Frédéric <> writes: > Hi, > I'm writing a scale book. I would like to have the key signature but > also an accidentals in front of each note. For example, in d \major, I > would like to print f# c# as key signature and a # in front of each f > and c. > I see 2 possibilities: > 1. define a custom Key_engraver which just prints the key and do not > set the alterations. > 2. define a special accidental rule that considers that the key > signature is blank > > However, I was not able to do any of those. > > Any idea?
\fixed c' { \key d\major \accidentalStyle dodecaphonic c' d' e' f' cis' dis' eis' fis' ces' des' es' fes' } -- David Kastrup