> > Maybe the simplest way to achieve this is the good old "!"
> You're right, that may be the easiest, in particular because I
> auto-generate the score so it should be easy to add !
it worked with "!". Was the easiest in the end.
Thanks to all of you.
> Maybe the simplest way to achieve this is the good old "!"
You're right, that may be the easiest, in particular because I
auto-generate the score so it should be easy to add !
> You could try the attached, which is the 2.20.0 source code for the
> teaching accidental style (+some helper functions) with one change to
> accommodate 2.18 syntax, i.e. the key signature is obtained from the
> localKeySignature context property instead of localAlterations.
That's very close t
Maybe the simplest way to achieve this is the good old "!"
\language "english"
\key d \major
d' e' fs'! g' a' b' cs''! d''
On Sun, May 24, 2020 at 6:50 PM Timothy Lanfear wrote:
> On 24/05/2020 20:35, Frédéric wrote:
> >
> > Halas, my web server is under raspberry pi which has only li
On 24/05/2020 20:35, Frédéric wrote:
Halas, my web server is under raspberry pi which has only lilypond
2.18.2. But 2.18.2 does not give a suitable output (too many natural
Try that:
\version "2.18.2"
\override AccidentalCautionary.parenthesized = ##f
\accidentalStyle teaching
> > {
> >\override AccidentalCautionary.parenthesized=##f
> >\accidentalStyle teaching
> >\key d\major
> >d'4 e' fis' g' a' b' cis'' d''
> > }
> This is really good and so simple!
> Thanks a lot all of you for your help.
Halas, my web server is under raspberry pi which has only l
> \accidentalStyle teaching is close but parenthesises the accidental, so
> switch off the parentheses.
> {
>\override AccidentalCautionary.parenthesized=##f
>\accidentalStyle teaching
>\key d\major
>d'4 e' fis' g' a' b' cis'' d''
> }
This is really good and so simple!
Thanks a l
On 21/05/2020 19:38, Frédéric wrote:
\key d\major
\set Staff.keyAlterations = #'()
\accidentalStyle dodecaphonic
Obviously not \accidentalStyle dodecaphonic though.
\accidentalStyle forget I think?
apparently, this doesn't work:
\version "2.19.0"
\language "english"
\key d \major
\set S
n 21/05/2020 07:35, Frédéric wrote:
I'm writing a scale book. I would like to have the key signature but
also an accidentals in front of each note. For example, in d \major, I
would like to print f# c# as key signature and a # in front of each f
and c.
I see 2 possibilities:
1. define a custo
> > \key d\major
> > \set Staff.keyAlterations = #'()
> > \accidentalStyle dodecaphonic
> Obviously not \accidentalStyle dodecaphonic though.
> \accidentalStyle forget I think?
apparently, this doesn't work:
\version "2.19.0"
\language "english"
\key d \major
\set Staff.keyAlterations = #'
David Kastrup writes:
> Pierre Perol-Schneider writes:
>> Hi Frédéric,
>> If you want to get a custom style, see Simon's here:
>> http://lilypond.1069038.n5.nabble.com/Custom-accidental-styles-td190776.html#a190788
>> Otherwise you could do:
>> \version "2.20.0"
>> \fixed c' {
>> \a
Pierre Perol-Schneider writes:
> Hi Frédéric,
> If you want to get a custom style, see Simon's here:
> http://lilypond.1069038.n5.nabble.com/Custom-accidental-styles-td190776.html#a190788
> Otherwise you could do:
> \version "2.20.0"
> \fixed c' {
> \accidentalStyle dodecaphonic
> \key
Hi Frédéric,
If you want to get a custom style, see Simon's here:
Otherwise you could do:
\version "2.20.0"
\fixed c' {
\accidentalStyle dodecaphonic
\key d\major
c' d' e' f'
cis' dis' eis' fis'
ces' d
Hi David,
> \fixed c'
> { \key d\major \accidentalStyle dodecaphonic
> c' d' e' f'
> cis' dis' eis' fis'
> ces' des' es' fes'
> }
I tested that one already but I do not want the natural signs.
Frédéric writes:
> Hi,
> I'm writing a scale book. I would like to have the key signature but
> also an accidentals in front of each note. For example, in d \major, I
> would like to print f# c# as key signature and a # in front of each f
> and c.
> I see 2 possibilities:
> 1. define a custom Key
I'm writing a scale book. I would like to have the key signature but
also an accidentals in front of each note. For example, in d \major, I
would like to print f# c# as key signature and a # in front of each f
and c.
I see 2 possibilities:
1. define a custom Key_engraver which just prints the k
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