson
You normally get one set of Interpreting music... Preprocessing graphical objects... for each \score{...} block in your .ly. My guess is that the "Interpreting music..." without a following "Preprocessing ..." correspond to \score blocks with only MIDI output, i.e. without any \layout block.

Re: lyrics and skip

2007-02-16 Thread Mats Bengtsson
This is well described in the manual, see the section on Divisi lyrics. /Mats Quoting Dominic Neumann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: Hi, I have a song with two parts. The first has also one lyrics line (the refrain). the second part has three lyrics lines (the verses). I have the lyrics in the vars r

Re: Confusion with naming system

2007-02-16 Thread Mats Bengtsson
The system is: LayoutObjectName contextPropertyName layout-object-property-name In this specific example, you have a context property called instrumentName and a layout object called InstrumentName, which in term has a property called space-alist. /Mats Quoting Cameron Horsburgh <[EMAIL PRO

Space between staffs of a PianoStaff

2007-02-16 Thread Michael David Crawford
Hi Again, I'm trying to typeset one of my songs so it will fit on a CD case insert. I presently print one side of a piece of paper with the label, cut it to size and fold it in half to insert in the jewel case. I'd like to have the score to one of my songs printed on the side that's present

Re: Different notehead types sharing a stem in double-stops

2007-02-16 Thread Mats Bengtsson
The easiest is to typeset the chord as two simultaneous chords in the same voice. << 4 2 \f >> The only problem is that LilyPond prints some warnings on the output, so it's easy to miss other warnings that may be important. /Mats Quoting Michael Culbertson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: Hello, For

Re: Space between staffs of a PianoStaff

2007-02-16 Thread Mats Bengtsson
Unless you have any cross-stave beams or slurs, the easiest is to just replace PianoStaff by GrandStaff. Actually, the only reason whatsoever to use a PianoStaff is when you have such cross-stave features. If you really want to stick to the PianoStaff, the spacing can be set using: \layout{ \con

How to get ChordNames under the repeat-brackets

2007-02-16 Thread Dominic Neumann
Hi, in a lead sheet I´ve got some repeat brackets but the chord names are not printed under them but on top of them. How do I get them under the brackets - that would look even better! Here´s an example: BEGIN \version "2.10.17" \new ChordNames \chordmode { c c d fis } \relative c

Re: Different notehead types sharing a stem in double-stops

2007-02-16 Thread Trevor Bača
On 2/16/07, Mats Bengtsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: The easiest is to typeset the chord as two simultaneous chords in the same voice. << 4 2 \f >> The only problem is that LilyPond prints some warnings on the output, so it's easy to miss other warnings that may be important. Using ... \o

Re: beaming in 6/8

2007-02-16 Thread Imre Polik
Thank you very much. However, a new problem came up when I applied this to a whole section: \version "2.10.7" \relative c' { \time 6/8 c8 d16 e f8 c8 d16 e f8 | \set Timing.beatLength = #(ly:make-moment 3 8) c8 d16 e f8 c8 d16 e f8| } Is it OK that two consecutive 16th notes are only beamed tog

Re: Space between staffs of a PianoStaff

2007-02-16 Thread Trevor Bača
Agreed. Best to just use GrandStaff. If you do stick with PianoStaff, 11.3.3 "Controlling spacing of individual systems" gives an alternative approach to reducing vertical space between piano staves, using NonMusicalPaperColumn. Note that 11.3.3 will soon be changing. On 2/16/07, Mats Bengtsson

Re: Space between staffs of a PianoStaff

2007-02-16 Thread Michael David Crawford
Mats Bengtsson wrote: Unless you have any cross-stave beams or slurs, the easiest is to just replace PianoStaff by GrandStaff. Actually, the only reason whatsoever to use a PianoStaff is when you have such cross-stave features. If you really want to stick to the PianoStaff, the spacing can be se

Re: Lilypond 2.10.17-1: lilypond-book ImportError

2007-02-16 Thread Fred Leason
Nicola: I know I had the same problem before. It may be a problem with the distribution of 2.10.17-1. I am using 2.11.13. Open up lilypond- book and look for the code that precedes the "import lilylib as ly". Mine looks like this: os.environ['PATH'] = bindir + os.pathsep + os.environ['

Re: How to get ChordNames under the repeat-brackets

2007-02-16 Thread Mats Bengtsson
See the example called in the Tips and Tricks document. /Mats Quoting Dominic Neumann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: Hi, in a lead sheet I´ve got some repeat brackets but the chord names are not printed under them but on top of them. How do I get them under the brackets - that wo

Re: Space between staffs of a PianoStaff

2007-02-16 Thread Joe Neeman
On 2/16/07, Michael David Crawford <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Hi Again, I'm trying to typeset one of my songs so it will fit on a CD case insert. I presently print one side of a piece of paper with the label, cut it to size and fold it in half to insert in the jewel case. I'd like to have the