Hi Athanasius, > I am trying to get the line to go from the b4 through g2. All I can get is a > broken line. > I tried using the \melisma and \melisma end tags but they didn't work. Can > anybody get this right for me?
Works for me! [See code below.] Hope this helps, Kieren. _______________________ \version "2.13.9" \include "gregorian.ly" \header { subtitle = "Glória" subsubtitle = "Ambrosian Chant" } chant = \relative c' { \set Score.timing = ##f a'4 a a a a a a a g2 \finalis g4 g a a a a b a a2 \divisioMaior a4 a a a a g2 r4 \finalis \break a4 a a g2 r4 \finalis a4 a a a a g2 r4 \finalis a4 a a a g2 r4 \finalis a4 a a a a g2 r4 \finalis \break g4 g g g g g g b4( \melisma a g) c2 d4 ( c b c) a4 ( b a) g2 \melismaEnd \divisioMaior %line from b4 through g2 c4 c a g f g a g 2 f r4 \finalis \break \finalis } verba = \lyricmode { Gló -- ri -- a in ex -- cél -- sis Dé -- o. Et in tér -- ra pax ho -- mí -- ni -- bus bó -- nae vo -- lun -- tá -- tis. Lau -- dá -- mus te. Be -- ne -- dí -- ci -- mus te. Ad -- o -- rá -- mus te. Glo -- ri -- fi -- cá -- mus te. Grá -- ti -- as á -- gi -- mus tí -- bi __ %trying to get the line to go up to the next verse pró -- pter má -- gnam gló -- ri -- am tú -- am. } \score { \new Staff << \new Voice = "melody" \chant \new Lyrics = "one" \lyricsto melody \verba >> \layout { ragged-last = ##f \context { \Staff ragged-last = ##f \remove "Time_signature_engraver" \remove "Bar_engraver" \override Stem #'transparent = ##t } \context { \Voice \override Stem #'length = #0 } \context { \Score barAlways = ##t } } } _______________________________________________ lilypond-user mailing list lilypond-user@gnu.org http://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/lilypond-user