Dear Mark,
unfortunately not.
I tried it, but without success.
2010/10/3 Mark Polesky
> [off-list]
> Stefan Thomas wrote:
> > Dear Mark,
> > thanks for Your reply.
> > Your example seems to work fine also with my version of lilypond.
> Stefan,
> Were you able to extract the desired feature f
Dear Mark,
thanks for Your reply.
Your example seems to work fine also with my version of lilypond.
2010/10/1 Mark Polesky
> Stefan Thomas wrote:
> > Dear community,
> > has someone created a function, that could make
> > automatically an exact intervallic inversion, like
Stefan Thomas wrote:
> Dear community,
> has someone created a function, that could make
> automatically an exact intervallic inversion, like in the
> following example?
> \version "2.12.2"
> original = { g4 gis a bes g1 }
> inversion = { g4 ges f e g1 }
Dear community,
has someone created a function, that could make autumaticalli an exact
intervallig inversion, like in the following example?
\version "2.12.2"
original = { g4 gis a bes g1 }
inversion = { g4 ges f e g1 }
\new Staff { \clef bass \original \inversion }