Stefan Thomas wrote:
> Dear community,
> has someone created a function, that could make
> automatically an exact intervallic inversion, like in the
> following example?
> \version "2.12.2"
> original = { g4 gis a bes g1 }
> inversion = { g4 ges f e g1 }
> \new Staff { \clef bass \original \inversion }

Sort of.

This is part of an experiment I was working on (to generate
Webern's op.27 algorithmically), but I haven't touched it in
a while.  Take a look at it, see if you can work with it,
and feel free to ask me any questions.  The functionality
you want should be extractable from this file one way or
another, but I'm not sure it will be obvious.

- Mark


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