Re: Music paper sizes

2013-04-07 Thread Reedmace Star
trim down of a larger standard? Any help appreciated. The German Wikipedia page on paper formats includes an (unsourced) table of musical score paper sizes. <> According to that list, 235x310mm² is called "Klavierformat"

Re: Music paper sizes

2013-04-07 Thread Andrew Bernard
Possibly answering my own question, Metric Royal is 237 x 312, and if I measure better Henle is 234 x 309. It's standard in printing to use 3mm trim, so Metric Royal trimmed is the exact size. Can anybody familiar with the music publishing/printing industry confirm? Thanks! Andrew On 7/04/

Music paper sizes

2013-04-07 Thread Andrew Bernard
Greetings List, I measure my Henle Verlag books of Bach to be 235 x 309mm (+/- 1mm) [9.25 x 12.17 inches]. I rather like this size, but I cannot find it referred to as a standard paper size anywhere at all. Do my learned colleagues here know what size it is, or is it a trim down of a larger s

Paper sizes

2007-07-04 Thread Cesar Penagos
Saludos Lilyponders: I have a question for You. I need to print two different scores. One is an Orchestral (Director Score), the other is a piano Voice score. My question is what paper size have I to buy to print it? (I mean to look professional printing), A4? And If is possible for You tell to me

Paper sizes

2007-07-01 Thread César Penagos
Saludos Lilyponders: Estoy escribiendo una partitura para orquesta pequeña(de cámara)"Director Score", y necesito saber cuál es el mejor tamaño para hacerlo (A4, A3)?. Necesito saber que tamaño de papel debo comprar para imprimir tal partitura, me refiero al tamaño que utilizan en las casas edito

Re: paper sizes

2006-12-01 Thread James Bailey
t create your "octavo" form with the sizing you want and save it with the name "octavo". Now the operating system and your printer drivers can play nice and both understand this new form. HTH -- View this message in context: http://www.n

Re: paper sizes

2006-11-30 Thread James E. Bailey
this go to: > >Settings / Control Panel / Printers > >>From this dialog box go to the File menu and select "Server Properties" > >On that dialog check the box that says "Create a new Form" > >At that point create your "octavo"

Re: paper sizes

2006-11-30 Thread Rick Hansen (aka RickH)
go to: Settings / Control Panel / Printers >From this dialog box go to the File menu and select "Server Properties" On that dialog check the box that says "Create a new Form" At that point create your "octavo" form with the sizing you want and save it with the

paper sizes

2006-11-30 Thread James Bailey
I was reading the archives on how to define a custom page size, and I'm a little confused as to whether the issue was resolved, meaning, I've read the archives, and tried the suggestions there, but still cannot output my page size. I've added to the file "paper.scm" the line ("octavo" .

Defining custom paper sizes

2005-05-29 Thread Peter Leschev
Hi, Using 2.4.6, I'm trying to define a specific (non-standard) paper size with a PNG output. It seems that the PNG output is affected by the: #(set-paper-size "a4") command, which only takes predefined standard paper sizes. I've tried using hsiz

Re: Custom paper sizes?

2004-11-15 Thread Mats Bengtsson
So far (version 2.4.x and earlier apart from a few 2.3.xx), the final output is produced by dvips and ps2pdf and if you run lilypond --verbose, you will notice that lilypond tells them what papersize to produce based on the setting of papersizename. You may have to run lilypond --dvi and then run d

Re: Custom paper sizes?

2004-11-14 Thread Benjamin Esham
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 On Nov 14, 2004, at 8:27 PM, Paul Scott wrote: Any ideas what's going on, and how I can set a custom paper size? (Are there other variables that need to be set in \paper?) I think you will have to set all relevant variables: linewidth, textheight, a

Re: Custom paper sizes?

2004-11-14 Thread Paul Scott
Benjamin Esham wrote: -BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 On Nov 14, 2004, at 1:53 PM, Paul Scott wrote: Benjamin Esham wrote: How do I manually set the height and width of the paper I'm printing/ outputting to? I tried to set [hv]size in the \layout block, but nothing seemed to change.

Re: Custom paper sizes?

2004-11-14 Thread Benjamin Esham
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 On Nov 14, 2004, at 1:53 PM, Paul Scott wrote: Benjamin Esham wrote: How do I manually set the height and width of the paper I'm printing/ outputting to? I tried to set [hv]size in the \layout block, but nothing seemed to change. What version? In 2.4

Re: Custom paper sizes?

2004-11-14 Thread Paul Scott
Benjamin Esham wrote: -BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 How do I manually set the height and width of the paper I'm printing/ outputting to? I tried to set [hv]size in the \layout block, but nothing seemed to change. What version? In 2.4 those go in the \paper block. Paul Scott _

Custom paper sizes?

2004-11-14 Thread Benjamin Esham
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 How do I manually set the height and width of the paper I'm printing/ outputting to? I tried to set [hv]size in the \layout block, but nothing seemed to change. I also tried to manually edit paper.scm by adding another line like ("handheld" . (con

Switching paper sizes -- fixed

2004-06-16 Thread TS Sunhede Fulk
I little trip to "man" gave me the solution ("man dvips"). If anyone else has a problem with the paper size switching to U.S. letter, dvips is set to U.S. letter by default. You have to type "dvips -t a4 -Ppdf -u +lilypond filename" to get a proper a4 .pdf file. Ted S. Sunhede Fulk

Re: How to create smaller paper sizes

2002-09-01 Thread Laurie Savage
Mats, Thanks - I think I'll be using a guillotine and guesswork! Laurie On Fri, 30 Aug 2002, Mats Bengtsson wrote: > It turns out that ly2dvi makes its own interpretation of the > pagesize paper variable, so you have to add some line in > ly2dvi as well. Unless you use ly2dvi -P, you will ge

Re: How to create smaller paper sizes

2002-08-30 Thread Mats Bengtsson
It turns out that ly2dvi makes its own interpretation of the pagesize paper variable, so you have to add some line in ly2dvi as well. Unless you use ly2dvi -P, you will get another surprise when you call dvips, since it uses its default page size even if you have specified some other page size

Re: How to create smaller paper sizes

2002-08-28 Thread Laurie Savage
On Wed, 28 Aug 2002, Mats Bengtsson wrote: > > I am transcribing some music for a marching band and need to set it on > > A5(landscape). I created a file based on with altered height and > > width and used referred to that in my scores but the music was printed on > > A4(portrait) >

Re: How to create smaller paper sizes

2002-08-28 Thread Mats Bengtsson
> I am transcribing some music for a marching band and need to set it on > A5(landscape). I created a file based on with altered height and > width and used referred to that in my scores but the music was printed on > A4(portrait) Did you follow the instructions at

How to create smaller paper sizes

2002-08-28 Thread Laurie Savage
I am transcribing some music for a marching band and need to set it on A5(landscape). I created a file based on with altered height and width and used referred to that in my scores but the music was printed on A4(portrait) Laurie Savage _