Athanasius Pelletier wrote:
I am trying to get the line to go from the b4 through g2. All I can get
is a broken line. I tried using the \melisma and \melisma end tags but
they didn't work. Can anybody get this right for me?
This is what I get (attached png snippet)
Looks ok to me.
Hi Athanasius,
> I am trying to get the line to go from the b4 through g2. All I can get is a
> broken line.
> I tried using the \melisma and \melisma end tags but they didn't work. Can
> anybody get this right for me?
Works for me! [See code below.]
Hope this helps,
I am trying to get the line to go from the b4 through g2. All I can get is
a broken line. I tried using the \melisma and \melisma end tags but they
didn't work. Can anybody get this right for me?
\version "2.13.9"
\include ""
\header {
subtitle = "Glória"
subsubtitle = "A